Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 131


Buffy rolls over as the common wake up call beckons her. She slips out of bed and into the adjoining room. Picking up the crying infant, she settles on the nearby bed to nurse. As she relaxes and smiles down at the downy head, she hears the rustling of sheets from the other porta-crib. Soon the sleepy face peers at her over the railing.

Connor: Mama

He jerks at the side of the crib.

Buffy: Shhh, honey. Mommy will get you as soon as sissy eats.

Connor: Mama.

Buffy: Hush, baby. You will wake daddy.

She startles at the sound of a voice behind her.

Angel: Daddy is already awake.

He saunters into the room and scoops up the wiggly toddler.

Buffy: Thought you were asleep.

Angel: My heat source left me.

Buffy: Sorry.

Angel: Don’t be. I love getting up and having a real reason like this.

He lays the toddler on the empty bed and quickly changes him.

Angel: Let’s go get breakfast tiger. Tell Mommy bye-bye.

He lifts the child and moves out into the hallway.




Connor sits in the high chair playing with his Cheerios. Anya walks in and glances at the muscular bare back at the stove.

Anya: Well hi there. Nice tattoo.

Angel turns around and smiles.

Angel: Morning.

Anya: What ya doing?

Angel: Figured I would fix breakfast.

She walks up and looks at the pan of frying sausage and back at him

Anya: Buffy is a lucky woman.

Angel: I like cooking.

Anya: Oh yeah that too.

Angel picks up the nearby box of Bisquick and reads the back.

Anya: I guess I can make the coffee.

Angel: Thanks.

She pulls out the coffee maker, as Buffy walks in.

Buffy: Hey you may want these.

She hands him a t-shirt and socks.

Angel: Thanks

He slips the shirt over his head and sits down to pull on the socks.

Anya: He has a nice body.

Buffy: I know.

Angel stands up and starts measuring the mixture.

Angel: Honey, I will need milk and eggs.

Buffy opens the refrigerator and hands him a carton of eggs.

Buffy: We only bought enough fresh milk for Connor. The rest of us will have to make due on canned or powdered but I can mix some up.

She pulls out a pitcher and the box of power. Xander wanders in and looks around.

Buffy: Hey Xand.

Xander: Do you folks need help?

Buffy: I guess you could get the plates and forks out. And find the Tang.

Xander: Gotcha.

Buffy: Oh and the syrup.

Xander: Gotcha.

By the time the others begin crawling out of bed, the Summers/Harris team have breakfast on the table.

Cordy: Now this is a vacation. Place even comes with it’s own kitchen staff.

Xander: Just means we don’t have to do clean up.

Fred: That’s okay, I don’t mind cleaning.

Gunn: I just love waking up to a hot breakfast.

Buffy: Well let’s eat up. Sunrise is at eleven and was hoping to get outside before then.

Angel: Buffy, don’t push.

Buffy: I’m not. I am just wanting to get out there and enjoy myself. Besides I can’t wait to see what you look like with a faceful of snow.

Angel grabs her and pulls her against his chest. He looks down at her menacingly.

Angel: I think it will be your face my dear.

Buffy: We will have to see won’t we.

Willow: Calm down guys. Save the energy for the real battle.

Gunn: So is this going to be a free for all or we going to do teams.

Cordy: I say teams.

Fred: I agree.

Willow: Well I am staying inside with the kids where it is warm and dry.

Buffy: You sure Will?

Willow: Positive. I’ll go out later.

Buffy: If you are sure.

Cordy: So how we doing the teams? Sunnydale verses LA?

Willow: I think you should pick teams.

Gunn: And what if the two superheroes get on the same team?

Willow: They can’t if they are the captains.

Buffy: Hey does that mean we get to pick the teams?

Gunn: Works for me.

Willow: Who all is in?

Cordy: I guess we all are?

Buffy: Giles? How about you? It will even up the teams.

Giles: Oh, I’m in.

Buffy: Cool. So Angel you want to pick?

Angel: Ladies first.

Buffy looks around at the room.

Buffy: I hate this. It means someone will be last.

Fred: So. Does not mean they are the worst.

Buffy: Okay. I pick Gunn.

Gunn: In with the slayer. I am liking the idea of helping you pelt your old man.

Angel: Well I take Oz.

Buffy nods.

Buffy: Xander.

Angel: Wesley.

Buffy looks at the last two men. She knows there is no way Angel will pick Pike.

Buffy: Giles.

Angel: Cordy.

Cordy smiles since she was picked before Pike.

Buffy: Pike.

Angel does not want Pike near Dawn.

Angel: Dawn.

Buffy quickly realizes most the couples have been divided and decides to make it complete.

Buffy: Fred.

Angel: Anya.

Willow: Perfect.

Wesley: A guess we need to get dressed and meet on the field of battle in say fifteen minutes.

Everyone nods and heads to their rooms.



The teams stomp around in the cold while Oz and Angel hook up the spotlights.

Buffy: Okay each team takes one side of the yard.

The area is quickly illuminated in bright light.

Angel: How’s that?

Buffy: Perfect.

Angel jumps off the roof and joins the others.

Angel: So madam how does this go? Do you want to give in now or after your humiliation?

Buffy: We will see who gets humiliated.

Cordy: So what does the winner get?

Buffy: Not sure.

Anya suddenly squeals as a snowball crashes into her back. Everyone turns to see a grinning Xander.

Xander: Couldn’t resist.

Buffy: We will decide the prize later. Let’s just do this.

She moves to the right side of the yard and her team follows. Angel and his group move to the left.

Angel: You got ten minutes to get ready.

Buffy: Fine.

The teams begin building long berms for protection and stockpiling snowballs. Buffy leans over to add more snow to the top of a barrier when she is hit by a well aimed snowball. She brushes the snow from her bottom and turns to look at the offender.

Angel: Times up.

She dives behind the crude snow wall and gathers her own ammo. She waits patiently as the teams begin barraging each other with various levels of accuracy. Buffy digs a small hole into the mound in front of her. She watches intently as Angel deftly avoids being hit while connecting with exceptional accuracy. She watches as he hits Xander and Pike almost simultaneously.

Buffy (w): Fred.

The brunette drops beside her. They begin whispering together.

Buffy : Listen, I need unlimited ammo can you help.

Fred: You bet ya.

Buffy: I am ready to take him down.

Fred: Knew you were waiting for the right time.

Buffy: He is getting too cocky out there. Time to bring him down a few notches.

Fred follows Buffy as she shimmies to the end of the barricade. As she digs in and prepares, Fred begins stockpiling snowballs. The guys pretend to ignore the activity and not let on to her plot.

Angel keeps looking around for his wife. He knows she is up to something. He is kept busy by the four men on her team and their futile attempts to hit him. He notices Giles rise from behind the spot where he last knew Buffy was. Now he becomes more cautious. His eyes darting along the length of their wall. His senses go on alert as he becomes paranoid about her plans. He is distracted by her continued absence that he does not see the snowball until it is breaking against his ear. The cold ice slipping into his collar. He glances at the direction it came from and sees the laughing face of Xander. He scoops up a handful of snow in retaliation. Xander dives behind the berm as the snow begins flying in lightening speed. Angel is consumed with vengeance, he misses the flash of movement near the end of the opposing fortress until he is bombarded with flying ice. He turns toward the offender but is blinded by the snow in his face. He growls and moves to retaliate.

Buffy’s team takes advantage of Angel’s new distraction to begin pummeling the others with a barrage of snow and ice. Fred continues to make sure Buffy is well supplied as Angel tries to scoop up his own ammunition. His attempts at reprisal are unsuccessful under the onslaught of never ending volleys. He soon ducks behind the low wall and tries to recover his dignity.

Cordy: You okay?

Angel: Yes. But she will pay.

Anya: I can see that. What are you going to do cower back here until she gets bored.

Angel: Don’t worry about it.

He pops his head up to look at her location and is hit from the opposing end. He ducks back down.

Angel: Damn her.

Wesley: Angel, man we could use your help here.

Oz: We’re getting our butts kicked.

Angel: I see that.

He gathers a snowball in each hand and raises up. He glances along the opposing perimeter and sees a flash of tan. He smiles at the site of Buffy’s jacket. He watches intently at the location for her to rise again until he is again besieged by rapid fire. He turns in time to see the flash of blonde hair and bright blue. He drops back down.

Cordy: What happened?

Angel: Looks like she changed coats.

Dawn: Sounds like my sister. Always the strategist.

Angel: Lets just do this. On the count of three. All out

Wesley: You sure?

Angel: No. But this is not working either.

He quickly counts to three and his team raises up and throws toward the opposing side. No movement is seen from across the way. They stop and wait for the enemy to retaliate. Suddenly Angel feels an impact from behind against his head..

Buffy: Hey Peaches, you need to guard your rear at all times.

Buffy’s team step from the surrounding tree line and bombards the enemy cruelly. Cordy and Dawn both scream under the attack.




Buffy and her team enter the lodge and collapse on the sofas and chairs.

Willow: I am guessing you lost.

Buffy smiles as Angel and his compatriots enter. Angel walks over and kneels in front of her. He begins easing off her wet boots. Cordy starts helping Gunn with his. Anya follows before Xander. Wesley assists Fred.

Giles glances at Oz then Willow.

Giles: Willow, darling why don’t you take my winnings. I am going to take a hot shower.

He levers himself from the chair and moves toward the bedrooms.

Oz takes Willow’s hand and helps her into a chair.

Oz: Why don’t I make you a cup of tea or cocoa.

Buffy: Cocoa. Did I hear cocoa?

Angel: You want cocoa?

Buffy: I think we all do.

Fred: With marshmallows?

Oz: I‘ll start the water.

He moves to the kitchen.

Buffy: I have to say I like winning.

Cordy: Most winners do.



Later that night.

The kitchen is clean and everyone settles into the living room. They all just relax staring into the blazing fire.

Fred: So anybody want to play cards or something?

Cordy looks around the group and smiles.

Cordy: I have a better idea.

Willow: Do I want to ask?

Cordy: How about a little Truth or Dare?

Xander: Aren’t we a little old for that? What’s next? Spin the Bottle?

Cordy: I’m serious. We don’t have to do the dare part, we can just do something else as the alternative.

Willow: Like what?

Fred: How about an extra chore around here?

Cordy: That will work.

Dawn: I’m not playing. Buffy, where is the TV? I’d much rather play X-Box.

Buffy: I’ve not seen one.

Wesley: It is in the hallway. She can take it to her room and play.

Dawn: Uh, well I was going to ask Pike to play.

Buffy: No bedroom.

Giles: Why don’t they take it in my room? I was going to lie down and read. They won’t bother me.

Buffy: You sure.

Giles: It will be fine.

Dawn: Yes! Thank you. Pike?

Dawn runs to her bedroom for the video game as Giles and Pike go down the opposite hallway.

Cordelia: Now that we got rid of the kiddy and gramps contingent.

Buffy: Don’t let them hear you talk like that.

Willow: Definitely not a good idea.

Fred: So are we going to play?

Everyone cautiously nods.

Cordy: Now remember if you refuse to answer you have to take on an additional chore of the group’s choice.

Buffy: Well Cordy, since this is you bright idea, why don’t you go first.

Cordy: Fine.

She glances around the room. Her eyes land on Xander and he squirms nervously. She move on around the room.

Buffy: Anytime.

Cordy: Fine. Buffy. You have had a number of lovers.

Buffy: I wouldn’t say a number. A few maybe.

Cordy: Fine. A few lovers. So truth. Which one was the most well endowed?

Buffy: You really want to ask that?

Cordy: Uh huh.

Buffy: Easy one. Angel by far. No contest.

Angel looks down at his fingers as if they contain the answers to the destiny of the universe.

Cordy: You being truthful.

Buffy: I’m not going to have him whip it out to prove it.

Cordy: Fine. Your turn.

Buffy looks around the room.

Buffy: I hope I don’t regret this but Anya.

Anya: Oh lord.

Buffy: What first attracted you to Xander?

Anya: His ass, he has a really nice ass. I was walking down the hall and it was well there looking all plump and male.

Buffy: I pass to you.

Anya: Oz.

Oz glances up at her and swallows.

Anya: You’re in a band. Well is it true that there is sex every night with a different girl?

Oz: Not me.

Anya: But the other guys?

Oz: Just Devon. But he is not very picky.

Willow burst out laughing. Buffy squeezes Angel’s hand to stop her own mirth. Cordy cuts her eyes in anger. Oz ask his question and the game continues. Cordy sits back actually hoping to be chosen again. Her head flies up when she hears Willow call her name.

Willow: So Cordy. This question is perfect for you.

Cordy: What?

Willow: Since I know you have tried out most of them here. Other than Gunn, which male here is the best kisser.

Cordy looks at her in shock. Angel, Wesley and Xander each look at their wives.

Oz: I never.

Willow: I know, but you are the only one.

Cordy: I can’t answer that.

Willow: Then you take the chore?

Cordy: No.

Willow: Come on you started this.

Cordy: Fine. So between Angel, Xander, and Wesley, huh?

Willow: Yep.

Cordy: Sorry Wes, but you know it was well…..

Wes: A fiasco. I know.

Cordy: And well Angel was not even kissing back so I have to say Xander.

Anya: Well you can forget any more.

Cordy: My turn again.

She looks slowly around as if trying to decide. Her eyes glance from Fred to Wes and back.

Cordy: Fred.

Fred: Uh huh?

Cordy: What is your biggest secret?

Fred looks down at her feet and then to Wesley.

Wesley: I think this game is getting old.

Cordy: Come on Wes.

Buffy glances from Fred to Wes and frowns.

Buffy: Fred, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want. Just take the chore.

Fred: I know.

Wes: We’ll be right back.

She glances at Wes again and smiles shyly. He stands up and takes her hand. He pulls her to her feet and they walk down the hall

Anya: Must be some secret.

Cordy: Must be.

Buffy looks at the satisfied expression on Cordy’s face.

Buffy: It’s getting late and we all had a busy day. What say we head to bed?

Angel: I agree.

Cordy: But Wes and Fred.

Buffy: If they have a secret then let them.

Everyone begins moving toward the bedrooms. Fred and Wes stop Xander and Anya as they leave.

Wes: Can everyone hold on a second?

Buffy: Wes, it is okay. You don’t have to.

Wes: I know we don’t but we have kept it to ourselves way too long. Been waiting for the right time and well it never has been.

Angel: Wes, this is not necessary. It was suppose to be a game.

Wes: I know but everyone is here. Everyone we care about except Lorne and I think he would understand.

Fred: And well we can tell our parents later. Not like anyone here is going to call them before we get back.

Cordy: Well spill already.

Buffy glares at her.

Wes: Do you all recall when we were tracking Riley and Harmony?

Gunn: Cordy and I stayed in LA.

Wes: Precisely. Well we all sort of spread out and checked around the area near the hotel.

They all stand waiting for him to continue.

Wes: Well while we were out Fred and I stumbled into a place.

Fred: Literally. Leaned against what we thought was a wall and it was really a door and well fell in.

Wes: Needless to say we were very embarrassed.

Fred: But not for long. We actually took it as some sort of a cosmic sign and well….

Everyone’s curiosity expands as they wait.

Anya: Well?

Wes: Well the place was well it was a wedding chapel and well we got married.

Buffy: Oh my lord. But that was in late May.

Wes: I know, we planned on telling everyone when we got back but so much happened afterwards.

Angel steps forward and offers his hand.

Angel: Congratulations.

He shakes Wes’s hand and turns and hugs Fred. Buffy hugs them both followed by the others. Dawn and Pike walk in.

Dawn: What is going on?

Buffy: Dawn, Wes and Fred just were sharing some news.

Dawn: What? Are they getting married?

Fred: Not quite.

Wes: We already are.

Dawn: Really? Wow.

© 2005 Tara