Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 73


Angel goes upstairs, after having returned from the waterfront. He enters their room. Buffy has spread a blanket it on the floor and is lying down playing with Conner. Angel watches.

Buffy: Conner, look who’s home.

Angel: You two having fun?

Buffy sits up and pulls Conner onto her lap.

Buffy: We are. Want to join us?

Angel: You know I do.

Buffy: Well you just sit over there on the other side.

Angel: But I want next to you.

Buffy: But then you miss the show.

Angel: Show? Buffy behave.

Buffy: Just sit over there.

Angel sits down facing Buffy.

Buffy: Ready daddy?

Angel: Yes.

She lowers Conner down in front of her. He pushes up and tentatively moves forward.

Angel: Conner?

Conner looks at Angel and crawls toward him. He stumbles and Angel reaches for him.

Buffy: No, don’t.

Angel pulls back. Conner pushes back up and heads for Angel again. He stumbles again. He tries again an reaches his father’s knee.

Buffy: You can get him now.

Angel lifts him up.

Angel: Well hello there, you went through all that to see me? You are getting so big.

Buffy lies down .

Angel: Tired?

Buffy: Not at all. Just getting down on his level. Want to set him back down.

Angel: Hey, he just got here.

Buffy: Fine, but he’ll never learn as long as you are holding him.

Angel: Fine.

He sets him down and he heads back to his mom. When he reaches her she gives him a kiss and turns him around and he heads back the other way.

Angel: What are you doing?

Buffy: He has been doing this for about an hour with Dawn and I. He loves it.

Angel lies down. After a few more trips he stops next to Angel and lies down.

Buffy: I think he is done now.

Angel: I think you are right? Are you tired little one?

Buffy: Angel, can you watch him this afternoon?

Angel: What do you have planned?

Buffy: Nothing much. I was thinking about a relaxing bath, before I go to the grocery store.

Angel: Grocery store?

Buffy: We need food. Well Conner and I do at least.

Angel: Cordy can

Buffy: No, I am going. Then when I get back I will lie down, okay. I guess you heard Oz is coming in today. I need to see who can pick him up at the airport, cause I know you won’t let me.

Angel: What time?

Buffy: Fred said five.

Angel: You take your bath and I will find someone.

Buffy: Thanks.

Angel: You sure you don’t want Willow or Cordy to do the shopping?

Buffy: No, they can go with me, but I am going.

She gets up and heads to the bathroom. The sound of running water is heard. Angel lifts a now sleeping Conner up and places him in the crib. The water stops and he taps on the bathroom door.

Angel: Conner is in his crib. Do you need anything before I head downstairs.

Buffy: No I am fine, unless you want to join me.

Angel: Not going to happen………………….not that I wouldn’t love to.

Buffy: I love you.

Angel: I love you too



Everyone is eating.

Cordy: Oh Willow, I hope it is okay I invited that guy to come tonight.

Willow: What guy?

Cordy: Gunn’s friend, the one we just helped.

Willow: Oh okay, I am just surprised.

Cordy: He was nice and well he knows Gunn and Anne, and they will be here.

Willow: I don’t care.

Angel comes down.

Willow: Where is Buffy?

Angel: Taking a bubble bath. Willow would you mind going with her later. She is insisting on going grocery shopping.

Willow: Sure, but I think she will be fine.

Angel: Humor me, I don’t need her to faint again.

Willow: Just happened once.

Angel: Twice. Once with Spike and once after we got here. The doctor has given her vitamins and stopped her from nursing. If he is concerned, then so am I.

Willow: Okay. I will go with her.

Angel: And I need someone to go to the airport and pick up Oz at 5.

Willow: Giles is doing it.

Angel: Good. Thanks Giles.

Giles: No problem, I know my way around that airport pretty well by now.

Angel: I guess you do.

Giles: Angel, I was hoping that you and Buffy would accompany me out to dinner tonight. I would really like to talk to both of you.

Angel: Sure, as long as she is not too tired.

Giles: Well lets say eight o-clock. It will be dark by then.

Angel: Sure. I will tell her. Nothing bad is it?

Giles: Not at all.


Later that evening.

Giles arrives with Oz. Everyone except Buffy and Angel are downstairs.

Cordy: Oz, you made it. So good to see you.

Oz: Good to see all of you too.

Cordy: Uh, I think you know just about everyone here except Gunn here.

Oz: Gunn.(they shake)

Cordy: And this is Fred.

Oz: Fred and I have already met.

Cordy: You have?

Fred: On the computer.

Cordy: Oh yeah right. Well I guess that just leaves the green guy over there on the phone. That is Lorne. He runs a local club, or he did and will soon again.

Oz: Okay.

Oz: Where is Buffy and Angel?

Cordy: Taking a nap.

Oz: Huh?

Cordy: Angel finds it easier to get her to lie down and rest if he lies down with her.

Oz: Oh, when will they be up.

Cordy: Not sure, probably in about an hour. We can show you to your room.

Willow: I’ll take him upstairs.

Oz: Okay.

Willow leads Oz upstairs. They enter his room.

Oz: Are you as uncomfortable as I am?

Willow: Yes, but that doesn’t mean I am not happy to see you.

Oz: I know.

Willow: Oz, did Giles tell you about tonight?

Oz: Yes, I am sorry if I am intruding.

Willow: But you’re so not. You belong here along with all of us. This is a celebration.

Oz: But I don’t want to cause any tension.

Willow: You’re not. If you are talking about between Tara and me, the tension has been there. Nothing to do with you.

Oz: I would love to say I am sorry and mean it.

Willow: I understand. Well you get settled in. How long are you staying?

Oz: Undecided. I do want to visit my parents too.

Willow: Well I am going back downstairs, we need to make the final arrangements. They are in the dark so far.

Oz: I guess you know why she asked me here?

Willow: I do, but she needs to explain it herself.

Oz: Okay then.

Willow leaves and heads back downstairs.



Later that evening in Angel and Buffy’s room.

Buffy: Giles did not say what he wanted to talk to us about?

Angel: No, just that he wanted to talk. You look beautiful. I like that dress.

Buffy: I thought you might.

Angel: But then you would look great in a potato sack.

Buffy: Flattery will get you practically anything.

Angel: What won’t it get me?

Buffy: Anything that may cause you to lose your soul.

Angel: Hmmm, but anything else I can have?

Buffy: Yes, so what do you want?

Angel: You. That’s all.

Buffy: You have me. Forever and Always.

Angel walks up and looks down at her.

Buffy: What are you thinking?

Angel: About telling Giles that we have other plans and staying here in this room with you.

Buffy: Doing what?

Angel: Anything I want remember?

Buffy: Anything that won’t cause you to lose your soul.

Angel: Fine, I know how far I can go. Are you telling Giles or am I?

Buffy: Your idea, you get to tell him.

Angel: But if I get anything I want, what if I want you to tell him.

Buffy: Fine. We will tell him together then.

Angel: He can tell us what ever he has to say here just as well.

Buffy: Lets go.

Angel: One second.

He pulls her into his arms and kisses her. The kiss deepens and he guides her toward the bed. He lowers them down and gently caresses her shoulders and back. Buffy pulls back.

Buffy: Giles will be waiting.

Angel: I know.

He leans over and resumes the kiss. A knock at the door is heard.

Angel: (w) Ignore it.

They continue kissing. A second knock.

Buffy: It might be about Conner.

Angel: Fine, check then get back here.

He lies on his back staring at the ceiling as she hurries to the door. She opens the door.

Giles: Great you are ready. Lets go.

Buffy: Sorry Giles but, we decided to stay in.

Giles glances over at Angel.

Giles: I know you have more pleasant things planned but, would just come downstairs for a minute.

Buffy looks at Angel. Angel looks back. She raises her eyebrow.

Angel: Fine. Lets go.

They head downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs is all their friends.

Buffy: What is going on here?

Willow: Well Cordy and I thought you two deserved a little fun and well you have a lot to celebrate.

Buffy: Giles?

Giles: And you wanted to stay upstairs alone.

Buffy looks at Angel. He looks back.

Angel: I guess our little party has been replaced by a bigger one.

Buffy and Angel join the others. Hank comes over.

Hank: Hi honey. How are you?

Buffy: Fine, I guess they told you what we are celebrating.

Hank: Not at all. They said you would have to tell me.

Buffy: Oh, well excuse me a second.

She goes over the Willow.

Buffy: Willow, did you tell anyone why you are throwing this party?

Willow: No, we decided that would be your decision. You get the pleasure.

Buffy: Oh, I just figured.

Willow: I just told them they would find out later.

Michelle walks up.

Michelle: Buffy, you look amazing. But you always do. I can not see how you keep that perfect figure. Especially after having Conner.

Buffy: Uh, I manage.

Michelle: Dad wanted to come tonight, but Mom had already made plans for them.

Buffy: That’s okay. I would have loved to see them, but we can do that another time.

Michelle: Now are you going to tell me what the big secret is?

Buffy: Later, we will tell everyone. Okay?

Michelle: You better hurry, you know my imagination.

Buffy: Lord do I.

Michelle: Uh, Buffy, that guy that just came in, I swear he looks like….

Buffy: It can’t be. What would he be doing here?

Michelle: I don’t know but it is him. I know it is.

Across the room.

Cordy: Hi, you came. I am glad. Anne and Lindsay are here. And Gunn, of course. I am not sure who else you might know>

Client: Thanks for the invite. Looks like a nice crowd. What is the occasion, you never said?

Cordy: Oh, well It is for Angel and his wife. Sort of a celebration for the new baby. But don’t say anything to the others, some people don’t know yet.

Client: Fine. Are they going to make an announcement or something?

Cordy: Probably after everyone is here.

Michelle walks up.

Michelle: Hello.

Client: Hi, hey don’t I know you. Didn’t you go to Hemry?

Michelle: I did. I thought that was you. There are others her from Hemry here.

Client: There is? Who?

Cordy: I will let you guys catch up.

Cordy walks over to Gunn.

Gunn: You are up to something, and I am thinking I am not going to like it.

Cordy: No, it is nothing. Just a little blast from someone’s past.

Gunn: I hope this blast don’t blow us all to smithereens.

Cordy: No but, you might want to get the stun gun, in case.

Gunn: Oh lord, this is not good. You better tell me what is going on.

Cordy: Fine, it is really nothing.

Gunn: Cordy.

Cordy: Fine, your friend told me that in 1996 he dated a slayer who attended Hemry High School.

Gunn: So. I knew he dated one a long time ago. But she is dead.

Cordy: I don’t think so. Buffy was at Hemry in 96.

Gunn: I know you are lying.

Cordy: She moved to Sunnydale in early 97 after getting kicked out of Hemry for burning down the gym.

Gunn: And you invited him here to what……destroy their marriage?

Cordy: Of course not.

Gunn: This better not end badly. Because you might loose two really good friends.

Cordy: As if.


Michelle guides the gentleman over to the group of friends.

Michelle: I was right guys.

Client: Hi.

He looks around at the faces and stops at the one he never thought he would see again.

Client: Buffy?

Buffy: Hi Pike.

Pike: I, well I thought….my lord it is you.

Buffy: It is me. What are you doing here? Sorry that came out rude.

Pike: No, it didn’t. I am just stunned. Maybe we can talk over there.

Buffy: Uh, sure, guys we will be right back.


They walk over away for the others.

Pike: You are not dead, I well I assumed that by now you had well died.

Buffy: I am alive and kicking. Not saying it has been easy. I have actually died twice but friends were able to revive me. I have some wonderful friends. So what brings you to this party?

Pike: Oh I guess you know all about Angel Investigations, being you both are in the same business. But well they helped me this morning and afterward Cordy invited me to come.

Buffy: Cordy did?

Pike: Yes, she said I would know a few people, but I never thought I would see you again. Well like I told you I thought you were dead.

Buffy: So you are the guy with the vamp nest on the waterfront. You didn’t happen to mention that we dated to Cordy, did you?

Pike: Not by name, I mentioned I dated a slayer six years ago.

Buffy: So Cordy made sure you came, she knew I would be here. Pretty slick Cor.

Pike: You are not mad.

Buffy: No, I am glad to see you, but Cordy should watch who she tries an manipulates.

Over near the stairs Angel is talking with Hank and Giles when he notices Buffy talking with Pike.

Angel: Isn’t that the guy from this morning?

Giles looks over.

Giles: I believe it is.

Hank looks.

Hank: Oh lord what rock did he crawl out from under.

Angel: What?

Hank: Pike, I thought I we saw the last of him when Buffy moved to Sunnydale.

Angel: Do you know him?

Hank: Unfortunately, I threw him out of the house enough times.

Angel: So he was her boyfriend?

Hank: Sorry Angel, I wasn’t thinking. They dated way back when. But she has you and Conner now. She is not the same girl who stayed out late and got into trouble.

Angel: She stayed out late slaying, Hank. And I guess that is how he got involved with vampire hunting too.

Hank: He is a vampire hunter?

Angel: Yes, he came here this morning for our help.

Hank: Now he is here.

Angel: Someone must have invited him.

Angel stares at Buffy. He can’t keep his eyes off her as she talks with Pike. Angel does not like the way they have separated themselves for the others. He starts to move toward them when Tara comes down carrying Conner.

Tara: All clean and smelling good.

Angel: I will take him. Thanks Tara. I will take over.

He looks at Buffy and she looks over and smiles at him and Conner.


Buffy: Uh excuse me a minute I need to get something.

She heads to the fridge. Pike follows her. She gets out a bottle of milk for Conner and heats it up.She test it and turns to head toward Angel but nearly runs into him coming in.

Angel: I’ll take that .

He takes the bottle and walks off.

Pike: What is his problem? You were trying to help.

Buffy: Not quite sure.

She watches him find a seat and start to feed Conner. She goes to follow but is stopped by a loud noise from the speakers Lorne set up.

Lorne: Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a good time. I know I am. Now some of you know why we are here but there are others that are still should I say in the dark. Well I have been given the honor of telling you what we are celebrating.

He pauses and looks around.

Lorne: Looks like daddy is kinda busy with Conner, so I guess I will just have to tell you without them. The wonderful news is that……can I have a drum roll…..oh just kidding. Don’t you all love the suspense.

Angel: Lorne.

Lorne: Fine, Fine. They want everyone on to know that is about six months little Conner with have a new brother or sister.

Willow: Sister.

Lorne: I stand corrected, it appears they already know it is a girl.

Everyone looks around and smiles.

Hank walks up to Angel.

Hank: Are you two trying to make me feel old?

Angel: Not at all.

Hank: I was just kidding. Congratulations. Good luck. Girls are not easy.

Angel: I can imagine. I am more nervous about raising Caitlin than raising Conner.

Hank: Caitlin? Is that the going to be her name?

Angel: Yes, we are still working on the middle name though.

Hank: Where is Buffy?

Angel: Last I saw her she was over near he fridge.



Lorne come back over the speakers.

Lorne: Okay guys, I would like to sing a little song for out young parents. Tara, I could use a little help please.

They begin singing.

Having my baby,

what a lovely way of saying how much you love me.
Having my baby,

what a lovely way of saying what you're thinking of me.

Angel looks at Buffy. She stares at him and Conner.

Pike: What a lame song.

I can see it
Your face is glowing
I can see it in your eyes
I'm happy in knowing...

Willow walks up and takes Conner.

Willow: Go.

That your having my baby,
you're the woman I love and I love what it's doing to you.
Having my baby,
you're a woman in love and I love what's going through you.

Angel gets up and walks over to Buffy and takes her hand and they walk to a spot that was set up for dancing.

The need inside you
I see it showing
Oh, the seed inside you baby do you feel it growing.
Are you happy in knowing...

His arms wound around her and she lies her head on his chest.

Angel: (w) I love you.

That you're having my baby,
I’m a woman in love and I love what it's doing to me.
Having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what's going through me.
Didn't have to keep it
Wouldn't put you through it
You could have swept it from your life but you wouldn't do it.
No, you wouldn't do it...

And you're having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what it's doing to me.
Having my baby,
I'm a woman in love and I love what's going through me.



© 2005 Tara