Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 126


Monday December 2, 2002


Barbara: The hospital faxed me Conner’s records from this weekend and I also got your records from the hospital in Sunnydale. I have to admit I am more than intrigued.

Buffy: Meaning?

Barbara: Just that based on all the records, you heal at an extremely accelerated pace and so does your son.. As a scientist, I want to know why.

Buffy: I want to know why to. Not so much about me but what it can mean for Conner.

Barbara: Well I would like to examine you if that is okay.

Buffy: Sure. Just tell me what you need.

Barbara: Well I just would like to examine the areas that are documented to have been injured. I would like to take x-rays and get small samples of the scar tissue. And of course blood samples.

Buffy: Scar tissue?

Barbara: Yes. I want to see if there is any difference in the cells to explain their rapid development.

Buffy: But I don’t scar.

Barbara stares at her for a moment.

Barbara: No scars?

Buffy: Well I do have one but I normally I heal without scarring.

Barbara: Only one? But the records show a number of lacerations.

Buffy: I know. But I do not scar.

Barbara: Oh. That is even more amazing. But you said you have one?

Buffy tilts her head and shows her neck.

Buffy: Just this one.

Barbara examines the mark.

Barbara: This looks a lot like a human bite pattern.

Buffy: It is.

Barbara: Oh! Well do you mind if I take a tiny tissue sample.

Buffy: Of course. What ever will help Conner.

Barbara carefully takes the sample.

Barbara: No other scars?

Buffy: No. Not even where I was stabbed. She lifts the hem of her shirt and exposes her abdomen.

Barbara: I saw nothing in the records about a stabbing.

Buffy: Oh I didn’t go to the hospital. A friend helped me bandage it and in a couple days I was good as new.

Barbara: Oh. Well I guess we can do the blood samples. But first I need to get all your vitals. I also may need to run some tests. But since you are so nonchalant about a stabbing you might me okay with me making a small laceration so I can observe the healing.

Buffy: Cut me? I guess. Or you can just wait until after my workout with Angel. I suspect I will not come out unscathed.

Barbara: Workout?

Buffy: Well more like sparring.

Barbara: You box?

Buffy: Oh no. All out fighting. But don’t worry I never lose.

Barbara: Oh. This is interesting. Why don’t I take samples now and then after your uh spar and see if there is any change in the chemistry.

Buffy: See if the activity stimulates anything?

Barbara: Exactly.

Buffy: I’m game.



Little later.

Buffy opens her bedroom door a crack and peeks in.

Buffy: Decent?

She glances around and enters followed by Barbara.

Buffy: Angel?

Angel: In here.

She walks to the doorway to Conner’s room and looks in at Angel and Cordy on the floor with Conner.

Buffy: Sorry to interrupt guys but I was wondering if I could borrow Angel for a little workout.

Cordy: Fine by me. What you say Conner? Can daddy go and get his tail whooped?

Angel: Hey!

Cordy: Stop with the macho pride. You know you will.

Angel: You think so?

Cordy: I know so.

Buffy: So?

Angel: Sure. Swords?

Buffy: Thinking fisticuffs but we can do swords first. I’ll get the gear and meet you in the basement. Any preferences?

Angel: Snake handle.

Buffy: Okay.

Angel: Just let me change.

Buffy leads Barbara down the stairs.

Barbara: Your friend seems to favor your skills.

Buffy: She is a smart girl but she is more Angel’s friend than mine.

She pauses at the weapons cabinet and pulls at the locked door. She glances at Wesley behind his desk.

Buffy: Hey Wes the cabinet is locked.

Wesley: On top. Angel was worried about Conner running around.

Buffy looks up at the tall cabinet. Barbara reaches up and runs her hand over the top and hands her the key.

Buffy: Thanks.

She unlocks it and pulls out a large sword. She examines the handle and reaches in for another.

Buffy: Ah a snake. Must be the one.

She flips the sword around a few times.

Buffy: Nice weight. (turns to Barbara) Ready?

Barbara: Uh those look real.

Buffy: They are.

She closes the cabinet and heads for the basement.

Barbara: Real?

Buffy opens the door and walks down the stairs. Gunn is working on the bag. He glances up at her with the swords

Gunn: Hey Buff. Looking for a little slice and dice.

Buffy: Hi. Yeah. I did not know you were using the space.

Gunn: No, I’m tapped. It is all yours.

Buffy: Thanks.

He grabs a towel and heads for the stairs.

Buffy: Cordy is upstairs playing Tonka trucks.

Gunn: Thanks. Tonka huh? I might have to play to after a shower.

He walks out.

Barbara: So he is with the Cordelia?

Buffy: They live together.

Barbara: Pity.

Buffy lays the swords down and reties her tennis shoes. Angel walks down wearing black sweat pants and a white tank top. Buffy roams her eyes over him briefly and smiles. He walks ups and looks down at her before picking up his sword.

Buffy: Looking a bit cocky today.

She reaches up and runs two fingers down his forehead and nose.

Buffy: Barbara is going to observe. So no funny faces today.

Angel: No problem.

She picks up her sword and faces him.

Buffy: Barbara, you may want to stay on the stairs. We can get a bit wild.

Barbara sits back on the step and watches. Buffy examines Angel’s posture.

Angel: Not going to work.

Buffy: Learning huh?

She flips out her sword and he block her move. They are soon thrusting and parrying. Each effectively countering the other’s moves until Buffy fakes a left turn and connects with the base of his blade. The sword flies from his hand and she follows thru with the blade against his neck.

Buffy: Hi.

Angel looks into her eyes. She drops her arm and walks over and picks up his sword. Lying them both on the table she turns toward him.

Angel: Hand to hand?

Buffy: All out. No holding back.

Angel: Not a problem.

They face off and begin feeling each other out. Buffy make a punch to his face which he deflects only to be caught by her fist to his abdomen. She follows up with a kick to the knee. He retaliates with a smooth connection to her jaw. They continue trading blows and kicks as Barbara watches with eyes full of shock and wonder. Angel throws a punch which Buffy ducks. She reaches up and grabs his extended arm as she stands. She follows with a kick into his lower back sending him into the handrails of the stairs. Barbara pushes back against the wall. As Buffy moves toward him he grabs the railings and lifts his body. His ankles wrap around her neck. She immediately reacts by driving her shin into his groin. He releases his hands and ankles and falls to the floor. He rolls over and looks up as she slams her foot onto his chest.

Angel: What’s with the pruning?

Barbara snickers causing Buffy to glance over. He takes the distraction to grasp her other ankle and yank her onto her back. She lands with a loud thud. He moves to cover her and she throws him over her head. As he lands, she flips over and straddles his torso. She looks down into his eyes and he smiles mere seconds before punching her in the face sending her off balance and he kicks her off. She lands on her feet and turns to see him kick to his feet. Barbara is totally mesmerized by the action.

They again begin dancing around looking for an opening. Buffy drops her guard slightly and Angel takes the advantage with hard right. Buffy snatches his elbow and shoves his arm behind his back and forces it up between his shoulder blades. She propels him into the wall. On hand holds his arm in place while her other hand smashes his face against the cement. She taps her toe on his knee.

Buffy: Down. (he drops to his knees) You should know I never let my guard down by now.

She looks over at Barbara. .

Buffy (mentally to Wes): Hey can you come down her quick. Be quiet.



Wes startled and looks around.

Fred: What’s wrong?

Wes: Buffy. She wants me down there.

Fred: Let’s go.

Wes: Be real quiet.

They ease toward the door and crack it open slowly. They see Buffy holding Angel against the wall. Buffy sees them.

Buffy: Okay lets make sure we are in agreement here, Angel.

Angel: What?

Buffy: Who won?

Angel’s eyes glow yellow for a second.

Buffy: No funny faces, just answer the question.

Angel: No.

Buffy pushes his arm harder.

Buffy: I don’t want to break it. Now who is the better fighter?

Angel: You.

Buffy: What?

Angel: You are. Now let me go.

She releases him and he grabs her and pushes her against the wall pinning her with his body.

Buffy: I won already.

Angel: I know. I just want to give you your reward.

Buffy: People watching.

Angel glances over to see Barbara, Wesley, and Fred. They wave and leave the room.

Angel: Not anymore.

He presses his mouth onto hers. Her lips part as his tongue demands access. Her arms wrap around his back and under his shirt. Fingers slide over his cool skin. He runs one hand into her hair and the other slides between her thighs. His fingers press against the fabric and into her sensitive aching flesh. She moans into his mouth as he molest her. Soon she is quaking with waves of pleasure. He leans his head back and looks into her glassy eyes and smiles.

Angel: You may have won but I still know your weakness.

Buffy: I don’t care.

She pulls his lips back to hers for one more kiss.

Buffy: I better go up. Barbara wants to run more test on my injuries.

Angel: What injuries?

Buffy: Believe me they are there.

Angel: Let me see.

Buffy: You just want me naked.

Angel: And that is a problem?

Buffy: Go upstairs and shower. I will join you if I finish with Barbara in time.




Angel steps into the bedroom and walks to Conner’s room

Gunn: Hey man.

Angel: Hi. Thanks for watching the kids.

Cordy: No problem. Going to tell us who won?

Angel: Nope.

He turns and walks off.

Cordy: Oh she must have really given him a thrashing.

Angel sits down gently in his chair. He looks over at Caitlin as he tentatively moves his sore arm. Cordy walks in.

Cordy: You okay?

Angel: Fine.

Cordy: Little sore huh?

Angel: Maybe. I could use a hot shower.

Cordy: What is stopping you?

Angel: Not being able to get back out of this chair for one.

She smiles and extends her hand. He grasp it and she helps pull him to his feet.

Cordy: So she is back in shape?

Angel: Oh yeah.

He looks over as Caitlin begins fussing.

Cordy: Where’s Buffy?

Angel: With the doctor.

Cordy lifts up the infant.

Angel: You need to get her, there are not any bottles.

Cordy leaves with the baby and Angel falls backwards across the bed, knowing he may never get up.



Other Room

Buffy sits on the bed as Barbara examines her cuts and contusions.

Barbara: I really expected a bit more damage.

Buffy: Nope.

Barbara: Hmmm

Knock on the door followed by Cordy’s entrance.

Cordy: Sorry but it’s diner time.

She hands the infant to her mom.

Buffy: Excuse me.

She steps out of the room.

Barbara: She is amazing.

Cordy: Not really.

Cordy turns and leaves.



Buffy enters and quickly sits down and starts nursing. She glances at the lump on the bed.

Buffy: Thought you were showering.

Angel: Soon.

Buffy: What is wrong with you?

Angel: I’m fine.

Buffy: Then please find a diaper for when I am done.

He slowly rolls on his side and looks at her in his chair.

Buffy: So what is pruning?

Angel: Pruning?

Buffy: Yes.

Angel: Oh, it’s Irish.

Buffy: And it means?

Angel: It means smashing a guy in the groin.

Buffy: Oh pruning. I will remember that the next time I do it.

Angel: It better be to some other male.

Buffy: Why? Not like you need yours.

He growls and sits up.

Buffy: I knew that would get you moving. Now get the diaper and change this young-un.

He gets up and picks up the diaper bag. She lays Caitlin on the bed and he sits down to change her. He looks over as Buffy grabs a change of clothes and heads into the bathroom.

Angel: Shower?

Buffy: Nope. Bubble bath.

He watches as she closes the door and his view of her undressing. As he finishes changing Caitlin, Cordy saunters in the open door.

Angel: Something wrong?

Cordy: No. Just thought Charles and I could take Conner to the P.A.R.K. if its okay.

Angel: Uh, I guess. He loves to go.

Cordy: And give you a little time to recuperate from your ass whopping.

Angel: Funny. I did not get…..

Cordy: Save it. I talked to Fred and Wesley. She even made you say uncle. And with witnesses.

Angel: Can we not discuss this.

Cordy: Sure. Just let me get Conner’s jacket and shoes and we are gone.

Angel lays Caitlin in her cradle and watches Cordy and Gunn prepare his child for a trip into the daylight.

Angel: Watch him close.

Cordy: We will.

They walk out closing the door behind them. He stands in the room briefly before turning to the heaven of the wife’s hands and lips.



Wednesday December 4, 2002


Faith’s Apartment

Faith stands outside kicking at the door until it is pulled open.

Faith: About damn time.

Spike steps out of the way as she walks in and dumps the grocery bags on the counter.

Spike: I hope you remembered my cigarettes this time.

Faith: Hell no. I am not spending my hard earned money on those damn things. Bad enough I pay all the bills here.

Spike: And how do you expect me to buy them? Not like I get paid for my patrols.

Faith: I don’t either. But luckily I will get a break soon. Buffy spit that kid out three weeks ago. She needs to get back here and let me have a night off.

Spike: And do what?

Faith: Go out dancing or something.

Spike: You do that all the time.

Faith: I would love to go out and not have to be on the hunt the whole time.

Spike: Be a civilian?

Faith: Exactly.

Spike moves up behind her and begins massaging her shoulders. Faith relaxes her head back on his chest.

Spike: Why don’t you go jump in the shower and let me put this crap away.

Faith: Trying to earn your keep?

Spike: Maybe.

Faith: Or just trying to get in my pants?

Spike: Is it working?

Faith: Maybe.

She moves away and heads toward the bedroom. His eyes follow her ass encased in the tight jeans. His slight arousal changes to a raging hard-on at the sight. He rapidly unloads the bags. His eyes twinkle at the carton of cigarettes. Making quick work of the groceries he head to the shower. He watches her sensual silhouette as he slips out of his clothes. Pushing the door open he steps in. She glances up into his eyes and wraps her fingers into his hair. His lips possess hers hungrily. He knows it was just this morning her was deep inside her heat but it feels like ages. He never seems to get enough of this woman. His fingers thrust between her firm thighs working her clit. She pulls back from his lips mere seconds.

Faith: Please.

As she dives back to his mouth he lifts her thigh to his hip and plunges deep and hard. He thrusts ferociously in and out. The friction of her hot skin scalds his sensitive nerves. He loves being encased in her human flesh. He marvels how her body accepts the pounding that would have injured a normal human. But not his Faith. His Faith? He suddenly feels overcome by his feelings for the brunette. He pauses his movements. Her eyes fly open and look into his face. He looked into her brown pools and he knows it was true. Damn it to hell, it is true. He is a goner.

Faith: Spike?

She moves her hips toward his. The small movement enflames him quickly and he closes his eyes and resumes his active mating. His thumb running circles over her clit he feels her muscles flutter than snatch at his evasive erection. The roar that tears from his throat at his climax is both in pleasure and fear. His knees momentarily buckle and he slips from her blistering core. She stands panting in the cascading water.

Faith: You are definitely earning your keep.

She turns away from him and allows the water to wash over her face. She allows the sadness to reflect itself on her face. He must never know.


Summer’s house

Buffy walks in the front door with Conner and Caitlin. Dawn jumps up from the dining room table and her homework.

Dawn: Your home. We didn’t know when. I am glad.

Buffy: Yes we are home and I glad to be here.

Dawn: Where is Angel?

Buffy: LA.

Dawn: Oh. So, what did the doctor say?

Buffy: She headed back to Chicago. She said it may take months before she knows anything. But she says not to worry so I am going to do just that. No more worry.

Dawn: Oh yeah that works. Say it enough and you may start to believe it.

Buffy: It is worth a try. Anything I need to know about?

Dawn: Nope. Well except Faith keeps calling.

Buffy: Wonder what she wants.

Dawn: Don’t know.

Buffy: Well you get back to your homework. I will call her after I get settled back in.



On the bed, Spike sits straddling her round bottom. His hands working their way over her supple back. He ponders his new realizations as she relaxes under his experienced ministrations. Both are lost in their thoughts when the phone rings.

Spike: Want me to?

Faith: Uh huh.

He reaches and picks up the phone.

Spike: Hello

Buffy: Spike?

Spike: Yeah, Buff, what’s up.

Buffy: Faith there? Got a message to call.

Spike: Sure is.

He hand Faith the phone.

Faith: Hey B

Buffy: Faith, what is wrong?

Faith: Nothing except well I am like needing a break.

Buffy: Break?

Faith: Yes, you know a night without the slay thing.

Buffy: Oh, a night off. Sure, just get Spike to go and stay home.

Faith: I was thinking more like taking Spike with me dancing.

Buffy burst out laughing. She tries to regain her composure.

Buffy: Spike? Dancing? Getting visuals here.

Faith: Whatever. Are you going to cover me or not?

Buffy: Yeah sure, I guess. Been wanting to get out there anyway. Let me check with Willow about babysitting on Friday.

Faith: Good.

Buffy: Come by before patrol and I should know for sure.

Faith: We’ll be there.

Buffy: Bye.

Buffy hangs the phone up and looks at Dawn.

Dawn: What’s wrong?

Buffy: Nothing, just Angel is not going to like it.

Dawn: Well have him go.

Buffy: No. I need him in LA while we pull the other stuff together. Besides Oz is coming in this weekend and he can go with me.

Dawn: I guess a werewolf is as good as a vampire sometimes.

Buffy: Of course. So what you say we look into food?

Dawn: Already done.

Buffy: Huh?

Dawn: Willow is picking up Chinese. You didn’t actually think I cooked?

Buffy: No but I did get a queasy feeling in my stomach for a second.

© 2005 Tara