Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter Ten

Buffy walks down the stairs with Liam. Angel follows.

Angel: Buffy, I am not sure about this. I don’t like the idea of her getting that close to him.

Buffy: You have a better idea? If I can convince them they are after the wrong kid, I may be able to get them to leave. I can not spend the rest of my life with lunatic lawyers plotting to kidnap our son.

Angel: I agree, but I just wish there was a better way.

Buffy: She has to know there is no tricks.

Angel: Okay fine, just be very careful.

Buffy: I will.

Angel: I mean it, don’t under estimate them.

Buffy: I won’t, I promise. Now I have to go.

Angel: I love you.

Buffy: I love you too. Oh and honey…

Angel: What now?

Buffy: While you are in the basement, feed the hostage, oh and could you possibly start some laundry.

Angel: Anything else boss?

Buffy: No, I think that should keep you busy. Now wish me luck.

Angel: Always ( he kisses her good bye)

Tara lowers the barrier and everyone leaves. They decide to leave it down since Liam is not home. Buffy puts Liam in his car seat and heads down the street. She stops beside the car parked beside the surveillance van. Lila rolls down her window and looks out.

Buffy: Lila get in

Lila: What?

Buffy: Get in now, you are coming with me…Alone!

Lila: Where?

Buffy: Just get in and find out, I won’t hurt you. You want answers, let’s get some.

Lila gets into Angel’s car, she looks back at her car.

Buffy: They follow us and someone will get hurt.

Lila waves them back. Buffy drives to the hospital. She gets Liam and they walk inside. Buffy heads to the lab.

Buffy: Hi, I called earlier about DNA testing.

Lab Guy: Yes, what exactly you need.

Buffy: My name is Buffy and this is my son Liam. And this lady here works for a law firm in LA that has some lame idea that I have another woman’s child and well I am here to get proof, so they will leave us alone.

Lab Guy: Never heard that reason before but okay.

Buffy: I want you to send the test to whatever lab you normally use but if Miss Morgan wants a second test done at a lab of her choice that is fine. They are paying for it all any way. Just have the results sent to my house and to her firm.

Lila: What?

Buffy: Lila, I am going to prove once and for all whose child this is.

Lila: Fine. But I definitely want the second test.

Lab Guy: Just fill out this paper and I will get the samples.

After he gets the samples, Buffy goes to leave.

Lila: Buffy if the baby is not Darla’s why is Angel at you house?

Buffy: Because I invited him.

Lila: Are you two together?

Buffy: What are you asking? Are we sleeping together?

Lila: Uh well yes.

Buffy: Not that it is any of your business but yes, we are sleeping together. Now I have to go.

Lila: What about me?

Buffy: I think you can get your own ride. I hope this is the last time I see you.

Buffy goes to the county records office.

Buffy: Hello, I am here to pick up…..Owen?

Owen: To pick me up?

Buffy: No, Owen is it really you?

Owen: Buffy? My goodness it has been forever.

Buffy: Yes it has, I thought you moved away.

Owen: I did but I came back. How have you been? ( he nods to Liam). Yours?

Buffy: Yes, that is why I am here, to pick up copies of his birth certificate.

Owen: Oh, sure. The name?

Buffy: Liam Alexander Summers

Owen: Yes here they are. He looks at the certificates. Angel Summers. Don’t’ think I know him.

Buffy: Oh he did not go to school with us. He is older. Hey I think you did meet him though. Remember when we went on our one and only date?

Owen: How could I forget that? Not often I almost get killed by a psycho at a funeral home.

Buffy: Well remember before we went to the funeral home……at the Bronze?

Owen: A little.

Buffy: Well Angel was there for a few minutes.

Owen: Hmmmm…..oh the guy you worked with…..him?

Buffy: Him, well ended doing more than work as you can see.

Owen: You are married with a baby.

Buffy: Well not exactly. Other reason I am here, to pick up my marriage license application.

Owen finds the application and looks at it too.

Owen: Marrying a guy with the same last name? A distant relation?

Buffy: Hardly. He just had it changed. Never got along with his family and changed it so he and Liam could have my last name.

Owen: Must be a very secure man to take the woman’s name. He must love you a lot.

Buffy: It is extremely mutual. Well have to go, Liam has a doctors appointment. Nice to see you gain.

Owen: Same here. Bye

Buffy arrives home after the pediatrician appointment. Tara is there and meets her on the porch.

Buffy: Tara is something wrong, I thought you had class.

Tara: I had a study group but I canceled. I could not tolerate the idea of Liam being here alone with Angel and no protection spell. He couldn’t actually take off out the door to chase a bad guy.

Buffy: True but I really hated to ask but thank you so much for coming.

Tara: You once said we were family, so this is what families do.

Buffy gives her a hug.

Buffy: Yes it is.

The front door opens and Angel is standing in the doorway.

Angel: Are going to come in cause I can not come out there.

Buffy: Sure I am, did you miss me or something?

Angel: I missed both of you.

She hands him the baby.

Buffy: Well you can stop missing Liam, but I am heading back out. We need groceries.

Angel: Okay, as long as you leave by boy. I guess it went okay with Lila.

Buffy: We took the test, lets hope they wait for the results. And when they see them, they should believe that I and not Darla had this baby.

Angel: We can hope.

Buffy: Oh yeah, Lila wanted to know if we were sleeping together.

Angel: And what did you tell her?

Buffy: The truth, we are.

Angel snickers.

Angel: Well technically. And how did the doctor’s visit go

Buffy: The doctor said he was perfectly healthy. Here is a copy of his checkup report and the birth certificates and license. Honey I need to get going.

Angel: Buffy, could you uh

Buffy: I know, on my list.

Buffy leaves and the barrier is raised.

Down the street, Lila and Gavin are in the car arguing.

Gavin: She is feeding you some crap about it being a different baby and you buy it.

Lila: Hey it could be. He could be using her and her baby to get our attention while Darla and her baby head to Europe or somewhere.

Gavin: Well then explain this. (He hands her a piece of paper)

Lila: What is this? A birth certificate? For her baby? Hey it list the father as Angel. Since when is his last name Summers?

Gavin: Exactly, Either we have a very fertile vampire or they are trying push Darla out of the picture. Wonder if the slayer actually might have slayed her.

Lila: Well I am not sure, but I can’t wait to see those test results.

Gavin: No chance that they could have pulled a fast one.

Lila: No way. I watched the guy take samples and then I myself shipped them to the lab. They were never out of my sight. No switch was made. Plus I told our lab to tell me if the mothers sample was from a living human, just in case they tried somehow to slip in a tissue sample from Darla. Our guys said they could tell if the tissue sample was human or vampire.

Gavin: Well I am not going to wait. We take the baby, we take him tonight.

Lila: Are you sure you want to try? They seem to have a lot of protection.

Gavin: Well if the Angel and the slayer leave like last night, all we have to deal with is her sister, the red head and the witch.

Lila: And the barrier?

Gavin: We enter when it goes down for them to leave. We slip in the back.

Lila: And when it goes back up our guys are trapped inside, smart plan.

Gavin: It won’t go back up, we will take out the witch first. By the time they realize what has happened we will be out of there.

Lila: Wish you luck but knowing Angel, it won’t be that easy. Don’t’ underestimate him. He has more tricks up his sleeves than we will ever know.

Gavin: You worry too much.

Lila: You don’t worry enough. Just want to go on the record…….I think you are making a big mistake.

Gavin: Noted, so when I deliver the baby to the senior partners, I will get all the credit.

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