Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 124


Friday November 29, 2002


Buffy and the others group behind a building near the local arcade.

Buffy: Okay, we can not just all walk in there. Fred and I can slip in and feel around, if we see anything we will try and flush them out here.

Bart: I don’t like the idea of you two girls going in alone.

Buffy: We can handle it. Besides most of you would look out of place at an arcade.

Bart: Not me. I come her all the time.

Roger: You do?

Bart: Yes dad. And don’t start with me.

Buffy: Fine, then you can come.

She looks over the group.

Buffy: Is everyone clear on what we need to do?

Numerous head nodding. Buffy hands her crossbow to Roger and she, Fred and Bart head toward the arcade entrance. They walk in and Buffy quickly surveys the place.

Buffy: (w) Blond girl at the pin ball. Two guys at the Fooze Ball table.

Bart: (w) How can you tell?

Buffy: (w) Trust me. I know. Hey the old guy behind the snack counter.

Bart looks over at him

Bart: (w) That’s Chewie. He started here a few weeks ago.

Buffy: (w) I am thinking same time the attacks started.

Bart: (w) As a matter of fact yes.

Buffy: (w) Bingo. Let’s just watch and if any of them leave with a live one follow them out and signal the others to take them


Fred: (w) And you?

Buffy: (w) I am going to keep an eye on Chewie. This place closes in an hour and I want to see where he goes.

Fred: (w) To the nest?

Buffy: (w) Exactly.

She wanders over and digs a quarter from her jeans and proceeds to play the machine. Fred positions herself near the Fooze Ball table. Bart watches the girl at the pinball. Soon a teenage boy walks by and the girl drops a quarter. As the boy kneels down to pick it up the girl giggles.

Girl: I am such a klutz. I do not know why I even come in here.

Boy: Anyone can drop a quarter.

Girl: Can anyone score a 30 on a machine which has a high score of over 700,000.

Boy glances at her pitiful score.

Boy: Uh no, I guess that takes real talent.

Girl: Well I think I have made enough of a fool of myself for one night.

Boy: You leaving?

Girl: Just going to see if I can find something somewhere I don’t suck at.

Boy: Well uh I was thinking of going over to Mickey’s and getting some chili cheese fries.

Girl: Those are so good.

Boy: They are big too. Little too big for just me.

Girl: Inviting.

Boy: If you are saying yes.

Girl: I am.

Boy: Then let’s go.

He smiles and they walk toward the door.

Boy: By the way, I didn’t get your name.

Bart trails behind the two, and as they turn to walk down the street he jogs over to the others.

Bart: Buffy said to tell you if one left.

Roger: The boy is a vampire.

Bart: No the girl.

Roger: Oh, well let’s go.

Gabe: I can get her.

He raises a bow and aims at the girl’s retreating back.

Roger: You sure you can take her?

Gabe: I have been bow hunting for deer since I was five. I just hope Buffy is right and I don’t end up killing an innocent girl.

Roger: Just shoot.

Gabe lets the arrow fly and imbeds in the female’s back. She disappears in a cloud of dust. The boy looks around panicked and runs away.

Roger: Great shot.

All the men stare in awe.

Gabe: Uh, she just went poof.

Bart: That is what Drew did too.

Roger: So were there more?

Bart: Buffy counted three others. Two young guys and the old guy working the snack bar. She plans on tailing him to find the nest.

Roger: Bart, you go back in. I do not like the girls in there alone.

Bart turns and reenters the arcade. He catches Buffy’s eye and nods. Fred gets up as the two at the fooze ball table head out with three others they had met. As they walked out, Bart and Fred followed. Bart signaled the others. Three others tagged behind Fred and Bart as they followed the group. When they got away from the arcade, Bart holds up a wallet.

Bart: Hey guys wait up, I think one of you dropped this.

The group turns around. Two of the guys check their pockets but find their wallets in tact.

Guy: Not ours. Whose name is in it?

Bart opens the wallet as he nears the group.

Bart: Uh I can’t tell.

Fred: Let me see you Oof.

She reaches for the wallet as the guys stand watching.

Bart: Give me that.

The others take the distraction to slip around the group.

Bart: Hey, watch it sis.

Vampire: Forget this, lets go.

He and the other vampire turn to walk off. Bart and Fred dart around the other three and stop their movements. Fred holds her arms out to her side blocking movement. She nods to the shadows and the others run in. One throws a mason jar of water on the two as the others attempt to fight the vampires. Fred and Bart get the three victims to take off. They soon realize they are loosing when Buffy appears. She grabs the vampire on top of tone of the men and throws him into a brick wall. When he comes back at her she kicks him in the head and rams her stake into his chest. The other vampire attempts to run but Bart tackles him. The vampire kicks him in the head rendering him unconscious. Fred runs to her brother but is grabbed by the throat.

Vampire: Back off folks or the girl dies.

Buffy: Sorry, don’t work that way. You see she is a good friend of mine and I am your worse nightmare.

Vampire: You have no idea what you are messing with.

Buffy: No I think it is you who don’t know.

Fred drives her elbow into his kidney. The impact causes him to loosen his grip. Fred drops to the ground and Buffy leaps a the vampire. Her boot connects with his jaw sending him on his back. She reaches steps down on his chest hard.

Vampire: Who are you?

Buffy: I’m Buffy, the vampire slayer.

Vampire: The slayer? You are suppose to be in California.

Buffy: What can I say, I needed a vacation.

She plunges her stake into his heart. The others stares as she brushes the dust from her jeans.

Buffy: I need to get back an follow Chewie.

She saunters off to the arcade. Fred helps an awakening Bart to his feet.

Fred: Well I better go with Buffy. If she is going to track this guy, she needs someone who knows the area.

Bart: I can go.

Fred: You need an ice pack and couple aspirin. We got it. This is what we do. I know what to do.

Bart watches as his tiny sister follows Buffy’s path.




Buffy and Fred stand near the closed store.

Buffy: I see headlights. Is that him?

Fred: Yeah, I think it is the truck.

Buffy: Good, I have to back to feed Caitlin.

Fred: I am sorry you had to come.

Buffy: No, no I am glad I came. Feels good to be back in the game. And hey we found the nest. I just hate being away from her this long.

Fred: It must be hard. But I guess that is your life. Never easy.

Buffy: Not so far. I do everything the hard way.

Roger pulls up beside them. As Fred climbs in, Buffy stops and turns.

Buffy: Hold on a sec.

She turns and moves toward the side of the building. Roger and Fred hear crashing but soon Buffy comes out dusting her hands off.

Buffy: Looks like he will miss our party in the morning.

She climbs in the truck.

Fred: Do you think he heard us?

Buffy: If he did, he won’t be telling anyone.


Saturday, November 30, 2002



Angel watches as Conner moves around the lobby. Cordy walks in.

Cordy: Morning daddy.

Angel: Hi. Please keep the door locked. I don’t want him slipping out.

Cordy: Right. Gotcha. Can’t have daddy bursting in flames trying to catch him.

Angel: Something like that.

Cordy: Well I stopped at the butcher shop.

Angel: Thanks.

He follows her over and watches as she fixes him a glass. He watches as Conner sits down with a toy. He relaxes and sits on the settee with his glass.

Cordy: So when is Buffy coming home?

Angel: Not sure. She is suppose to call.

Wesley steps out of the office.

Wes: Angel, I was just looking at the William’s case. Are you sure that it was a Quido demon because from what you described I more leaning to a Winsorf.

Angel: No. This guy had red spikes on his back not blue.

Wesley: But you said he spewed purple phlegm not yellow.

Angel stands up and walks toward Wes.

Angel: It was a Quido.

Wesley: But the phlegm.

Angel: I don’t care.

Cordy: Hey guys is this that important? The thing is dead right?

Wes: Yes but a Quido moves solo and a Winsorf lives in a group.

Cordy: So the question is can we expect more.

Wes: And can we expect retribution.

Angel: I know what I saw.

Wesley: I need you to be sure.

Angel: Since when do………..

Cordy: Angel.

Angel: Just a sec………

Cordy: Conner.

Angel turns to see Conner half way up the stairs. He moves toward him

Angel: Conner.

The baby turns toward the voice and jerks. He falls backwards hitting the railing before rolling down the steps. Angel dives with vampire speed . He stops the baby from slamming on the floor. He cradles the small limp body in his arms.

Cordy: Oh god is he okay?

Angel: He..he…he.

She reaches over and touches his wrist.

Cordy: He is alive. But I think you better take him to the hospital.

Angel: Oh god.

Wes: I’ll drive.

Angel: No. I can get there faster by the tunnels.

He dashes down the stairs and is gone before they can blink.

Wes: Let’s go.

Cordy: I am on my way. The others will be back from breakfast soon..

Wes: Okay. I will call. He dashes out the door.

Cordy paces the large lobby. Her skin hums with fear.

Cordy: This can not be happening. This can not be real.

She continues to pace in a near panic. Her heart lurches as the phone jangles. She dives for it.

Cordy: Hello.

Angel: Cordy, call Buffy.

Cordy: Is it bad?

Angel: No, no. They are saying he is fine but they need his pediatrician and hell I can’t remember anything.

Cordy: Fine. I will call right back.

She hangs up and picks up the rolodex. She flips through.

Cordy: Burkle, Burkle, Burkle. I don’t see a Burkle. Okay Fred where would you keep the number.

She begins looking through the desk. She opens drawers and pulls out papers.

Cordy: Dang it Fred.

She opens the bottom drawer and pulls out a bag of candy and another of chips.

Cordy: That girl should weigh 300 pounds.

She flips through the papers underneath, then jerks them out. She begins flipping through each one. Nothing. She reahes back in the drawer and pulls out a small stack of folders. She flips the first one open and rolls her eyes at the scattered numeric equations litering the pages. She opens the next folder and discovers photo of a smiling Wes and Fred.

Cordy: Wonder where this was taken.

She flips pas the picture and gasp. She collapses in the chair behind her.

Cordy: Oh my god.

Willow: Oh my god what?

Cordy looks up at her in shock.

Cordy: Uh uh.

Willow: Cordy, what’s wrong?

Cordy: Uh……..Conner.

She shoves the folder back in the drawer.

Willow: What about Conner?

Cordy: He is at the hospital. He fell down the stairs.

Willow: What?!!

Cordy: Angel called, he is okay but he needs me to call Buffy and get his doctor’s name.

Willow: The pediatrician? Dr Vogel.

Cordy: Thank you.

She snatches up the phone and quickly calls back the hospital.






Buffy: Okay I guess it’s time. Everyone be careful.

Fred: We will.

Roger: Are you sure you want to go in alone.

Buffy: Yes, I’ll be fine. Just be ready to come in when I signal.

Bart: Oh we will.


Buffy pulls the old car near the foot of the long driveway. She gets out and looks forlornly at the car, before walking up the drive to the large old house. As she crosses the expanse of land she cast furtive glances at the windows. She mounts the porch steps and knocks on the large wooden front door. Her second knock is answered by none other than Chewie

Buffy: Hi, I hate to bother you so early on a Saturday but I kinda have a little problem. You see my car gave out. Well actually it’s my dad’s car. And he is going to be so mad that I am not home yet. Well I was wondering can I use your phone to call him. My dad, I mean. So he can come get me and that piece of junk.

Chewie smiles and opens the door.

Chewie: Come on in little lady.

Buffy enters the house and looks around. Noticing the hodgepodge of furniture and boxes, she looks at Chewie.

Buffy: Just moving in? Or moving out?

Chewie: In I guess. Not much for housekeeping.

Buffy: Well if I can use the phone.

Chewie: Right in here.

She walks toward the kitchen as indicated. She reaches for the receiver. As she brings it to her ear she, she feels his body pressed against her back and shoves a stake under her arm and into his dead heart. Dust mixes with the dirt already on the floor. She moves over to the kitchen door and opens it. Roger leads a group in.

Buffy: (w) Half of you take the upstairs. And the rest come with me to the basement. And be careful.

Buffy cracks open the basement door. She reaches in and flicks on the light. The single bare bulb reveals five male and two females crashed around the dank space. They open their eyes and glare at the petite blonde.

Buffy: Rise and shine guys.

Growls emanate from the group and they charge up the stairs at her. She kicks back the male in the lead. He flies back knocking the others on his way the floor. Buffy leaps of the stairs and each foot connects with a feral face. She slams her stake into a vamp and twirls to connect with a second. The others enter the fray and after a number of near deaths, all that remains is a lot of dust. Buffy surveys the room for a mere second before racing up the stairs to assist the others.

She races onto the upstairs landing. Sunlight streams from the broken windows.

Fred: Buffy, watch out!

Buffy is knocked backwards by a fleeing vampire. They both tumble down the stairs. Buffy hit’s the floor on her back. The vampire lands on top of her. As she shifts to bring her stake into his back, he disintegrates. She looks up at Bart’s smiling face.

Buffy: Thanks for the help.

She flips back to her feet and races back up the stairs. Bart stares momentarily before racing after her. Upon reaching the landing, she sees the others standing in the bright sunlight. Buffy cocks her head and heads for the closed door down the hall.

Fred: Two of them ran in there.

Buffy: I’ll get them. Is there any others?

Fred: No we got all the rest.

Roger: Or at least the sun did.

Buffy turns and kicks in the door. She looks at the stairs leading to the attic. She palms her stake and moves cautiously up the steps. As she nears the top, she ducks to avoid the foot whipping toward her head. She grabs the ankle and yanks the owner onto his back. She leans in with her stake but he kicks with his free foot and she flies over his head. She twist and lands with her feet firmly on the floor in a squat position. She surveys the two males. The one on the ground moves to his feet. He towers over her.

Vampire: What do you think you are going to do? I will break you like a twig.

Buffy: Bigger idiots than you have tried and failed.

He lunges for her and she side steps bringing her fist into his face. She follows with a blow to the back of the head. He falls to his knees.. The other one moves at her and she shoves her stake into his chest.

Vampire: Chewie is going to be so mad.

Buffy: Chewie is a pile of dust in the kitchen. He was none too bright. Actually invited me in.

They face off contemplating each other.

Vampire: What? Who the hell are you?

Buffy: Oh I thought you would have figured it out by now. I’m Buffy, the vampire slayer.

Vampire: Huh.

Buffy: Don’t tell me you never heard of me.

Vampire: The slayer is in California.

Buffy: Not today. My friends called and I decided to take a little vacation.

She kicks out and send him flying into an old trunk. It breaks under his weight. As he attempts to get up she steps hard on his chest. A piece of the broken trunk thrust into his back and into his heart. He roars as he crumbles. Bart appears in the doorway.

Bart: Is that it?

Buffy: I think so. I want to do one more sweep. Anyone check the other buildings?

Bart: Dad and some others headed to do that.

Buffy: Good.

She makes a thorough walkthrough of the house. As she exit’s the house, Roger walks up with the others.

Buffy: Any more?

Roger: No but there is quite a few cars out behind the old barn.

Buffy: Well I guess you can call the police later and give them a tip. They won’t ever find the owners thought.

Roger : Guess not. You ready to head back to the house?

Buffy: Yes. It is almost dinnertime.

Bart: It is only eleven.

Buffy: I mean for Caitlin.

Bart: Oh.

They head to the vehicles hidden down the road.

Bart: So your husband is a vampire like them?

Buffy: Not like them. But he is a vampire.

Bart: What makes him so different?

Fred: His soul.

Buffy: His soul gives him a conscience. Makes him part human. Not just a corpse possessed by a demon.

Bart: Do other vampire’s have souls?

Buffy: No just Angel. It is actually suppose to be a curse. But I think he thinks of it as a blessing of sorts. He will not do anything to ever risk losing it again.

Bart: And if he did lose it?

Buffy: Evil vile monster.

Bart: Oh.

They climb in the car and head to the house.



Willow Oz, and Cordy walk into the hospital. She finds Wesley sitting in the waiting area

Willow: Wes?

Wesley: Oh hi.

Willow: Where’s Angel?

Wesley: With Conner.

Willow: Conner is okay, right?

Wesley: Yes, but since he was knocked out they want to keep him overnight.

Willow: How is Angel doing?

Wesley: Like a man possessed.

Willow: I bet.

The nurse walks out.

Nurse: Mr Pryce?

Wesley: Yes maam.

Nurse: They are taking the child upstairs. Mr. Summers needs you to pick up his pajamas and something called Mr. Gordo.

Wesley: Sure. I can go now.

Cordy: I will go with you. I know what Mr. Gordo is.

Wesley: Thanks.

They walk to the exit.

Willow: Can I see them?

Nurse: They are heading upstairs to the fifth floor. You can take the elevator over there.

Willow and Oz go upstairs. They disembark the elevator. They find Angel pacing the hall.

Willow: Angel?

Angel turns and wraps her in his arms.

Willow: Oh god is he okay?

Angel: (sob) Yes, no thanks to me.

Willow: Hey it is not your fault.

Angel: Yes it is. I forgot what I was suppose to be doing.

Willow: Cordy said you caught him. And he will be fine.

Angel: They think he could have a concussion.

Willow: He will be fine. Babies are very resilient.

Nurse open the door to the nearby room. Angel’s eyes dart up.

Nurse: You can come in now.

Angel darts into the room. Willow and Oz follow.




Buffy and the others pour into the house.

Trish: How did it go?

Fred: Nest is gone.

Trish: All of them?

Buffy: All of them there. If there are any others holed up elsewhere, I can’t say.

Fred: I bet if there are they take off.

Buffy: Well I can do another sweep tonight.

Fred: I figured you would be ready to head home.

Buffy: I am but I want to be sure that we got them all.

Roger: Me and boys can do it. Now that we know what to do that is.

Gabe: I’m game. They are easier to hi than a deer.

Buffy: But a deer don’t try and kill you if you miss.

Roger: Well we will just work in groups. Besides we may not have any left.

Buffy: Fine. Then Fred, you ready to head back home.

Fred: I guess.

Roger: Let me call the airlines.

Buffy: Then I want to call home.

Fred: I bet two men are missing you bad.

Buffy: I bet I know a nice British guy that misses you too.

Fred smiles.



© 2005 Tara