Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 72


In Sunnydale.

The dawn is approaching. Harmony is gently nudging Riley with her foot. She has an elderly man held in a headlock.

Harmony: Get up lover. I brought you dinner. Come on.

Riley starts to move slowly. He opens his eyes and stares at Harmony.

Harmony: That’s it. Look what I brought you. I know he is kinda old but it was all I could find.

Riley rises from the floor and towers over Harmony. He looks from her to the old man. His face transforms and she releases the man. He grabs the man and has his first meal as a vampire.

Harmony: That’s my boy.

He drops the dead man to the floor and grabs Harmony. His face returns to its human shape as he savagely takes her and kisses her. They fall together on to the mattress and begin to claw at each others clothing.



At Angel Investigations.

Cordy, Willow, And Fred are in Wesley’s office.

Willow: So you were able to contact everyone?

Cordy: Yes.

Willow: Good now we just have to figure out the food and drinks.

Cordy: Not a problem. When I called Michelle and told her about it she insisted on taking care of it. All we have to do is call her with a headcount.

Willow: Are you serious?

Cordy: She says her dad’s cook does it all the time. Her dad is known for doing things at the last minute, so according to Michelle the cook has everything in the freezer ready to go. She just has to heat and serve so to speak.

Willow: Her dad won’t mind?

Cordy: Not according to Michelle. She said once he hears it is for Buffy and Angel he will insist on it

Willow: What does that leave? Music?

Cordy: Lorne has that one.

Willow: This is too damn easy.

Cordy: I know.

Fred: I guess the only thing we need to do is get rooms ready for the outer downers.

Cordy: I guess so. Who is coming?

Willow: Lets see, most of us from Sunnydale are here except Xander and Anya and they will be in by seven.

Fred: I haven’t told her but Buffy got an e-mail from Oz and he got a flight out and arrives at the airport at 5 tonight.

Willow: Oz? Oh my lord, I didn’t even know she found him for sure.

Cordy: Why was she looking for Oz?

Fred: Not sure.

Cordy: Willow?

Willow: Uh she wants to talk to him about something.

Cordy: Is it about the prophecy?

Willow: Yes. She thinks he deserves to know.

Cordy: So are you two going to uh…well you know.

Willow: Cordy, not now. This is kinda a private issue, okay.

Cordy: Uh well okay then.

Willow: Sorry, but it is.

Cordy: No I am sorry. It really is.

Willow: Well if there isn’t anything more to decide I think I will go upstairs for awhile.

Cordy: No I think it is all set. Just let me call Michelle with the number of people.

Fred: Will they be surprised?

Cordy: I think they will.

Willow heads upstairs and Cordy and Fred go into the outer office. They are working on a file when the front door opens. A young man enters. Cordy looks up.

Cordy: Hello, can we help you?

Client: Uh is this Angel Investigations?

Cordy: That’s right. Are you in need of our assistance?

Client: Actually I am. Isn’t this a hotel?

Cordy: Use to be, now it is our office. What is the problem?

Client: Well I really need to talk to the actual people that handle the cases.

Cordy: Here at AI we all do everything. What is it you are in need of?

Client: Well I need help clearing out a rather large nest of vampires. I am not sure you ladies are quite what I need. Sorry, no offense, but I need serious muscle.

Cordy: We can get you the help, want to tell us the full story.

Client: Well I live down near the waterfront and I normally can handle the occasional vampire that wanders that way but I just discovered a huge nest has been set up in an old boat marina warehouse. More than I can take on myself. Thought about just torching the place but there are too many any other building around. I just need some backup to clear them out. The tourist season is coming.

Cordy: And the waterfront will be teaming with naive victims.

Client: You got it. I would love to get it done today if possible because there is suppose to be an outdoor concert down there tonight.

Cordy: I think we can do that. Everyone should be in soon and we can help.

Gunn walks in.

Gunn: I can’t believe it. What are you doing here?

The two men shake hands.

Client: I heard you were working here.

Gunn: I do, what brings you up this way?

Cordy: He needs our help clearing out a vampire nest.

Gunn: Cool. Hey who told you I was here anyway.

Client: Anne, she mentioned it when I went to see her recently. She said you are pretty much been a stranger.

Gunn: Well this place keeps me busy. How is Anne?

Client: She is doing great. Well except for the fact she has hooked up with some lawyer dude. She could do better but he has been able to help some of the kids get money for college, so I guess he isn’t all bad.

Cordy: Lawyer? Not Lindsay is it?

Client: As a matter fact that was his name.

Gunn: Anne and Lindsay, now that is match made in LA.

Cordy: LA, where anything can happen.

Gunn: You can say that again.

Wesley pops his head in the door.

Wes: Uh Gunn can you help me a second.

Gunn: Sure thing.

Gunn goes outside.

Cordy: So tell me how did you get into the business.

Client: Uh actually it was an ex-girlfriend. I guess in this business, you have heard of the vampire slayer before.

Cordy: Yes of course we have.

Client: Well I had this girlfriend back in high school who was the slayer and well after we broke up and she left, I just sort of kept on doing what I could. That was years and years ago. I always wonder where she might be buried.

Cordy: She died?

Client: Probably, you know they usually only live a year or two after they are called.

Cordy: Oh, but not always. How long has it been?

Client: Uh, that was in 1996, so I guess six years ago.

Cordy: Uh and where did you go to school?

Client: Uh she went to Hemry, I actually never completed high school.

Cordy: Oh!

Angel comes down with Conner.

Angel: Okay little guy lets get some breakfast. What would you like? Cereal? Juice?

Cordy: Hi daddy, need a hand.

Angel: No I got it.

Cordy: And where is mommy?

Angel: Sleeping, thankfully.

Cordy: Oh.

Client: Oh, so you guys actually live here too?

Cordy: Uh not all of us, just Angel and Fred. Well and Angel’s wife and son when they are in town.

Client: Angel, I thought Anne said he was a vampire.

Cordy: He is, but he has a soul, but I guess Anne told you that too.

Client: She did. I just didn’t know vampire’s could father children.

Cordy: Normally not but well Angel is not normal.

Angel: I heard that.

Cordy: Not an insult.

Angel: Okay little one we are all set. We got juice, cereal and the last of the breast milk. Sorry dude, but the doctor turned the factory off. After this it is formula for you.

Cordy: What? She is stopping?

Angel: Doctor said that with the new baby coming she would need to.

Cordy: Oh.

Angel feeds Conner and then notices the client.

Angel: What is up?

Cordy: Oh we have a small job. This gentleman here has discovered a large nest of vampires at the waterfront and he was looking for a bit of backup taking it out.

Angel: Fine, where are the guys?

Cordy: Out front I think.

Wesley and Gunn come in carrying boxes of new weapons.

Cordy: Here they come.

Angel: Good, Conner is fed so if someone will take him, I guess we can leave.

Giles comes downstairs.

Giles: Hello everyone.

Cordy: Morning Giles.

Willow and Tara come down.

Cordy: Looks like practically everyone is up

Angel: Willow, can you take Conner, we have a vamp nest to eliminate.

Willow: Okay but where is

Cordy: Mommy is still sleeping.

Willow: Oh well how big is the nest?

Client: Huge.

Wesley and Gunn start gathering stakes and crossbows.

Giles: Well you can count on me. Willow? Tara?

Willow: Sure.

Tara: Of course.

Angel: You girls up to it?

Willow: Angel, who do you think took care of it this summer, and I prefer you over Spike any day.

Angel: Fine, and Conner.

Cordy: I will take him to his aunt upstairs.

Angel: Okay. Fred, you going too?

Fred: Of course. Oh Cordy tell her about the e-mail.

Angel: I guess we can go. Wesley can you bring my car around back.

Willow: I can drive the jeep.

Cordy comes back.

Cordy: He is safe.

Angel: Good, lets go.

Client: My bike is out front.

Gunn: Leave it, we can come back here afterwards.

Client: Okay.

Willow, Tara, Giles, and Fred head to the jeep.

Gunn, Cordy, Angel, and the client head to the back to get in the convertible.

Client: All of you have experience at this?

Cordy: Most of have almost as much as you.

Client: Oh good.

They near the waterfront.

Angel: Wes, pull into the parking garage on Front Street.

Wes: Okay.

He pulls in and Willow follows. Angel gets out and opens a manhole.

Angel: Gunn you want to join me?

Gunn: Sure, I just love the stinking sewers.

Angel: Wes, you guys get in place at the doors. Let us get in first.

Wes: Got it.

Client: I guess I am here for the ride?

Gunn: If you want to take my place in the sewer, I won’t argue.

Client: No, I thank I’ll pass.

Angel drops into the sewer and Gunn follows, with his crossbow on his back. The others park near the warehouse.

Client: There is two entrances. One on the street side and smaller one near the water.

Wesley: Giles, why don’t you take Tara and Willow around back and we will go in the front. Everyone just wait for Angel to make his move first.

Willow: Got it. Lets go Scoobies.

Client: Scoobies?

Cordy: As in Scooby-doo.

Client: Oh.

They peer through cracks in wood covering the windows. Angel appears in the main room. He drags a large piece of wood across a metal grate causing a loud noise.

Angel: Time to wake up guys. The party is over.

The vampires began jumping up.

Vampire: Who the hell do you think you are? This is my place and you are not welcome here.

Angel: This is my town and you‘re the ones not welcome.

Vampire: Kill him.

Four vampires run at Angel but he quickly dust them all. Others head for the tunnel access but Gunn takes them out with the cross bow.

Vampire: Who the hell are you?

Angel: The name is Angel but you can call me……wait dust can’t call anyone.

More vampires move in on Angel. The doors fly open and the others come in. As the battle continues, a few vampires try to escape but with Gunn covering the sewer opening and the sun outside they are trapped. As the battle rages on, the lead vampire and two others go at Angel. He hits one and it is propelled toward Tara who manages to connect her stake with his heart. The other two advance and Angel waits for them and deploys his spring loaded cuff stakes into their hearts. The final vampires are soo defeated. The victors look about at their success.

Cordy: So glad I don’t have to clean up all this dust.

Willow: The fun part is getting all the dust out of your hair.

Cordy: So true.

Gunn: I don’t have that problem.

Cordy: You also don’t have any hair.

Gunn: Don’t you love how she can state the obvious.

Willow: Lets go. I need a shower.

Tara: And some breakfast.

Gunn: Food, now I can deal with that. Let say we take the jeep and get some breakfast and you take the car and get the creature of the night inside.

Angel: Gunn, you are cruising.

Gunn: Just kidding man. Can’t you take a joke?

Angel: I put up with you don’t I.

Gunn: Okay, who said Angel could attempt humor.

Angel heads for the sewer tunnel.

Angel: Pick me up at the parking garage.

They head out.

© 2005 Tara