Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 80


UCLA Hospital.

Angel sits reading, while Willow naps. The door cracks open and Buffy peeks her head in. Angel gets ups and goes into the hall

Buffy: The nurse said she is sleeping.

Angel: She went back to sleep right after I called you.

Buffy: Does she know about Tara?

Angel: Not yet. I wanted to wait for the rest of you.

Buffy: I think that is better. Why don’t I go in and sit with her awhile. You can stretch your legs.

Angel: Where are the others?

Buffy: When the nurse said she was sleeping they went to the cafeteria.

Angel: I guess I will go down there too.

Buffy: Uh honey, it is kinda sunny in there.

Angel: Oh, well I guess I won’t.

Buffy gets on her toes and softly kisses his cheek.

Buffy: You want to track me down a soda?

Angel: No, but I will get you some juice.

Buffy: (laughs). I knew you would say that. Always the ever vigilant champion of nutrition.

Angel: Go. I will get your juice. But when I get back I want a little more than a measly kiss on the cheek.

Buffy: Sorry, but anything more will have to wait till bedtime.

Angel: You know what I meant.

Buffy: I know if I start something I want to finish it.

Angel: Sounds like fun.

Buffy: Always.

She turns and walks into the room. She pulls the chair closer and sits watching Willow.


Everyone is waiting for Willow to awaken. Buffy and Sheila are in the room.

Sheila: (w) And Angel said she seemed fine?

Buffy: (w) Perfectly. A little confused but normal.

Sheila: (w) Thank god. I have been so worried.

Buffy: (w) We all..

She watches as Willow opens her eyes.

Buffy: Mrs. Rosenburg, she’s awake.

Sheila turns.

Sheila: Hi honey. How are you?

Willow: Mom?

Sheila: Yes dear.

Willow: Buffy?

Buffy: I am here. Its about time you woke up. You have given us quite a scare.

Sheila: Let me get the nurse.

Willow: Nurse? What nurse?

Buffy: Willow, you are in the hospital. You were in an accident.

Willow: Oh, am I okay?

Buffy: (laughs) I think so. Well except for the broken arm and ribs. Pretty much of the good.

Willow: Broken arm? (looks at the cast) That would explain the cast.

The nurse comes in.

Nurse: The doctor is on his way. Let me get your vitals, miss.

Buffy watches. The doctor comes in.

Doctor: Hello Willow. You are looking better than when I first saw you.

Willow: How long?

Doctor: What? How long have you been here? Four days. Not that long.

Willow: Oh.

Buffy: Will, you must have been really tired. And Angel keeps telling me to get sleep.

Willow: Angel, he was here. Where is he?

Buffy: Outside with the others.

Willow: Others?

Buffy: You know, your mom and dad, Dawn, Xander, those others.

Willow: And Tara?

Buffy: Uh, no Willow, Tara is not out there.

Willow: Oh. I just thought.

Buffy: (looks at the doctor) Willow, Tara was in the accident with you. Do you remember heading back to Sunnydale?

Willow: I think so. Oz, Dawn, Tara and I were in your jeep. Xander and Anya were behind us. Right?

Buffy: Exactly. Well an SUV ran a red light and hit the driver’s side of the jeep.

Willow: And I was hurt?

Buffy: That’s right.

Willow: And Tara was hurt too?

Buffy: Yes she was.

Willow: And Dawn and Oz?

Buffy: Dawn got a few cuts and bruises. But Oz came out like brand new.

Willow: He is kinda indestructible.

Buffy: I guess.

Willow: And Tara? How is she?

Buffy: Will, I, well, Will, she..

Willow: She is not here is she?

Buffy: She was hurt bad.

Willow: How bad?

Buffy: Her injuries were too severe.

Willow: She’s dead isn’t she?

Buffy: Yeah will she is. We just got back from the funeral. It was well nice. Giles and Dawn both got up and….oh Will.

Buffy gently hugs Willow. They are both crying.

Doctor: Willow, I am going but I need to talk to you privately for a moment first.

Buffy: Of course.

She leaves.

Willow: Am I dying.

Doctor: No, no nothing like that. When you were brought in an note was made in the chart about you are trying to conceive a child.

Willow: How did? I know.

Doctor: Well because of all the x-rays and such we had to be sure, so we had you tested and earlier this week it came back positive.

Willow: What came back positive?

Doctor: The pregnancy test. You are pregnant.

Willow: So fast. Well I guess not fast if I have been here four days.

Doctor: The chart said you were trying the day of the accident. So I assume you are only four days along. I recommend you see your own doctor once you get home.

Willow: Uh, okay. Doctor. Would you tell this to someone else for me?

Doctor: Sure. Who?

Willow: Oz, he is suppose to be outside. He is the father.

Nurse: I will get him.

Oz comes in.

Doctor: Are you Oz?

Oz: I am. Hey Will, how are you feeling?

Willow: Numb.

Oz: Not the answer I expected.

Willow: Doctor?

Doctor: Willow wanted me to tell you that the two of you are going to have a baby.

Oz looks at Willow.

Oz: You said it was the perfect time.

Willow: I guess I was right.

Oz: I know it is hard right now but this good news.

Willow: It is. But I think Buffy and I are going to need a bigger house.

Oz: I think you’ll manage.

Willow: Three babies in one house.

Doctor: Excuse me, three?

Willow: My best friend Buffy, the blonde, well we live together with her teenage sister. She and her husband have a six month old boy and are expecting a girl in six months.

Doctor: Oh, looks like a full house.

Willow: It will be. But I suspect we will have lots of help.

Doctor: Well I will be going.

Willow: Oz, get Buffy.

Oz: Can’t wait to tell her?

Willow: No.

Oz gets Buffy.

Buffy: Will, what’s wrong?

Willow: Nothing.

Buffy: Did Oz tell you about the funeral?

Willow: No. Were there a lot of people there?

Buffy: Of course.

Oz: Buffy did you get the guest book?

Buffy: I left it in the van. You still got the keys?

Oz: Sure. I’ll get it.

Oz leaves.

Willow: Oz has his van?

Buffy: No, it’s mine. Please don’t laugh. But we had to replace the jeep and well with two car seats, it seemed the best choice.

Willow: Oh. You got a van. Good choice. Do you think it can hold three car seats?

Buffy: What? Hey after Caitlin gets here I am not planning anymore for awhile.

Willow: Not you. Me.

Buffy: Oh, are you and Oz considering having a baby?

Willow: Past considering, the doctor just told us we already succeeded.

Buffy: Huh?

Willow: I am joining you in mommy land.

Buffy: But when?

Willow: Sunday morning.

Buffy: No time wasted, huh?

Willow: Hey, she is already 3 months older, we couldn’t wait too long. (laughs)

Buffy: I am glad you can laugh.

Willow: Better than crying. That will come.

Angel walks in.

Angel: Buffy, sorry but the others want in here and you need to get some rest.

Buffy: Okay. But Willow just told me some good news.

Angel: I could use some good news.

Willow: Angel, looks like you will not just be a daddy. How about an uncle?

Angel: An uncle?

Buffy: To Oz and Willow are having a baby.

Angel: Okay, I am confused.

Buffy: They decided to fulfill the prophecy.

Angel: Okay, I understand but, oh congratulations.

Willow: Thanks.

Angel: Lets go love.

Buffy: By Willow. I will be by in the morning.

Angel: Late morning.

Willow: Bye.


Saturday afternoon.

At AI.

Buffy is getting the last of her things.

Angel: I want to go on record that I don’t think you should be leaving.

Buffy: I have to. Willow is going home and Dawn has school. I need to get back. Now you can pack your bags and come with me, I won’t complain.

Angel: You know I can’t. I have to stay here. Alone.

Buffy goes up to him. And looks up into his warm brown eyes. He stares down at her. Their eyes lock. Neither wants to break the moment. He leans down and takes her in his arms. He backs her toward the bed. He forces her down.

Angel: You are not going anywhere.

Buffy attempts to rise and he pushes her back.

Angel : No, I won’t have you leave me. I need you. I need Conner.

Buffy: And we need you.

He lies beside her. And pulls her into his arms.

Angel: Buffy, I can’t do this. I can’t watch you walk out of here again. And Conner, he doesn’t even know me. Please stay with me.

Buffy: I want to. How I want to. But we knew going in that this was what we had to do. We belong in different worlds for now. I have Sunnydale and you have LA. Besides you are coming to Sunnydale in about two weeks.

Angel: Might as well be two years.

Buffy: Hey why don’t you just kiss me and quit whining.

Angel: I don’t whine, but the kissing I can go for.

Their mouths connect. The fire of passion burns hot. They cling to each other. Their bodies are pressed tightly together. Their legs entangle. She pulls back.

Buffy: I need to stop.

Angel: Why?

Buffy: Because I am considering things that are forbidden.

Angel: (smiles) Me too.

Buffy: We can’t go there.

Angel: I know. Buffy, have you checked the pendant lately?

Buffy: No, I don’t want to.

Angel gets up.

Angel: Where is it?

Buffy: I just put it in the top of the blue bag.

Angel gets it and comes over to the bed.

Buffy: You know it’s not ready. It will be months. So just put it back.

Angel: I know but, lets look and then we can plan something. Something to look forward to.

Buffy: Make the plans now before we know when?

Angel: Yes, do you want to?

Buffy: What do you have in mind? Another trip to the inn on the beach?

Angel: No, somewhere different. Each time lets go to a new place.

Buffy: Each time, sounds nice. I like knowing there will be more times. Uh but honey in the future I am requesting one thing.

Angel: What?

Buffy: Some form of birth control would be nice.

Angel: (laughs) What no more little ones?

Buffy: Not right away. Two is quite enough.

Angel: I know. Fine, birth control is first thing to plan. Anything else?

Buffy: A really big bed. With lots of pillows.

Angel: Agreed. Do you have any ideas where?

Buffy: Someplace where noise is not an issue.

Angel: Someone here does have a tendency to get noisy.

Buffy: I think that is two someones.

Angel: Fine, both of us.

Buffy: I think I have an idea. I need to look it up but I heard of a place kinda out in the desert somewhere that has little bungalows all spread out.

Angel: Sounds good. You look into it and I will see if I can find other possible places. Now do we look or not?

Buffy: Fine, but it will be five, pink, orange, green, blue, and red. Nothing has happened in the last week to change that.

Angel opens and peeks in the box.

Buffy: See, five, pink, orange, green, blue, and red.

Angel: Your right but you missed yellow.

Buffy: Yellow? Let me see that.

He holds it away from her.

Angel: No you didn’t want to see. Remember?

Buffy: You are lying.

Angel smiles.

Buffy: Let me see.

Angel: No.

Buffy: You better, you know I can make you.

Angel: You won’t fight me, you are pregnant.

Buffy: No fighting. I can just rub you the wrong way.

Angel: You wouldn’t.

Buffy: Try me. You know I will.

Angel looks at her and hands her the box.

Buffy: Thanks.

She opens it.

Buffy: You weren’t lying.

Angel: No, remember, I don’t lie. Now about the rubbing the wrong way. Let’s add that to the plans.

Buffy: Already on it. Now I need to get this stuff in the van before Master Conner awakens. Want to help carry it down.

Angel: I can’t talk you into staying?

Buffy: Sorry. But I expect you in two weeks.

Angel: Well go get Wesley or Gunn. I will not have you carrying any of this stuff in your condition.

Buffy: I am pregnant, not crippled.

Angel: Buffy, either you behave or your not leaving. Wait a minute, I prefer you not leaving, so go ahead and act up.

Buffy: I am leaving. So I am going and getting help.

She walks out.



Later that day in Sunnydale.

Dawn has unloaded the van.

Dawn: You promised Angel you wouldn’t do this. Why couldn’t he make me promise.

Buffy: Because you are not pregnant. Oh and god lets keep it that way.

Dawn: No chance of that, I can’t even get a guy to ask me out.

Buffy: It will happen. Give it time. The right guy will show up one day.

Dawn: Better be soon.

Buffy: Hey here comes a car. I hope it is Willow and her parents.

Mr. Rosenburg helps Willow inside.

Ira: Look at all this stuff.

Buffy: With a baby, you never can have too much.

Dawn: Yes you can. You didn’t have to carry it all in the house.

Willow: If you had waited, Dad would have helped.

Ira: Of course I would have. But I guess you and Buffy got it all.

Dawn: Buffy? No way. Angel made her promise not to lift anything except Conner. She is suddenly a delicate little flower.

Buffy: Dawn, shut up. He just wants to make sure nothing happens to the baby. Father’s do that.

Sheila: Baby? Buffy are you pregnant again?

Buffy: Oh, sorry, I thought you knew. Yes. Three months.

Sheila: Boy you will have little doorsteps.

Buffy: Not planned.

Sheila: Most aren’t. But it is good news?

Buffy: We are happy.

Sheila: Well if you ever need pseudo grandparents, let us know. We don’t expect any of our own so we would love to borrow your on occasion.

Buffy: Thanks.

Willow: Uh can someone help me upstairs. I need to lie down.

Buffy: I will. If someone can take Conner.

Sheila: Oh let me please. And while I do that, Ira why don’t you help them get this stuff in the right rooms. The front hall is not it.






© 2005 Tara