Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 30


Buffy arrives at her house in Sunnydale on Saturday afternoon. Dawn comes running out of the house. She takes Conner and leaves Buffy just standing there. Willow comes out.

Buffy: Looks like at least she missed Conner.

Willow: Buffy she missed you too, just she is still excited about being an aunt.

Buffy and Willow unload the jeep.

Willow: How was the trip?

Buffy: The best. I hated leaving.

Willow: I bet you did

Buffy: Did everything go okay here?

Willow: Patrolling was pretty average.

Buffy: No new evil to deal with? Good.

Willow: Well one thing I need to tell you. Spike is missing.

Buffy: Missing? What do you mean missing?

Willow: Missing, not been seen.

Buffy: Since when?

Willow: Tuesday night Xander and Anya said he helped them with a vampire at Restfield Cemetery but since then nothing.

Buffy: Anyone been to his place?

Willow: Oh yeah. Empty.

Buffy: They he got killed? Cheated the wrong demon?

Willow: Not unless the demon fancied his wardrobe. Spike doesn’t have a lot in the way of clothes, but they are all gone.

Buffy: Everything?

Willow: All his personal stuff but the furniture and TV is still there.

Buffy: (laughs) Think he is on the lamb.

Willow: Maybe, but does not sound like Spike.

Buffy: Tell me what exactly happened Tuesday. Did they tell you?

Willow: Well they were fighting this vampire and Spike jumped in and the took it out. Spike asked why they were out alone. Where were you? And big mouth Anya said you were on vacation.

Buffy: Did she tell him where?

Willow: Xander stopped her. Oh do you think he went to LA?

Buffy: Uh huh. There was a car out front of the hotel Wednesday night. Angel could sense it was family. We just assumed Dru. But it could have been Spike.

Willow: Druscilla? Is she back?

Buffy: Yeah she showed up Tuesday night, but Angel threatened her and she left.

Willow: So the vampire could have been Dru, but now you suspect Spike?

Buffy: God help me…..or both.

Willow: Both?

Buffy: Be just like Dru to take advantage of Spike’s anger at Angel and me. I have to call Angel.

Willow: But the chip.

Buffy: Angel is not human.

Willow: Oh yeah, I forgot.

Buffy: Really, tell him that please. Make his day.

Buffy calls LA

Wesley: Angel Investigations. We help the helpless.

Buffy: I am not helpless but can I still get help?

Wesley: Buffy? I guess your got home safe.

Buffy: Sure did. Can I talk to my husband?

Wesley: You do like that word.

Buffy: Say it every chance I can. Is he available?

Wesley: Actually he is downstairs working with Cordy. Do you want me to get him?

Buffy: No, that is okay, just have him call when he is done.

Wesley: Sure will.

Buffy: Thanks, Bye.

Wesley: Bye.

They hang up.

Willow: He was busy?

Buffy: Training. Hmmmm…….I think I will do a little training myself. Mental training.

Willow: What are you up to?

Buffy: Seeing if I can reach all the way to LA.

Willow: You think you can?

Buffy: Don’t hurt trying. I know exactly where he is.

Buffy sits down and concentrates her thoughts, sending them out toward Angel. In LA Angel and Cordy are working on hand to hand to hand combat. Cordy is still working on her kicks.

Buffy: (mentally) Angel.

Angel is distracted by the thought and gets a kick to the side of his head, knocking him to the ground.

Buffy: Angel, I made it home safe.

Angel picks himself up. Cordy comes at him.

Buffy: Honey, I need you to call when you get a chance.

Cordy get another good blow. Angel leans on the corner

Cordy: Angel are you okay?

Angel: No damn it I am not. I am going to kill her.

Cordy jumps back and Angel storms up the stairs. Cordy grabs a sword and follows him. Angel reaches for the phone and realizes both lines are busy. Fred and Wesley are both on the phone.

Angel: Fred get off I need the phone.

Fred: Uhhhh okay. Gotta go into the phone and hangs up.

Wesley comes out because of the commotion. Angel grabs the phone and starts dialing.

Wesley: What is going on?

Cordy: Fred get away from him. Get over here.

Wesley: What is going on?

Cordy: I don’t know he just went psycho and said he was going to kill her.

Wesley: Who Fred? (they stop to listen to the Angel)

Angel: Hello. What the hell are you doing? …………..Yes it did, you almost got me knocked senseless……it is not funny……. I should wring your scrawny neck………I thought you promised to stop……..…yes I’m mad………no I am not going to calm down………no………lets just change the subject, what was so damn urgent………………..missing?……………it could have been but I still lean toward Dru………..together, now that is a scary thought………..yes I will keep my eyes out………..I will……………yes I am……….give me a day or two and I may calm down……………..yes I love you…………uh huh………….I’ll call tonight before patrol…………..bye sweetheart. Love you.

Angel hangs up.

Cordy: What the hell was that?

Angel: Uh nothing just Buffy being Buffy.

Cordy: What did she do? I thought you had gone mad.

Angel looks at the sword in her hand.

Angel: And your solution was a beheading?

Cordy: If necessary.

Angel: Glad to hear it.

Fred: Huh?

Wesley: If Angel ever reverts to his demonic state we have all promised to kill him.

Fred: Oh.

Angel: And Cordy and Wesley have proven more than once they are prepared to do what is necessary. Fred I hope I can trust you to do the same. I need to know those around me are ready to kill me. Are you?

Fred: Uh, I guess.

Angel: Not guess, I need a promise. If I lose may soul, I want you to promise to kill me. I can only trust those who are prepared to dust me.

Gunn (walking in): Count me in. I will dust you in a heartbeat, if you go all evil.

Angel: Thanks Gunn, knew I could count on you. Fred?

Fred: I promise.

Angel: Good, now Cordy wanna complete the session.

Cordy: Not till you tell me why you went psycho.

Angel: No.

Cordy: What?

Angel: No. I am not telling you. It is between me and my wife.

Wesley: Oh yeah, she called.

Angel: I got that and you told her where I was.

Wesley: Yes, problem.

Angel: No, no problem. Cordy are we training or are we finished.

Cordy: Fine lets go.

They head to the basement.

Cordy: Still not going to tell me?

Angel: No.

In Sunnydale.

Willow: Did you tell Angel about Spike?

Buffy: Yes

Dawn walks in with Conner.

Dawn: Looks like someone needs changing.

Buffy: Oh, only want to be the aunt when he has a clean diaper.

Dawn: Uh, huh. Advantage of being an aunt over a mom.

Buffy: Give him here. I don’t mind, beats not having him at all.

Willow: You are so much happier since he came into your life.

Buffy: That I am that. I guess this is why I came back form heaven.

Willow cringes.

Buffy: Willow, I didn’t say that to upset you, I actually said that to make you feel better. If you didn’t bring me back this guy would not have a mother.

Willow: True, but I still can’t believe what I put you through.

Buffy: Its in the past, the future is what is important and my future includes one stinky diaper.

Willow laughs.

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