Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 61


Buffy: Just spit it out.

Giles: Alright fine then. I need to know if it is possible that you might of well cheated on Angel.

Buffy: What? What are you talking about?

Giles: Uh well have you perhaps had an affair?

Buffy: No. Why would you even ask something like that? Much less think it?

Giles: Uh well I just thought it might explain something. So you have not been with anyone. Then I am confused.

Buffy: Giles, the only man I would think of ever making love to is Angel and you know that. So what is going on?

Giles: Well, since I know that you and Angel are not well doing that, I hope you can help me understand the how come the council was just given your names as the parents of the next slayer.

Buffy: What are you talking about?

Giles: The seer just gave the council the names of the parents of the next slayer to be born and the names are Angel and Buffy Summers. So unless you have had some immaculate conception, I would like to know how this could be.

Buffy: Giles, is this some kind of sick joke?

Giles: I highly wish it were.

Buffy: But I can’t be. Vampires can’t. This can’t be true.

Giles: Buffy, I suddenly feel like I am missing a puzzle piece here. Are you telling me that you and Angel are able to?

Buffy: Once, just once, well more than once, but all in one 24 hour period. But he can’t. Giles?

Giles: I am assuming from your little ramble that you guys have had sex and am I wrong to assume it was about three months ago.

Buffy: Uh yes, it was. But how?

Giles: The council is informed of the pending birth through a seer as the mother enters the second trimester.

Buffy: I am so confused.

Giles: Buffy, so it could be true?

Buffy: Oh I don’t know. Can I call you back later? I need to think.

Giles: Buffy.

Buffy: I will call you back.

Giles: Okay. Bye then.

Buffy: Bye.

Hang up.


Fred: Buffy, are you okay? Let me get Angel.

Buffy: No. Please don’t. I can’t talk to him yet.

Fred: Buffy, can I help?

Buffy: Uh I am not sure. Not sure what to do really.

Fred: What is wrong? Did someone die or something?

Buffy: No. Fred, I need to talk to someone but I don’t want Angel to know just yet, not till I am sure.

Fred: Sure I guess, but if it is bad he can help.

Buffy: Not till I know for sure.

Fred: Okay, I think I understand.

Buffy: Fred, I think I know what might be wrong with me.

Fred: Is it well is it fatal?

Buffy: No, Fred. Actually I think I may be pregnant.

Fred: What, but uh how? Cordy said Angel can’t well you would know.

Buffy: And I know we did. But now I need to find out if we uh did.

Fred: Well, can’t you take one of those tests.

Buffy: Yes, but I will never get out of here without being tracked down by a overprotective vampire.

Fred: I can go to the store and get it. We can do this before you tell him.

Buffy: Please. Like now.

Fred: Sure, I will be right back.

Fred leaves. Buffy sits in the office in thought until she is discovered by the Cordy, Gunn, and Angel holding a sleeping Conner.

Angel: Buffy.

Buffy: Uh, hi. I am doing nothing, Just sitting. See I am being good.

Angel: I see that. Now where is Fred?

Buffy: She had to run to the store or something. You need her?

Angel: No. I am going to go take a shower. Are you going to stay down here or come up with me?

Buffy: I am waiting for Fred. I need to talk to her. Do I have your permission?

Angel: Please stop being like that. Sit, wait for Fred.

While Angel is still upstairs, Fred returns.

Buffy: Get it?

Fred: Uh huh.

Cordy looks up for the computer.

Cordy: What are you two up to?

Buffy: Nothing. Fred just ran to the store for me. I knew Angel wouldn’t want me to go.

Cordy: Oh, what did you need?

Buffy: Uh nothing that important.

Cordy: Oh. Okay.

Fred: Buffy?

Buffy: Later.

Angel comes down. He walks over and kisses Buffy on the cheek.

Buffy: You smell good.

Angel: Am I to assume I am no longer in the dog house?

Buffy: Maybe.

Angel: Hi Fred. Uh where is Wesley and Gunn?

Cordy: Gunn is back downstairs working on that darn flip thing.

Fred: And Wesley went to get dinner.

Wesley walks in at that moment They scatter about the office with the meal.

The phone rings.

Cordy: Angel Investigations. ……..sure Lorne……..yeah I will tell them……..don’t worry.

Hang up.

Cordy: Angel, Lorne has some problems at the new club sight. Some of the workers are starting trouble. He asked if he could borrow a little muscle.

Angel: Sure. Gunn? Wesley?

Gunn: I’m in.

Wes: Let’s go.

Buffy: Bye.

Angel: What no demand to come?

Buffy: No, it wouldn’t get me anywhere.

Angel: True. Glad you finally realize you are on vacation.

He kisses her gently.

Angel: Be back soon.

Buffy: Be careful.

The men leave.

Buffy: Yes!!

Cordy: What is up with you?

Buffy: I just needed Angel to leave for a little while. Fred?

Fred: Here.

Fred hands her a brown paper bag and Buffy heads to the restroom.

Cordy: What is going on? Fred?

Fred: Ask Buffy.

Cordy: I will when she gets back out here.

Fred and Cordy continue to eat their dinner. Buffy wanders in after a while.

Fred: Buffy?

Buffy: Uh huh

Fred: Buffy?

Buffy: It is positive.

Fred: Oh my god. Are you sure?

Cordy: What are you two talking about?

Fred looks at Buffy.

Buffy: Go ahead.

Fred: Buffy is pregnant.

Cordy: What? How? Who?

Buffy give her a dirty look.

Cordy: What? We know it isn’t Angel.

Buffy: Can’t be anyone else.

Cordy: You are serious. But how? I guess I know when.

Buffy: I have no idea how. Fred do you think these things are accurate?

Fred: I guess, but anything like that is subject to human error.

Buffy: So it could be wrong.

Cordy: You should go to a doctor and have them do a test.

Buffy: You’re right. I am not telling Angel until I have a doctor confirm this. Uh I need to get rid of this thing.

Cordy: Take it out back to the trash cans.

Buffy: Good idea.


Later that evening the men return. The are walking toward the hotel.

Angel: Uh guys, I just something move in the alley.

Wesley: What?

Angel: Not sure. You two go that way, I will go this way. Meet you in the back.

Gunn: It was probably just a shadow.

Angel looks at him.

Gunn: Or maybe not.

The three men circle the building. As they reach the back they discover four vampires.

Angel: Hello there. And why would you be back here. You can’t get in. So what gives.

Vampire: We heard the baby is back. We will get him.

Angel: Not going to happen.

The three demon fighters take on the four demons. The battle rages through the back alley until the only vampire left standing is Angel.

Gunn: I love when Conner comes for a visit.

Angel: Hey it is not his fault.

Gunn: I was kidding dude.

Wesley: Well I guess we better clean up this mess. Which one of you threw the guy into the trash cans.

Gunn: Which one of us can throw a vampire that far?

Angel: Hey, he was about to jump on Wesley.

Wesley: Alright, let’s just get this cleaned up and return to our cold congealed dinner.

The men police the area.

Wesley: Uh guys what is this.

Angel: Let me see. First Answer. Its one of those home pregnancy test.

Wesley: That is what I thought.

The three men all look toward the hotel.

Gunn: It was in our trash.

Wesley: Uh huh.

Angel: (has opened the box and removed the test) Uh guys this test is positive.

Wesley: Let me see.

Angel: Just compare it to the back of the box.

Wesley and Gunn both stare at the test. The men look at the building again.

Angel: Well it looks like one of you is joining me on diaper duty.

Wesley and Gunn look at one another, then at Angel.

Angel: Hey we know it isn’t me.

Wesley: True enough, so I guess I better talk to Fred.

Gunn: Fred? You and Fred? Whew, I was thinking it was Cordy.

Wesley: Cordy. Oh my lord.

Angel: I have no idea which one, but you two might want to find out.

The men enter the hotel.

Gunn and Wesley both walk up to the counter.

Gunn: Uh ladies. How are you?

Wesley: How are you?

Cordy: Uh, have you two been drinking? I thought Lorne’s place was not open yet.

Gunn: No, we are sober, but would you ladies want we can go somewhere and have a drink.

Fred: Uh no. Wesley, I thought we were going to work on the scroll.

Gunn: Cordy?

Cordy: Uh no.

Wesley leads Gunn away.

Wesley: What do you think if they get drunk they will get confessional.

Gunn: No, but a pregnant woman won’t drink.

Wesley: Oh yeah true, great idea.

Gunn: I am trying.

Cordy: What are you two up to.

Gunn: Nothing. Just talking about the Lakers.




Angel enters the room. Buffy is reading. Conner is asleep.

Angel: Hey beautiful.

Buffy: Well hello handsome.

Angel: I guess there will be another baby at the hotel.

Buffy: You know.

Angel: Yes, Gunn and Wesley are down there trying to figure out who.

Buffy covers her mouth with her hand.

Angel: You know who it is.

Buffy just stares at him.

Angel: Who is it?

Buffy looks into his eyes, still covering her mouth. He stares at her.

Angel: It isn’t Cordy or Fred?

Buffy can’t take her eyes off his to even move her head in response.

Angel: Buffy? Buffy? It can’t be. It is you?

Buffy is able to make a minimal nod and drop her hand

Angel: Are you sure?

Buffy: I have not been to a doctor yet. I was going to go tomorrow. Wanted to be sure before I told you?

Angel: Tomorrow?

Buffy: Yeah, when the doctor offices are open.

Angel: There has to be somewhere we can go now. I can’t wait till morning. Can you?

Buffy: Not really.

Angel grabs a phone book and begins making a few calls.

Angel: Okay they can see us if we get there in the next 15 minutes.

Buffy hurriedly puts on her boots. They head downstairs. They race through the lobby holding hands.

Angel: You guys can calm down I know who the test belongs to.

Gunn and Wesley just stare after the couple.

Cordy: What did he mean about the test?

Fred: Buffy’s test. She threw it away.

Cordy: What do you two know?

Gunn: Well uh, we kinda knocked over the trash and Wesley here picked it up.

Cordy: And what did he mean about you two calming down?

Gunn: Uh we just didn’t know who’s test it was.

Cordy: So you thought?

Gunn: We thought it was either you or Fred. We never even suspected Buffy. He is suppose to be sterile.

Wesley: No he isn’t. But he can’t have sex.

Cordy: Yes he can, but vampires are sterile.

Wesley: Uh, since when can he and Buffy have sex without him loosing his soul.

Cordy: Since the PTB sent him an amulet that binds his soul for 24 hours at certain times. But who cares, he is still sterile.

Wesley: What, why didn’t anyone tell me? If you had, I could have told him this could happen.

Fred: Wesley, what do you know?

© 2005 Tara