Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 122


Buffy and Angel continue kissing as the others bring in the bags.

Conner: Dan.

Oz walks down the stairs and looks at the family.

Conner: Dan!

Oz: Come here big guy.

He takes the boy from his father and set him on the ground. Oz immediately is tracking the moving cyclone around the lobby. Angel takes his now free arm and wraps it around her waist pulling her closer. Cordy walks by and takes the baby carrier. Buffy quickly moves her hand to his neck.

Dawn: Get a room already.

Cordy: Hush. Don’t say that.

Angel pulls back and looks around.

Buffy: Okay, shows over. Move along.

Oz: Hey guys, is he allowed to do this?

They look over at Oz trying to deter Conner from climbing the stairs.

Buffy: His new favorite past time.

She walks over and swoops him up.

Fred: Uh Buffy, why don’t I take him up and show him his room. Well unless his dad wants too.

Angel: No go ahead.

Buffy: He has his own room? Why?

Angel: It is right off ours. Go look.

Fred takes Conner and they head up the stairs. On the second floor, Buffy looks down over the railing.

Buffy: I am going to change. I hope you are ready to get your butt kicked.

Angel: Huh?

Buffy: Told you I wanted to workout with you today. I will be down in a few minutes.

She walks into their room.

Buffy: Fred?

Fred: In here.

Buffy walks over to an open doorway. She glances over the gate covering the lower half. It is set up for Conner with a crib, dresser and a shelf of toys.

Fred: Angel wanted a child proof place for Conner to play.

Buffy: Looks great. I wish he could have his own room at home. I guess it will wait until Dawn goes to college in a few years.

Fred: Well I think Cordy has Caitlin and I think Conner is okay here with me, if you two would like to spend a little alone time.

Buffy: I was so hoping you’d say that. I promised Angel I’d mop the floor with him.

Fred: Uh, that is not what I was thinking.

Buffy: I know, but we have to work off the energy the one way we can.

Fred: Oh. Then I say go beat up your husband.

Buffy: Just let me change and I will do just that.

She quickly slips out of her dress and into a t-shirt and pants. She walks down stairs. She looks over to Angel holding Caitlin as Cordy looks on.

Buffy: Has she changed any?

Angel: God yes. I see you changed too.

Buffy: Uh huh. I suggest you do the same why I feed your daughter.

Angel: You really want to do this?

Buffy: Yes already. Now move it.




Angel follows her down the basement stairs.

Angel: Buffy, I don’t….

She turns and holds one finger up.

Buffy: Hush.

Angel: But………………..

Buffy: Not another word.

She reaches the bottom and turns to face him. He moves up close. He wraps his fingers in her hair. His mouth consumes hers. His tongue forces it way into her warm recess. She relaxes slightly before wrapping her leg around his and jerking him onto his back.

Angel: What the?

Buffy: No more games.

She holds out her hand. He ignores it and stands up.

Buffy: No holding back, cause I’m not.

Angel: Let’s start slow.

Buffy: Wimp.

She punches him in the face. He rubs his jaw and looks at her. She swings and he blocks. Her follow through is also deflected. He retaliates and is stopped. She goes into complete slayer attack mode. He avoids getting hit but is weak in his retaliation. Buffy suddenly connects with a kick to his midsection sending him flying into the wall. He immediately reverts to game face.

Buffy: That’s my boy.

He charges at her. The blows and kicks fly. She is knocked to her back, but as he leans forward she grabs his arm and flips him over her head onto his own back. She quickly follows and flips over landing on his chest.

Buffy: This is too easy.

He growls and rolls her over. He pins her down with his body. She relaxes and looks up into his eyes and smiles. He returns his human visage.

Buffy: You lack real villain credibility when I can feel your hard desire pressed against me.

Angel: No the real villain is the curse right now.

Buffy: I think we better get up.

Angel: Not until you agree to stop.

Buffy: I think we have had enough for today. Now I need a shower.

He leans in and kisses her.

Angel: Was that an invitation?

Buffy: Do you want it to be?

He grinds his hips slightly.

Buffy: Okay, okay. Let me up and I will see what I can do about that.

He stands up and gives her a hand up. They head toward the stairs.

Angel: You have not lost anything over the six months.

Buffy: Told you.

They walk into the lobby.

Willow: So who won?

Buffy: No one. Well not this time.

Angel: I had you pinned.

Buffy: Only cause I let you. How is Caitlin?

Cordy: Perfect. She has been smiling and cooing.

Buffy: Yeah she is far less fussy than Conner was. Well at least when I first met him.

Angel: He was even fussier before then.

Cordy: Conner’s problem was all the threats on his life. Kinda pushed the stress meter around here.

Gunn: And then some.

Buffy: Well do you mind watching her a little longer why we catch a quick shower.

Cordy: Go. We got it.

Buffy and Angel head up to their room.

Cordy: Sure a shower. Hope it is a cold one.

Willow: Bet it’s not.




Buffy and Angel walk into their room. He quickly pulls her into his arms and begins raining kisses over her face and neck.

Conner: Mama.

They turn to see Conner looking through the gate to his room

Buffy: Hey there sweety.

She walks over and picks him up.

Angel: Fred, how is he?

Fred: He is great. We have been having so much fun. I have not played with trucks since I left Texas. Forgot how much fun it is to pretend like that. My brothers and I use to……you don’t care about that I guess.

Angel: Do you mind watching him a little longer while we shower?

Buffy: Not sure he will let us go.

Fred: Let me try. Conner, do you want play trucks?

Conner: No.

He snuggles against his mom.

Fred: Okay then, I will just put them all up.

She turns and starts picking them up. Conner looks and begins wiggling.

Conner: Dan

Buffy set him in his room and he goes over and begins taking his toys from Fred.

Buffy: Now is our last chance.

Angel slowly closes the door before taking her hand and leading her to the bathroom.

Angel: Bath or shower?

Buffy: Shower.




Wolfram & Hart.

Lilah, Linwood and Mr. Jordan sit in the conference room.

Linwood: Well we need to know what you want to do before Mr. McDonald comes in here.

Mr. Jordan: I am not paying out a dime. I want to fight this all the way.

Lilah: So no settlement. We got it, but you know we may lose in court.

Mr. Jordan: Who is going to pay money for a dead lesbian and injuries to her lover. Not like they are worth much. Not as wage earners or as future parents.

Lilah: Are you sure?

Linwood: He is right, Lilah. There is no way a judge will grant them more than a few thousand dollars.

Lilah: I just wish we had gotten her father to take the settlement. Then I would be sure.

Linwood: There was no way we could have known she left a will. But it just goes to prove their relationship was more than friends.

Lilah: I guess. I just feels Lindsay has another card to play.

Linwood: You worry to much.

Mr. Jordan: Can we get this over with? I would like to get to the golf course today.

Linwood (pressing the intercom): Send Mr. McDonald in.

Lindsay enters the conference room.

Lindsay: Hello Linwood, Lilah.

Linwood: Lindsay.

Lindsay: So are you ready to settle this?

Lilah: Actually no. Although we are all sorry for the death of the young woman, we do not feel Mr. Jordan should be held responsible.

Lindsay: Sorry to hear that. So I guess, I will see you in court.

Lindsay turns to leave.

Linwood: Do you really think that you have a real chance to convince the judge that who lesbians have any true value in our society?

Lindsay turns and looks confused.

Lindsay: Lesbians? I am confused.

Lilah: Come off it Lindsay. We are all aware the two victims were involved and even living together.

Lindsay: Well someone has misled you. Tara was living in an apartment with a photographer by the name of Gwen at the time of her death. And as for Willow, she is very involved with the male passenger in the vehicle. They are actually expecting a child soon.

Mr. Jordan: What? This can’t be.

Lindsay: Sorry that upsets you. She was actually pregnant at the time of the accident.

Mr. Jordan: Adiuvare diabolus (mumble) Mortis (mumble) omnipotens (mumble) . Aboleo (mumble) . Confuto (mumble) perdo

Lilah: Huh?

Linwood: Mr. Jordan?

Lindsay: My latin is not great but I think Mr. Jordan is not happy.

Linwood: Lindsay, get out of here!!!!!

Lindsay: Sure thing Linwood, now if you change you mind about the settlement, just let me know.

He heads for the door. Mr. Jordan looks after him in a panic

Mr. Jordan: Stop!!!!!

Lindsay turns back around.

Linwood: Let him go. We need to discuss this.

Mr. Jordan: No, it is too late for us now. We have lost.

Lilah: Lost what?

Mr. Jordan: The war. Our days are short. The end is near.

Linwood: Lindsay, please leave.

Mr. Jordan: I said no. There is no longer hope.

Lilah: Do you need a doctor?

Mr. Jordan: Shut up woman. (he looks at Lindsay) How much does the witch want?

Lindsay: Are you offering to settle?

Mr. Jordan: Hell yes.

Linwood: Don’t act so hasty.

Mr. Jordan: Don’t you understand man. They have won.

Linwood: Calm down. Lindsay leave.

Lindsay: I will leave when Mr. Jordan wants me to.

Linwood: Out NOW!!!!

Security comes in and escorts Lindsay out.

Mr. Jordan: I am getting out of here. I am going to make the next twenty-five years count.

Lilah: Do you want to tell us what you are rambling about?

Mr. Jordan: I thought you folks knew everything. The warriors for the final battles are now in place.

Linwood: The witch’s baby will be a warrior.

Mr. Jordan: Of course he will. He and the vampire’s child will join her parents in the final battle.

Lilah: The vampire’s child? You mean Angel and Darla’s son?

Mr. Jordan: No, I mean the daughter of the vampire and the slayer.

Linwood: They have no daughter.

Mr. Jordan: Yes they do. And there is no stopping it. Once the children are conceived, they are protected from all harm.

Linwood: All harm?

Mr. Jordan: All harm. The four of them will be there in the final days. And as it is written, the demons will be purged.

Lilah: The four?

Mr. Jordan: The children and her parents. They are the key. Alone they can be defeated but together they are unstoppable.

Lilah: So the accident was no accident?

Linwood: Don’t answer that.

Mr. Jordan: I don’t care anymore. I failed and accept that. We tried to keep them apart but we failed.

Lilah: This is just come vague prophecies. Prophecies can be altered.

Mr. Jordan: You don’t get it. It is too late. All the players are in position. We have lost. Now just pay them what ever they want I am heading to the sunny shore of some remote island and enjoy the time I have left. I suggest you do the same.

He walks out the door. Lindsay watches him for the outer office as he enters the elevator. As the doors close, he turns to look at Linwood .

Linwood: Come by at four. We will have a cashier check for three million ready.

Lindsay: Make it five million.

Linwood: Fine.

Linwood turns and walks away.

Lindsay smiles and walks to the elevator.




Willow is showing Fred a new research site she found while Cordy watches. Angel comes down the stairs carrying Connor. Buffy follows with Caitlin.

Cordy: Look, they are alive.

Angel: Not all of us.

Cordy: Okay if you get technical.

Buffy: Did we miss anything?

Willow: Nothing unless you count Wes getting his hand stuck in the pickle jar.

Buffy: Huh?

Willow: It was priceless. A grown man walking around with a glass mitten.

Cordy: A glass mitten full of green juice.

Willow, Cordy and Fred burst out laughing.

Buffy: So sorry I missed it.

Willow: No you’re not.

Buffy looks over at Angel following Conner around the lobby. She smiles

Buffy: No, I’m not.

Everyone turns and looks as the front door opens. Lindsay walks down the stairs.

Angel: Lindsay.

Lindsay: Angel. I was hoping to find Willow here.

Willow: I am here.

Lindsay: Well they crumbled. Well actually the client crumbled.

Willow: He did?

Lindsay: Yes, as soon as I mentioned the baby he became practically insane. Not sure what it means but got the distinct impression he was scared of the baby.

Buffy: He probably is.

Lindsay: Why would you say that?

Angel: Not important. So are they settling?

Lindsay: Yes I just need to get Willow’s to sign theses papers and I will go collect the check. Well if she agrees that is.

Willow: Agree? Agree to what?

Lindsay: Five million.

Buffy: Huh?

Lindsay: The client was so upset, I decided to up the anti and they went for it. Hell I should have asked for more.

Willow: No, no fiii…fii..fiii……I can’t even say it.

Lindsay: So do you want to accept the offer?

Willow: I guess. You are my lawyer. I’ll do whatever you say.

Lindsay: I say take it. It is far more than I think a judge or jury would award.

Willow: Then tell me where to sign.

Lindsay: I got the papers right here. I just need two witnesses.

He hands her the papers and she slowly walks over to the counter. Oz comes down the stairs. He looks at Willow and the others.

Oz: Will?

She looks over at him.

Oz: Will, you okay?

Willow: Uh.

He rushes over to her.

Buffy: She is okay Oz. Just in shock.

Ox: What happened?

Cordy: She is getting five million, that is what happened. Some people get all the luck.

Everyone looks over at her in shock.

Cordy: What? Oh come on. I am not saying it was lucky what happened to Tara. I am just saying that she is lucky to have the money. That is some serious cash.

Buffy: Angel, can you take Caitlin?

Angel: Sure.

She hands him the baby and goes to Willow.

Buffy: Will, do you want to wait?

Willow: No, I just am scared.

Buffy: Understandable. Why don’t you sign the papers and let Lindsay go get the check. Then while he is gone we will call David.

Willow: David?

Buffy: Uh huh.

Willow: Okay.

She takes the pen and slowly signs where Lindsay shows her. Buffy and Cordy witness her signatures. Lindsay takes off out the door.

Cordy: Do you want me to call?

Buffy: Willow?

Willow nods. Cordy dials.









© 2005 Tara