Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 92



Buffy: Has she answered yet?

Xander: No. I have called the store and the apartment over and over but no answer.

Buffy: Maybe she went shopping.

Xander: We are talking about Anya, not you.

Buffy: So Anya never buys anything.

Xander: Not unless she plans and price checks for weeks first.

Buffy: Oh. Well she will show up. She knows we are having dinner here right?

Xander: Yes, I told her to meet me here after she was finished at the store. She said she would be a little late because she needed to place a few orders.

Buffy: Well lets just eat and she will come when she is done.

Xander: I know, I guess I just have the wigs because of Riley.

Buffy: I know. But she is a smart girl.



Later In LA

Fred is working on her computer when the front door open. Harmony walks in.

Fred: Hi, can I help you?

Harmony: Just have something for Angel.

Fred: He isn’t here.

Harmony: Just make sure he gets it. It is urgent.

Harmony hands her a manila envelope and takes off. Wes walks out of his office.

Wes: Fred, were you talking to someone?

Fred: Yes, some lady came in and dropped this off for Angel. She said it was urgent.

Wes: What is it?

Fred: Don’t know it is sealed.

Cordy comes in.

Cordy: Hello.

Fred: Evening.

Cordy: So what do have on the schedule.

Wes: Nothing new. But it looks like Angel got an odd delivery.

Cordy: What is it?

Fred: Just this envelope. Some lady brought it in and said it was urgent.

Cordy: Then open it.

Fred: She said it was for Angel.

Cordy: And if it is urgent we will call him.

Cordy takes the envelope and tears it open.

Cordy: Oh my.

Fred: What is it?

Cordy: Anya.

Wes takes the picture.

Wes: Looks like she has been kidnapped.

Cordy: Then why haven’t they called us.

Fred: Maybe they don’t know.

Cordy: How do you not know someone is missing?

Wes: Well I am calling them



In Sunnydale.

Buffy: Xander, we will get her back. We will not let them hurt her.

Xander: Yeah I heard that the last time you had a boyfriend go evil.

Angel: Xander, that is not helping.

Xander: But it is truthful.

Buffy: Can we quit fighting amongst ourselves and get to LA.

Angel: You sure they will be there.

Buffy: Where do you suggest?

Angel: Well Cordy said she recognized the store the picture was taken in, so lets wait until they check it out.

Buffy: They broke into a designer boutique to take pictures?



Cordy: Well Harmony’s taste hasn’t changed.

Fred: What?

Cordy: Well the clothes here. Everything in her size is gone. Well except the last season stuff.

Fred: Oh.

Wes: Well any other clues.

Fred: Nothing except the big map taped to the cash register.

Wes: Oh, well of course that.

Fred: You didn’t even see it.

Wes: Actually, I thought it a bit obvious.

Cordy: Sure you did Wes. Just get the map so we can get out of here before we are caught.


In Sunnydale.

Buffy: Okay does everyone have everything.

Dawn: Did you get up with Faith or Spike?

Buffy: No. But I will stop by his place and leave a note.

Angel: Okay, I guess we are all ready. Xander, be careful with the car.

Xander: Don’t worry, I am not going to hurt your precious car.

Buffy: He knows that. Don’t you honey?

Angel: Sure.

Dawn: Why can’t I ride with Xander and Willow?

Buffy: Because I want someone in the backseat with Conner. Please Dawn, I can’t take anything more.

Dawn: Sorry.

Angel: Come on.


At the cemetery.

Buffy enters the crypt.

Buffy: Spike. Spike. Are you here? Damn.

Angel: Just leave a note and lets go.

Buffy: Fine. I just wished I could talk to one of them.

Angel: Call Faith later. Anya is waiting.

Buffy: I know. Lets go.


On the highway.

Angel: Buffy, are you okay?

Buffy: I guess. I just wished I had told Xander and Anya on Saturday night.

Angel: This is not your fault.

Buffy: I am not so sure.

Angel: I hate bucket seats. You are too far away.

Buffy: I am still getting use to you driving my van. I am getting use to me driving it.

Dawn: I like it. It has lots of room. And my own air vents.

Buffy: I am glad you are happy.

Dawn: Would be happier with Xander, but this is okay.

Buffy: How is Conner doing?

Dawn: Chewing on his puppy. Looks fine.

Buffy: Good, but this is going to mess with his schedule.

Dawn: He can go to sleep as soon as we get to the hotel.


The cell phone rings.

Buffy: Hello.

Wes: Well we checked the shop. They are gone of course but they left us a map. Looks like they are playing games.

Buffy: Great. Well we are on our way to LA. We can regroup and see what is the next step.

Wes: Okay, we will keep looking. Fred is surfing the net now.

Buffy: Good. Keep us posted.

Hang up

Buffy: Dawn can you look in my bag for my day planner and find Kate’s number.

Angel: What can Kate do?

Buffy: What she did before. Track their moves.

Angel: Don’t you think they will be more cautious?

Buffy: No. Harmony is an idiot and Riley thinks we are. He is still hiding in the shadows and thinks we don’t know who is pulling the strings.

Angel: Why you say that?

Buffy: Because he sent Harmony into the hotel and did not do it himself. He is trying not to tip his hand. But we are using marked cards.

Angel: I hope you are right.

Dawn: Found it.

Buffy: Thanks.

Buffy dials.

Kate: Hello.

Buffy: Hey Kate.

Kate: Who is this?

Buffy: Its Buffy.

Kate: What is wrong?

Buffy: Riley and Harmony kidnapped Anya and are on the run.

Kate : Who’s Anya?

Buffy: The Magic Box owner.

Kate: The blonde girl?

Buffy: Yes. They are using her as bait.

Kate: Bait for what?

Buffy: Me. They are using her to get me.

Kate: So what are you going to do?

Buffy: Find them and kill them.

Kate: Okay. I like your attitude. But I thought you were out of commission.

Buffy: I am, but I am not alone. I have rallied the troops and we are on the move.

Kate: You are jovial.

Buffy: No, I am mad and scared but acting it don’t help no one.

Kate: I have to agree. Now why are you calling me?

Buffy: I need you to see if you can find out where they are heading. They have proven to be less than low profile.

Kate: I can try.

Buffy: I gave you our cell numbers, just call us with anything you find.

Kate: Okay.


Later at the hotel.

Everyone is assembled.

Wes: The map is of LA and it is marked for the interstate 10 on ramp. So I think they are trying lead us out of town.

Angel: Lead us into a trap.

Wes: That would seem obvious.

Buffy: Well we have no choice. But we still have an ace up our sleeve. He still thinks we don’t know who is behind this. Gives me an advantage, because I know how he thinks.

Angel: But he also knows how you think.

Buffy: That is why you are doing the thinking. This is your call. I am just here to give guidance on Riley.

Angel: Okay. Buffy are you okay? Do you have a fever?

Buffy: Stop, I am fine. I am just not cocky. Well not right now at least.

Angel: Well unless I hear objections I think we follow the trail. But my first concern is Conner. We need him in a safe place.

Buffy: I was thinking Cordy and Gunn could take him home. Then the rest of us would go after them.

Angel: We may need Gunn’s muscle.

Buffy: But Conner may need it too.

Angel: You think he may be the next target.

Buffy: Do you want to leave it to chance?

Angel: I guess not. Gunn?

Gunn: Hey, if you two would rather I guard the kid than chase the crazy vamp, I will.

Buffy: Thank you so much. Cordy?

Cordy: You don’t even have to ask.

Buffy: Well I guess let you two have my van with the car seat and we use the car.

Oz: And my van.

Angel: Definitely. I may need the back during the day.

Buffy: Then we are out of here. So I guess Wes, Fred and Oz can put their stuff in his van and we can move ours to the car and get going.

Angel: Hey non leader, you are leading.

Buffy: Sorry, bad habit. I give you the floor.

Angel: Thank you. Well I guess what she said.

Oz: Someday you will not bother to try.

Angel: Never.


In Sunnydale.

Spike: Are you going to come in or are you going to run off like last night.

Faith: I didn’t run anywhere. I walked home.

Spike; You know what I meant. You are scared.

Faith: Scared of what? You? Hardly.

Spike: Scared that you will not be able to say no.

Faith: No? You think I can’t say no to you.

Spike: Not to me. To what you need. You are an addict. And I wouldn’t mind supplying you.

Faith: You are so warped.

Spike: No, I just know people. And you like it hot, sweaty and really dirty. But so do I.

Faith: I am gone.

Spike: Well you know where to find me. When the craving gets too bad.

Faith walks off.

Faith: Like I need him. I never go back for seconds. When I feel like screwing , I will just go to a bar and find some sap. Not some guy who don’t think he is the end all and be all.

Spike: Not the end all and be all. Just the thing you need.

Faith: What are you going to follow me now?

Spike: Maybe. Are you going to come back to my place?

Faith: No.

Spike: Then do we go to yours?

Faith: No.

Spike: Well I am not to much into the nature scene but if that is what it takes.

Faith: Just leave me alone.

Spike: That is not what you want and you know it. Now quit fighting it and let’s go to my place. I didn’t get to show you everything.

Faith: I saw plenty.

Spike: But you forgot that vampire’s have fast hands.

He walks away. She stands there watching him.

Faith: So what does that mean?

Spike: You know.

He goes back to his crypt and gets ready for bed.


On the highway.

Wes is driving the car with Fred, Dawn, and Xander. Oz has Willow, Angel and Buffy.

Willow: You two okay back there?

Buffy: We are fine. Oz, just wondering why there is a mattress back here.

Oz: Because I use to live in here, while I traveled.

Buffy: Oh.

Willow: Just you two behave.

Buffy: Don’t we always.

Willow: No

Cell phone rings

Buffy: Hello.

Kate: I think I got something.

Buffy: Go ahead.

Kate: Well there was a couple found dead last night in the parking lot of a restaurant and their vehicle is missing. It is a 2002 Range Rover. Dark Gray.

Buffy: And they died of wounds to the necks?

Kate: Sure did.

Buffy: Angel call Wes, we are looking for a dark gray Range Rover.

Kate: Also, I just heard that the CHP were called to a rest stop on Interstate 15 for a dead body.

Buffy: Sounds like what we are looking for. Anything else?

Kate: Not yet but I will let you know.

Buffy: Thanks.

Hang up.

Angel: I have Wes, anything more?

Buffy: Just a dead body at a rest stop on I 15.

Angel: But the map indicated we were to go toward Monterey Park.

Buffy: And Wes will. We will follow the dead bodies and I bet we get there first.

Angel: Whose running this?

Buffy: You are.

Angel: I was wondering. Wes, you follow the directions they left. We are following Buffy’s nose.

Buffy smiles.



Cell phone rings.

Angel: Hello.

Wes: We made it to the spot marked on the map.

Angel: And.

Wes: A note and another picture of Anya at this location.

Angel: Proving she is alive.

Wes: Appears. The note says to go to the Motel 6 in Barstow and wait for instructions.

Angel: Well do you think it will do any good?

Wes: No. So where are you?

Angel: We just passed the rest stop where they found the body. We are going to continue traveling on the interstate and hope to get a lead.

Wes: Do you want us to follow or go to Barstow?

Angel: I guess go to Barstow and that way if we fail you can still be getting clues.

Wes: Okay, but I feel like a pawn in a giant chess game.

Angel: Well maybe you will capture the queen.

Wes: Not hardly.

Angel: Call if you get anything.

Wes: Bye

Hang up.

Buffy: I have a feeling I know where he is going.

Angel: Want to clue me in?

Buffy: Night. What city is the place to be at night?

Angel: Vegas. And we are heading right to it.

Buffy: Bingo. He can get lost in the crowds. But he will play his games trying to get us to come when he is ready. We just have to find him first.

Angel: In Vegas. This will be a trick.

Buffy: But Harmony will not be able to lay low. Not it Vegas.

Angel: True.

Buffy: Oz, did you get that?

Oz: Sure did. Vegas is quite the town.

Willow: Been there I assume.

Oz: I spent a few weeks there.

Angel: It is funny because it was just last year Gunn kept insisting I go there.

Buffy: Why would he want you to go to Vegas?

Angel: He said it would do me more good than a monestary in Sri Lanka.

Buffy: Oh. And how much solace would Vegas give you?

Angel: Solace was not what he was thinking.

Buffy: Oh. Oh! I am so glad you didn’t listen.

Angel: After the monks attacked, I wasn’t so sure.

Buffy: So you think a few showgirls would have been better.

Angel: Not really. The only girl I need to see is you.

Buffy: Flattery will get you everywhere.

He kisses her.

Willow: I thought you two were going to behave.

Buffy: We are Will.

Angel: Well let me call Cordy and get her to find us a place to stay

Buffy: Vegas won’t be cheap.

Angel: No it won’t.



Angel: Well Cordy actually had the bright idea to call David and he has a corporate apartment in Las Vegas for their conferences and conventions and it is empty all week.

Buffy: So we have a headquarters. Good.

Angel: Let me call Wes.



Later in the apartment

Oz: So they are on their way here?

Angel: Yes we decide to quit with the games and hope our hunch pans out.

Oz: I for one think Buffy is right. But I wish we had something solid.

Angel; Well she is having Kate check for any odd occurrences in town.

Oz: More aptly put. Dead bodies.

Angel: Basically.

© 2005 Tara