Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter Fifteen

Saturday morning has arrived. Buffy is up early as usual. She has a million errands to complete. She leaves Liam with Willow and Dawn and heads out.

Buffy: Hey you can tell Angel he can come out to the dungeon while I am gone. Oh and Dawn close the front curtain first.

Dawn walks to the basement door.

Dawn: Angel she is gone. Should be gone for hours.

Angel comes up stairs.

Dawn: Sleep well.

Angel: Sure if I was a rat or other cellar creature.

He fixes his coffee and heads toward the living room. Then steps back into the kitchen

Angel: Guys, I think it is bit bright in there.

Dawn: Oops, I was suppose to close that. Sorry.

Dawn close the curtain and Angel walks on in.

Angel: Where is Liam?

Dawn: Willow just took him up for a bath. He missed his last night in all the excitement.

Angel: And Buffy?

Dawn: She left here with a list a mile long of things to pick up. She said she would probably be back mid afternoon. Giving her enough time to make herself beautiful for you.

Angel: Like that takes a lot of work.

Dawn: She has you so wrapped I am surprised you can breath.

Angel: I don’t breath.

Dawn: Oh yeah….good thing.

Angel: I suppose she left me a list of chores too.

Dawn: Not really. She left one for the rest of us……I think you got off the hook with the whole basement thing.

Angel: Just let me know what needs doing, I am up…….or I could……nah she probably already made it up huh?

Dawn: No she said you might want it for a few hours. And Angel there really is not all that much to do. Just setting up the table and putting up the candles and moving furniture. Xander is coming over. We can handle it if you can handle Liam.

Angel: Fine just let me eat and I will relieve Willow of Liam duty.

Hours later the house is ready. Liam and his dad are napping. The phone rings.

Dawn: Hello. Okay will do. Bye. (she hangs up) Willow that was Buffy, she should be home in about 30 minutes, just has to get the cake and she is finished. We need to move the groom back downstairs until we get everything inside and she goes up to get ready. Any volunteers to wake the undead?

Angel: I am awake. And don’t call me that.

Dawn: Sorry Angel, didn’t know you were there. You always are so quiet.

Willow: The word is stealthy

Angel: Hey I have spent hundreds of years learning to move undetected. It’s a talent.

Xander: Okay. Did Buffy say anything else?

Dawn: No just she had a car load….the flowers and all.

There is a knock on the door. Devon is delivering the sound system. While they get it set up the LA group arrives. Then Buffy.

Dawn: Angel, time to make yourself scarce.

Angel: And if I don’t.

Willow, Dawn, Fred and Cordy march toward him.

Cordy: It is bad luck, so move it.

Angel: Fine, I have too many women in my life.

Xander: I know the feeling.

Angel leaves.

Angel: Hello Holtz. Still here huh?

Holtz: When I get out of here you and your little slayer are going to die……slowly.

Angel: Whatever, I am too happy right now to be concerned with you.

Holtz: And what makes you so damn happy.

Angel: In just a few short hours I will marry the most amazing woman in the world……and I should know I have meet millions of women.

Holtz: Married? She must be crazy. A slayer marrying a vampire. Where is her watcher? No watcher would ever allow this.

Angel: Her watcher is actually the one giving her away.

At that moment Giles comes down.

Giles: Angel, Buffy has gone on up to get her shower. She said to tell you it is okay for you to come on up.

Angel: Giles, Holtz has some advice for you

Giles: Holtz has advice for me? Well what is it?

Holtz: You are the watcher?

Giles: Yes, I am. And the advice.

Angel: Holtz here believes that you should forbid the slayer from marrying a vampire.

Giles: Forbid? Forbid Buffy? Now that is not only impossible but a stupid idea. Holtz, I could not pick a better man to marry my slayer if I chose him myself. So keep your advice to yourself. Come on Angel, we need to get dressed.

Angel: Uh Giles, I am suppose to put this guy out of commission for the ceremony.

Giles: Oh yeah. I got it right here. This should keep it knocked out for about 8 hours. (He holds up a syringe.)

Angel holds him while Giles sedates him.

Angel: Giles have you come up with a solution for him yet.

Giles: I have a few ideas but they can wait….we have more pressing issues at hand.

Angel: True.

They go back up. Everyone has finished transforming the living room into a romantic setting with flowers and candles waiting to be lit.

Angel: Looks great.

Willow comes down the stairs.

Willow: Angel, the shower is all yours and your clothes are in Dawn’s room.

Angel follows her up. There is a sign on his door……Baby’s room, SHHHH. The sign on Willow’s Door reads Ladies Dressing Room. The Sign on Dawn’s Door reads Men’s Dressing Room.

Willow: Dawn’s idea so no one gets confused.

Angel: I figured as much.

Willow: Buffy asked me to give you this.

She hands him a small box. Inside is a pair of silver cuff link engraved with the initials ALS.

Angel: Tell her thank you. Oh Willow wait a second.

He goes into the baby’s room and comes out a few moments later upset.

Angel: I can’t find the rings. They were in my bag and now they are gone.

Willow: Angel, Buffy already gave the rings to Wesley and I. I should have told you

Angel: Fine, fine…..if my heart actually beat, it would have stopped is all.

Willow: It will be okay, Angel. Now you better get ready.

Later Angel is downstairs when the rest of the guests start arriving. He slips back into the shadows near the stairs and just watches all the activity. Wesley walks up.

Wesley: You okay.

Angel: Yes, I guess it is normal to have sweaty palms?

Wesley: Perfectly normal.

Angel: Good cause I never remember it happening before. I never knew my palms could sweat.

Wesley: I would tell you to take a deep breath but that won’t work for you huh?

Angel: Not exactly.

There is another knock at the door. Dawn answers it.

Dawn: Dad, you made it.

Hank: Hello honey. Looks like you have a houseful.

Dawn: Yes I think you are the last arrival.

Hank: Where is your sister?

Dawn: Upstairs getting ready. Come on she will want to see you.

Dawn leads him up. She knocks

Dawn: Buffy, Dad is here.

Buffy opens the door. She is wearing her robe, but her hair and make up are finished.

Hank: Buffy you look beautiful. Can I come in a minute?

Buffy: Sure Dad. Actually I need to tell you something.

Dawn leaves.

Hank: What is it honey?

Buffy: Dad, I know this might hurt you, but I have asked someone else to walk me down the aisle. I hope you understand.

Hank: Uh, I guess….I just assumed….well…. no it is fine honey, it is your day. I am just glad to be here with you.

Buffy: I am glad you understand, but the last few years Giles has been a big influence on my life and he has been there through all the ups and downs Angel and I have gone through.

Hank: Buffy, it is okay. Now I have a little something for you.

He hands her a long jewelry box. Inside is a fresh water pearl necklace and matching earrings.

Buffy: They are beautiful. It is perfect for today. Can you help me with the necklace, Dad?

Her father hooks the necklace and Buffy removes her earrings and puts in the new ones.

Hank: I better let you go. See you down stairs.

Buffy: Dad, you can stop in my room and see your grandson if you want.

Hank: I night just do that.

Hank goes to the room and quietly opens the door. He sees that the room is no longer set up for his little girl but for the young woman she now is. A young woman with a son. He does not miss the man’s clothing flung on the back of a chair either. He walks over and peers in the face of his grandson. The baby is awake and happy. Dawn comes in.

Dawn: Dad, I was just coming to get him.

Hank: Oh well he looks wide awake and ready for the big event.

Hank picks up his grandson and sits on the bed.

Hank: His name is Liam?

Dawn: Yes after Angel. His uh middle name.

Hank: I like it. And I assume the brown eyes come from Angel too.

Dawn: Sure do. You have never met Angel have you.

Hank: No but I guess I better. Lets go downstairs.

Dawn reaches for Liam.

Hank: I got him. I have done this before.

Dawn: Well dad I was going to change him and put on his suit.

Hank: Oh okay, sorry. Need help.

Dawn: Sure.

They get Liam all cleaned up for his parents big day. Hank carries his new grandson down stairs. Dawn introduces him to all the guest.

Hank: I think I have met everyone here but one.

Dawn: Angel? (she looks around) Oh there he is with Wesley.

Hank: Wesley?

Dawn: The best man.

Dawn leads Hank over.

Dawn: Dad this is Wesley, he works with Angel. And the one with the pensive look on his face is Angel. You probably recognized the eyes.

Hank: Nice to meet you son. I do see where Liam got the brown eyes.

Angel: Nice to meet you. We should have done it before now.

Hank: That was all my fault. I have not been much of father these last few years. But I hope to do better.

Dawn: Dad I think we are about ready. Do you want me to take the baby?

Hank: I would like to hold him if no one minds.

Angel: That is fine with me, he is your grandson and he seems to have taken to you.

Hank: he has hasn’t he.

The candles are lit throughout the room. And the other lights are extinguished. Angel and Wesley join Rev Matthews at the alter. Lorne starts to sing. Everyone else stands either toward the front of the house or near the kitchen leaving a path from the stairs to the alter.

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