Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 60


Two weeks later.

In Sunnydale.

Buffy is on patrol. She hears activity in a nearby alley. She enters and discovers two vampires dragging a teenage couple.

Buffy: I suggest you let them go.

Vampire 1: Slayer.

Buffy: So you know me. So you know what happens next.

Vampire 2: You die.

Buffy: Wrong answer. Let them go.

Vampire 1: Not going to happen.

Buffy flips and knock one to the ground, his victim runs from the alley. Buffy rams her stake into his heart. She turns toward the second vampire.

Buffy: Your next.

The vampire releases his victim and comes after her. The victim runs from the alley. Buffy whips her leg in a roundhouse to the head. The vampire staggers but quickly recovers. He comes at her. Spike enters the alley as Buffy kicks the vampire in the gut. Before the vampire can react Buffy collapses. The vampire glances at her and moves in. Spike tackles him and is able to overpower him and deliver a stake to his heart. Spike looks at Buffy. She lies motionless.

Spike: Buffy. Buffy.

He kneels beside her. She starts to move.

Spike: Buffy are you okay?

Buffy: Yeah, I guess he got in a good one.

Spike: He never laid a hand on you. You just went down.

Buffy: Where is he?

Spike: He is dust.

Buffy: How long was I out?

Spike: Long enough. Come on you are going home.

Buffy: I am okay. I have to continue my patrol.

Spike: Buffy you just fainted. Now you are going home. I will complete any damn patrol that has to be done.

Buffy: Fine. I guess I could use a little rest.

Spike walks her home. As they enter the house, Willow is in the living room.

Willow: Why are you home so early. Is everything okay?

Buffy: I am fine. Just thought I would get to bed early.

Willow: Good idea.

Buffy: Spike you can leave now. You said something about patrol.

Spike: Buffy.

Buffy: I will see you later.

Spike leaves.

Buffy: Where is Conner?

Willow: In his swing. He is fine. You go get some sleep.

Buffy: I will.

Spike stands in the front yard.

Spike: This can’t continue.

He trudges down the street.



Angel: Any more luck on the translations?

Wesley: I am still working on the one passage. I can’t figure out what they are saying about the parents of the second child. I know one parent is possessing characteristics of an animal but the other one is too confusing. But I will get it……..Eventually.

Angel: Well, if it is about Conner, we have a long time till we really need to know who the other child is.

Wesley: I guess.

Cordy: And Wesley please be right this time. We don’t want you telling us it is some kind of magical good fairy and it be a homeless person.

Wesley: Cordy, I think you just hit on something.

Cordy: What? It says they are homeless?

Wesley: No, magic. I think the description has to do with a person of magic. Oh let me check something. Fred can you come in my office and help me.

Fred: Sure.

Cordy: So Conner is some future warrior.

Angel: I hope the hell not.

Cordy: I guess you wouldn’t. Actually I don’t either.

The phone rings.

Cordy: Angel Investigations.

Spike: Let me talk to Angel.

Cordy: Spike?

Spike: Yes, is he there.

Cordy: One second.

She hands the phone to Angel.

Angel: Spike what do you need.

Spike: I think you need to do something or she is going to get herself killed.

Angel: What are you talking about?

Spike: Buffy. She keeps at it and she is going to end up dead or worse. She is lucky I showed up tonight. She went down like a stone. Just collapsed.

Angel: She got knocked out?

Spike: No the girl up ad fainted in the middle of a fight. If I had not been there she would have been an easy meal.

Angel: Fainted?

Spike: Straight away. Dropped like a stone. I got her to go home but she wouldn’t even tell Willow. She will probably clobber me for telling you. But I don’t care.

Angel: Uh thanks for calling.

Spike: What are you going to do?

Angel: I think it is time the girl came to LA, don’t you?

Spike: Yes. And I will take care of patrol.

Angel: Good. Let me call Willow.

Hang up.

Angel dials the house.

Willow: Hello

Angel: Willow, it is Angel. Did Buffy tell you what happened tonight.

Willow: Uh she came home early. Said she was tired. I can get her.

Angel: No, I don’t need to talk to her. Spike just called, she fainted during patrol. He said in the middle of a fight.

Willow: She didn’t tell me that. But she did look like death warmed over.

Angel: Interesting analogy. Listen I am on my way to Sunnydale to get her and Conner. Can you have their stuff packed? Enough for at least a week.

Willow: Don’t you want to talk to her first?

Angel: I have tried. She is stubborn. But guess what I am more stubborn. So can you please have her stuff packed or I will just do it myself. And I know you will not forget something like I will.

Willow: Yeah, I think you are right.


Three hours later.

Angel arrives at the house.

Angel: Hi Willow. Where is she?

Willow: Sleeping. I actually got all of their stuff from the room and she never even woke up.

Angel: So you think you got everything?

Willow: Yes.

Angel: Well lets get it all into the car. I will get her last.

Willow: You are really not giving her a choice.

Angel: No I’m not.

Willow, Dawn and Angel load the car and move the car seat.

Dawn: Angel, you know she is going to fight you.

Angel: I know but this can’t go on.

Dawn: Don’t have to convince me.

Angel heads up stairs. He enters the room and kneels beside the bed and looks into Buffy’s face.

Angel: Buffy. Buffy.

Buffy slowly opens her eyes.

Buffy: Angel?

Angel: Yes its me. I need you to get up and get dressed. We’re going to LA.

Buffy: Huh, what are you talking about?

She sits up and he stands up.

Angel: I am taking you and Conner to LA with me.

Buffy: When?

Angel: Right now. Everything is in the car. Everything but you and Conner.

Buffy: What are you talking about?

Angel: Buffy, please just get dressed. I have the car ready and Willow is getting Conner bundled up.

Buffy: Slow down cowboy. You are moving a little too fast here.

Angel: No I am doing what I should have done weeks ago. Now can you please get dressed or I will take you to the car in your PJs.

Buffy: As if.

Angel looks at her.

Angel: That is it.

He leans over to pick her up.

Buffy: Okay. Okay, just give me a minute.

Angel: I will give you three. But no longer.

He sits down on the bed and looks at his watch. Buffy turns on the light and looks around. She quickly notices that some of Conner and her stuff has been removed.

Buffy: You packed our stuff?

Angel: You are wasting time.

Buffy: Fine.

Buffy changes clothes, refusing to feign modesty in front of him.

Buffy: Okay I am dressed.

Angel: Good now you might want to get your shoes on and go to the bathroom. It is a long ride.

Buffy: If I am in LA, who is going to patrol?

Angel: Spike.

Buffy: That’s it, he called you. Spike called you. He is so dead.

Angel: Actually he is, for at least the last 100 years.

Buffy: Urgh.

She stalks out.

Later in the car.

Buffy sits with her arms crossed staring out the front window.

Angel: Buffy, are you warm enough?

Buffy: I am fine.

Angel: Okay, well how about Conner.

Buffy: He is sleeping

She reaches back and touches his cheek.

Buffy: He is okay.

Angel: Buffy, are you going to stay mad forever?

Buffy: I might.

Angel: Oh okay. Just checking.

They arrive at Angel Investigations. Angel carries Conner in and Buffy follows.

Angel: Upstairs.

Buffy: As if.

Angel: Cordy can you take Conner.

Cordy: Sure. I see you got a tiger by the tail.

Wesley: Uh Angel can we help.

Angel: Wesley would you mind unloading the car. I need to get this one in bed.

Buffy: I was in bed if you shall recall. In bed asleep. Now a sweet husband would have climbed in and snuggled with me. We could have had a civil conversation in the morning. But you have to come on like oh I don’t know and drag me off. Like I have no say whatsoever.

Angel: So because I am worried sick about you and want to bring you here where I can take care of you and insure you get some rest. I am a monster.

Wes and Gunn head out to the car. Fred and Cordy take Conner upstairs.

Buffy: I could just leave, you know.

Angel: Yes, but you have no car and I can’t see you taking Conner on the bus, unless you are planning on leaving him behind.

Buffy: You are driving me nuts.

Angel: I am just trying to take care of you. Someone needs to.

Angel sits down on the steps.

Buffy: I can take care of myself.

Angel: Quit acting like a child.

Buffy: A child? Well at least you didn’t call me a brat again.

Angel (whispers to himself): I thought about it.

Buffy: I heard that.

Angel looks up at her with a smirk on his face.

Buffy: Uggg.

She starts pacing back in forth in front of him.

Cordy and Fred watch from the upstairs hall.

Cordy: Well she hasn’t hit him yet.

Fred: Would she really hit him?

Cordy: If he was smirking at me like that I would have already smacked him.

Angel(mentally): Cordy.

Cordy leads Fred back to the room.

Buffy: I can’t believe you just barged into my house and dragged Conner and me out in the middle of the night.

Angel smiles up to her. He has decided to let her have her rant.

Buffy: I have no rights. One minute I am sleeping and the next I am a kidnap victim.

Angel continues to look up at her a sweet gentle smile.

Buffy: And you can stop with the puppy dog look cause it ain’t helping your case.

Angel does not say a word.

Buffy: Uggg.

She continues to pace.

Buffy: If you think…

She suddenly begins to fall. Angel catches her before she hits the ground. He scoops he into his arms and heads to the bedroom.


Cordy: What did you do knock her out?

Angel: No she fainted. Again.

Cordy: Oh.

Angel: Can you fold back the covers and help me get her to bed?

Gunn and Wesley carrying in the bags.

Wesley: Is she okay?

Angel: I think so. Cordy can you find her something to sleep in.

The others leave .

Cordy starts to look in a bag.

Angel: Cordy check the second drawer, she left a few things here.

Cordy opens the drawer and draws out the blue nightgown.

Cordy: Victoria’s Secret. I knew you had good taste.

Angel: Not what I had in mind. Though it does look amazing on her.

Cordy: Uh here is a pajama pants and shirt.

Angel: More like it.

Cordy realizes Angel has already removed her shoes and jeans.

Cordy: Why don’t you just let her sleep like that.

Angel: Because I have to sleep in this bed too.

Cordy: Oh. get your point. Let me help.

Buffy comes around.

Buffy: What are you doing?

Angel: Putting you to bed.

Buffy: What happened?

Angel: You fainted again, now are you ready to lay down.

Buffy: I guess, but I am still mad.

Angel: I know.

Angel get Buffy tucked in. He and Cordy go down stairs.

Cordy: What is wrong with her?

Angel: I am hoping she is just worn out. I hope a couple days rest is all she needs. And she will rest.

Cordy: Okay, not going to argue with the big upset vampire.

Angel: Someone should tell her that.

Cordy: Sure, right after I purchase my life insurance policy.

Gunn: I am heading home. Anyone need a ride?

Cordy: You know I do.

Wesley: I am fine.

Cordy and Gunn head out.

Angel: Wesley, when are you and Fred going to stop hiding.

Wesley: Later.

Angel: Your call. I am going to go see if I am welcome in my own bed.

Wesley: Good luck.

Angel returns to the room. Buffy is fast asleep. He changes and crawls in beside her. She rolls over and snuggles up to him.

Angel: Still mad?

Buffy: Yes.

Angel: Oh.

He kisses her on the forehead and they go to sleep. The next morning he gets up even before Conner and gets the child out of the room before Buffy is disturbed. He spends the morning with Conner. Cordy walks in.

Cordy: He has gotten so big.

Angel: Six months old. One half of one year.

Cordy: Seems just like yesterday we were worrying if he was even going to make it into this world.

Angel: Don’t I know it. My miracle baby almost wasn’t.

Cordy: Darla did a good thing.

Angel: Yes she did.

The computer rings out.

Cordy: Must be Willow or Dawn.

Angel answers it.

Angel: Hello.

Willow: Hi, I just wanted to check on Buffy. Did she ever calm down?

Angel: Barely, but I did get her in bed. She is still sleeping, thankfully.

Buffy comes sashaying across the lobby.

Buffy: Uh no I’m not.

Angel looks up.

Angel: That is it.

He hands Conner to Cordy and before he can get up his face transforms and he goes at Buffy.

Willow: What is going on?

Cordy: Uh he just threw her over his shoulder. I think she is on her way back to bed.

Willow: I take it he has taken charge.

Cordy: Pretty much so.

Willow: I am glad to hear it. She is stubborn

Cordy: So is he.

Willow: I know. Well I need to go. Keep me updated.

Cordy: Sure, bye.


Angel puts her back on the bed and steps out side the door. He calls down to Cordy.

Angel: Cordy do you mind…

Cordy: Don’t worry about Conner.

Angel: Thanks.

He stops Buffy from trying to leave the room and marches her back to the bed.

Buffy: I am not tired.

Angel picks her up and lays down with her.

Buffy: I am not tired.

Angel: I want snuggles.

Buffy: We all want things. I want to get up and feed my son.

Angel: Already done. He had cereal and juice.

Buffy: But.

Angel: You told me that was okay two weeks ago.

Buffy: Yes but.

Angel: No buts. Now relax and snuggle with me.

Buffy: Do I have a choice?

Angel: At the moment no.

Buffy: So you are going to hold me down till I go back to sleep.

Angel: Uh huh.

Buffy: Bully.

Angel: I know. But do want you to do one thing before you go to sleep.

Buffy: What?

Angel rubs his nose against hers.

Buffy: What?

Angel: Do you love me?

Buffy: Huh?

Angel: Do you?

Buffy: Of course I do.

Angel: Then are you going to kiss me or not.

Buffy: I am still mad at you.

Angel: I know.

He touches noses again and looks into her eyes.

Buffy: Not playing fair.

Angel: I told you I never play.

Buffy wraps her arms around hi neck and pulls him into a soft yet passionate kiss.

Angel: I love you, now will you try and get some more sleep.

Buffy: Fine, but you have to stay.

Angel: For a little while. I still have Conner.

Buffy: More kisses and I may agree.

Angel: Hard bargain, but okay.

Later in the afternoon.


Buffy slips down the stairs. Fred is in the office.

Buffy: Hi Fred, where is Angel?

Fred: He is training with Cordy and Gunn. Aren’t you suppose to be in bed?

Buffy: I could not look at those four walls another minute. Where is Conner?

Fred; With his dad. He took his swing with them.

Buffy: Oh. So what are you doing?

Fred: I am helping Wesley with the translations. Can I get you something?

Buffy: No, I just thought I would hang out down here awhile.

Fred: Until he catches you.

Buffy: Something like that.

Fred: He is doing it out of love.

Buffy: I know.

The phone rings.

Fred: Angel Investigations. ……………uh yeah she is right here.

Fred holds out the phone.

Fred: It is that English watcher guy, uh Jeeves?

Buffy: Giles?

Fred: Yeah, him.

Buffy takes the phone.

Buffy: Hello.

Giles: Buffy, how are you?

Buffy: Fine, Giles. I know that is not why you tracked me down here. What gives?

Giles: Oh , yes, right. I uh need to ask you something.

Buffy: Ask away.

Giles: I know your uh personal life should be well personal. But I really need to know something.

Buffy: Giles, I know you are paying for this call but you might want to get to the point sometime.

Giles: Well uh yes.

Buffy: Now I am getting nervous.

Giles: So sorry. Buffy I need to know if well if, uh if

Buffy: Giles I am turning gray.

© 2005 Tara