Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 34



Angel: Cordy, I need a favor.

Cordy: What? Conner is not here, so I am ruling out baby-sitting.

Angel: Well it actually has to do with Conner in a way. I want you to get a cell phone for Buffy. I will pay for it of course.

Cordy: Uh yeah, okay. Actually if I add it to the company account it should be cheaper. But why?

Angel: If she is out on patrol and Conner really gets sick, they need to be able to reach her.

Cordy: Has nothing to so with you being able to reach her?

Angel: Cordy, no. I am thinking of Conner, but now that you mention it.

Cordy: I will take care of it tomorrow.

Angel: Wesley, I forgot to ask what happened with Bill and the luggage we found.

Wesley: Bill and Lesley found a few of their things. They took that and anything else they thought they could use and we took the rest over to the Teen Shelter.

Angel: Anne’s? Great idea.

Wesley: She was pleased. Some of those kids have so little.

Fred looks up from the computer.

Fred: Hi Angel.

Angel: Evening Fred. Any luck tracing those web sites?

Fred: Not much. A lot have already closed down.

Angel: That’s good right.

Fred or it could mean that someone more powerful is shutting them down.

Angel: Fred you are ever the optimist.


Later that evening, Angel calls Buffy.

Dawn: Hello

Angel: Hi Dawn, can I speak to Buffy?

Dawn: She is not here yet?

Angel: Yet? Did she go on patrol?

Dawn: Yeah she left a few hours ago.

Angel: What time do you expect her?

Dawn: She didn’t say.

Angel: So you have no idea when to expect her. You don’t even know if she is late.

Dawn: She can take care of herself. They’ll be back soon.

Angel: They? Who went with her?

Dawn: Uh, no one.

Angel: Dawn! Who?

Dawn: Riley, he showed up and went with her.

Angel: Damn it, I am on my way.

He hangs up, grabs his coat and takes off out the door.

Dawn: Willow, we’ve got a big problem.

Willow: What?

Dawn: Angel called and I kinda let it slip that Riley was with Buffy and now he is on his way here.

Willow: Call him back and stop him.

Dawn calls and hangs up.

Dawn: Too late. He was out the door. He didn’t even tell them he was leaving.

Willow: Well we will just have to deal with him when he gets here.

Dawn: Uh can I like stay in my room.

Willow: Not on your life Miss Loose Lips.

Dawn: Didn’t think so.

Willow: Oh and you get to tell Buffy.

Dawn: Fraid of that too. So glad she has a thing about killing humans.

An hour and a half later, Buffy and Riley come in.

Willow: How did it go?

Buffy: Routine.

Dawn: Uh Buffy we have a problem.

Buffy: Conner?

Dawn: No Angel. He called and I kinda told him Riley was here and he is on his way.

Buffy: Oh shit. How long ago?

Dawn: Hour and a half.

Riley: I think I better leave.

Angel: Too late.

Buffy: Hi honey. Made good time I see.

Angel glares at her.

Angel: I am waiting.

Buffy: For what?

Angel: An explanation.

Buffy: About?

Angel: Buffy Anne Summers, you better quit with this innocent act. And you better have a damn good reason to have your ex-lover in our home. The very man who has been staking out our other home.

Buffy: I have a very good explanation. A great one as a matter of fact.

Angel: I am waiting, but I am loosing what little patience I have left.

Buffy: Honey, please calm down.

Angel: Buffy!

Buffy: Come outside. Lets talk in private. Excuse us guys.

She steers Angel outside, he takes one last look over his shoulder at Riley. Riley flinched. Buffy guides Angel on to the bench on the porch.

Angel: Well.

Buffy: There is nothing to get worked up over. I wish you would please calm down.

Angel: Stop telling me to calm down and start talking.

Buffy: Well it is simple really. Riley heard about the baby and well this is kinda funny, he thought he might be the father. (she smiles)

Angel: I am not seeing any humor.

Buffy: Well, I told him he wasn’t of course and well before I could tell him anything else he saw my wedding band and well seeing he saw yours earlier, he figured it out.

Angel: So he told you he has been spying on me.

Buffy: Yes.

Angel: And you let him around Conner?

Buffy: Actually he saw Conner before I knew he was stalking you. Someone forgot to call and tell me.

Angel: Fine, then what is he still doing here.

Buffy: I was on my way out when he showed up and well backup are always good. Plus I wanted a chance to convince him to keep his mouth shut.

Angel: And is he?

Buffy: Undecided.

Angel: Then let me help convince him.

Angel starts to get up and Buffy grabs him.

Buffy: Angel, stop, remember you get more bees with honey than with vinegar. That is I guess if you want bees.

Angel: So you want me to play nice with someone trying to take my son?

Buffy: No I want you to calm down and let me handle this.

Angel: Handle it how?

Buffy: Would you quite being so damn jealous. I don’t want Riley, you are the only man for me. I love you.

Angel: I love you but put yourself in my shoes.

Buffy: I know. Can I ask something? How come you have been home almost five minutes and you have yet to kiss me?

Angel: Kiss you? You want me to kiss you?

Buffy leans into him.

Buffy: Uh huh? Don’t you?

Angel grabs her and pulls her into a deep kiss. He actually lifts her into his lap and cradles her . One arm wrapped around her shoulders. The other hand holding onto her backside. They kiss for a few minutes.

Angel: Better?

Buffy: Much.

His eyes roam over her body.

Buffy: Uh what are you thinking about?

Angel: You don’t want to know.

Buffy: Yes I do.

Angel: I was just thinking how tight your pants are.

Buffy: What? Are you insinuating I am fat?

Angel: No way. I was just thinking that they are so tight there isn’t any room in them for anything else. Like say my hand.

Buffy gasp.

Buffy: I think I better get up

Angel holds on to her.

Angel: You are not going anywhere.

Buffy: You have got to stop that kind of thinking.

Angel: Nope, just wait for later. Wait until get you out of those jeans. I kinda prefer you in dresses.

Buffy: Nothing is happening later. No.

Angel: Oh yeah it is.

Buffy: Angel stop it. We need to stop…..

Angel pulls her into a kiss to stop her protest.

Riley walks outside.

Riley: Sorry, I am going to leave.

Angel: No you’re not. We need to talk first. Let’s go back inside.

Angel stands up still holding Buffy in his arms.

Buffy: Uh honey I have legs, I can walk.

Angel: So, I like this.

Angel signals Riley to sit on the sofa. He sits at the other end, setting Buffy beside him and wrapping his arm possessively around her waist.

Angel: We need to know what you are going to do?

Riley: About what? Conner?

Angel: Of course.

Riley: I am not sure. I don’t even know what I know.

Willow walks in with Conner.

Willow: Buffy he is hungry and I didn’t know if you wanted to feed him.

Buffy: Actually I need too. Or I will regret it.

Angel: Go ahead honey, I won’t kill him. Not while you are gone anyway.

Buffy: Behave. I will be back in a sec. Let me get him situated and I will come back.

Angel: In here?

Buffy: Yes, now atop acting weird.

Riley: What was that all about?

Angel: Nothing. Now what do you think you know?

Riley: I know that Buffy had a baby boy and your name is on the birth certificate and the DNA results say you are his father. I know that there are a number of web sights on the internet about the child of a vampire couple residing at the Hyperion Hotel. Where I gather you live.

Angel: It is not the Hyperion any more it is actually owned by Angel Investigations. It is both our office and our home. Buffy and I have a suite and one of my co-workers has another. The other’s live off-sight. We currently have a friend whose business and home were bombed staying with us. And another couple who are clients. And no they are not vampires. I am the only vampire living there.

So you see your information is flawed. And regarding Conner, he is human and

Buffy walks back in with Conner discreetly covered as he nurses. Angel looks up.

Angel: I was about to say nothing special but that would be a big lie. He is nothing but special. He is my…our life. Only child I will probably ever have. He is very special but also very normal in every way.

Buffy sits back down beside Angel.

Riley: Uh are you uh…..feeding him?

Buffy: Yes I am. Riley you can it. Breast feeding, it is not a bad word.

Riley: I just never imagine…..I don’t know you were always so….. I never saw you as well domestic.

Angel: Buffy is capable of anything. I learned that years ago. Now I want to ask you something, would you do anything to ruin this picture. Mother and son.

Buffy: Riley, please do not take my family away. I have lost too much.

Riley: My orders are to find out if the information on the internet is real. It is actually half right but then that may be enough for the big brass to order a capture and confinement. I can not stop them if they find out but I can try to keep them from finding out the truth. But I will give you no promises. They are setting up new surveillance as we speak. So you will have to keep Conner and Buffy away from there. And if you go back, be sure you will followed if you leave.

Angel: I can handle a tail. I haven’t been alive over 250 without learning how to disappear when I want.

Riley: 250 yrs? When were you born?

Angel: Born 1727, turned 1753. Buffy, do you have any questions?

Buffy: Yes, Riley, will you warn me if they pick up on anything? We need to be prepared.

Riley: Will try but no promises. Buffy I am doing this for you.

Angel: We understand that, but whatever it takes.

Riley realizes Angel is laying his claim effectively.

Riley: If we are finished, I need to leave. Need to check in.

Buffy: Night Riley.

Angel: Hope we never have need for another meeting.

Riley: Me too.

Riley leaves.

Angel: I don’t like him.

Buffy: You have said that before. Uh I need to know something. Are you staying here awhile, well now that you are here.

Angel: I didn’t’ take time to bring any clothes or actually anything but me so I guess not.

Buffy: If you had clothes here would you stay?

Angel: Why?

Buffy: Just I have bought you a few things just in case something like this happened. They are in a drawer upstairs. You have your own drawer. Couples do that, they have drawers.

Angel: My own drawer? With clothes purchased by my own wife. Sounds nice.

Buffy: I hope you like my taste. I did buy a few things that are not typical Angel but hey we all can try new things.

Angel: Am I going to look like a fool.

Buffy: Never, I am thinking sexy hunk.

Angel: Let me see.

They go upstairs and Angel explores her taste.

Buffy: Well.

Angel: Not bad. You didn’t miss a thing. Socks and underwear even.

Buffy: I wasn’t sure you would wear the blue jeans but I just thought they would look good. There are a few things in the closet too.

Angel looks.

Angel: Hmmmm. What is this miss?

Buffy: My fav, I love you in leather.

Angel: Same here. Leather makes your ass look amazing.

Buffy: On that note I am going back downstairs. Coming.

Angel: No. Is Conner going to bed soon?

Buffy: Uh, huh. Soon as he finishes eating.

Angel: Then I think I will go get a shower and change for bed. I guess I am staying for at least tonight.

Buffy: Goody.

Angel: Goody?

Buffy: Goody.

Wednesday in LA.

Wolfram and Hart.

Lila: I hear we finally found the proper frequency to override the chip.

Gavin: We sure did now we can set our plan in motion. It is time to give him our terms.

Lila: I am ready. Lets go.

Lila and Gavin enter the lab.

Gavin: Spike we hear that we have been successful.

Spike: Hell yeah, now can I get out of this joint.

Lila: Not so fast, you promised to help us first.

Spike: Sure, you want me to dust Angel, right?

Lila: No not exactly. We want your help in snatching the baby.

Spike: The baby? Oh the one with Buffy. Good luck, she has taken to that kid as if it were her own.

Lila: So it isn’t?

Spike: Hell no. She never had no kid. I know for a fact there was no way she was pregnant this past year.

Gavin: That is what I thought. But glad to hear it confirmed. So here is the deal. The transmitter that deactivates the chip has a range of about 50 miles. So you can travel anywhere in that range and do your worst. All we ask is that you give us some help on occasion.

Spike: What? Whenever you want?

Lila: We’ll pay you of course.

Spike: Now you are talking. But you say I have to stay in LA?

Gavin: That is the deal, Free roam over 50 miles and all we ask is occasional assistance.

Spike: And the first thing you want to do is snatch the brat. Is he here in LA?

Lila: No we will need to go to Sunnydale.

Spike: What do you want from me?

Gavin: I hear the slayer trust you because of the chip. Well we want you to lead her and the kid into the open so we can get him.

Spike: And you want me to take on Buffy?

Gavin: Oh no. Just get her in the open and we can hit her with a tranquilizer and get the baby. Then you can come her to LA and return to your life.

Spike: That’s it?

Lila: Thank you can do it?

Spike: Sure. When?

Gavin: Tonight. We can head to Sunnydale now and get it done.

Spike: You know they will come after him.

Lila: We know but they won’t find us until it is too late.

Spike: You are a real bitch, I like that in a woman.

That evening in Sunnydale.

Spike is outside Buffy’s house. W&H have told him that Buffy is on her way home. He is to keep her outside in the yard long enough for them to take her out and grab the kid. Buffy pulls up.

© 2005 Tara