Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 97


In the hotel lobby.

Wesley and Fred have checked their voice mail and arrived at the hotel.

Fred: Where are they?

Wes: They probably went ahead and started.

Fred: This is not right. We are so selfish.

Wes: No we are not. We only took a few moments for us. We will find them.

Xander comes running up.

Xander: Where are they?

Fred: We thought you were with them.

Xander: No. I went to find out where Anya was. And when I went to get them to help me get her, they had left but left a note that they were here. I am just wasting time. I should have just gone on up there.

Fred: You know where she is?

Xander: Yes, but I thought it might go better if I had some help.

Wes: We’ll help. Just let me call them.

Xander: Yes call them. By all means, let me wait more.

Fred: Xander, you were right not to go alone. We are here and we all will help.

Xander: I know it but now I know where she is I want some real action.

They head to the elevator.


On the stairwell

Buffy: This is better than a stairmaster.

Angel: Buffy just sit down, we can handle it.

Buffy: Oh no, I am fine. Just been weeks with no exercise.

Angel’s cell phone rings.

Angel: Ahh.

He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out the phone.

Buffy: Probably Wesley.

Angel: I know. Dawn here.

He tosses her the phone.

Angel: Tell them where we are at.

Dawn: Sure

Dawn stops and answers the phone.

Dawn: Hello

Wesley: Dawn?

Dawn: Yes Wesley

Wes: Where are you?

Dawn: In the stairwell follow a puff of purple smoke. It’s suppose to lead us to Riley.

Wes: Well Xander thinks he has the room number.

Dawn: Which one?

Wes: 828. We are heading there now.

Dawn: Well I think that may be where they are heading too.

Hang up.

Dawn looks up the stairwell and then at the nearby door

Dawn: Sixth floor. I am taking the elevator.

Dawn goes in to the hallway.


Buffy, Angel, Willow and Oz reach the eighth floor landing. The smoke slips around the edges.

Buffy: Eighth floor it is.

As they exit the stairwell, a door down the hall opens and a large male with short dirty blonde hair exits and turns away from them. Buffy puts her hand out stopping Angel. She nods and he realizes it is Riley. Willow and Oz catch on too. They slowly move forward.

The figure stops and punches the elevator button as the group walks down the hall trying not to catch his attention. The elevator doors open and Riley is faced with Xander, Wesley and Fred. At the site of Xander he steps back. The second elevator opens and he moves toward but is shocked to see Dawn. He turns to run down toward his room and sees Buffy and the others. He panics at seeing eight angry people and runs down the hall the other way.

Buffy, Angel, Oz, Willow, and Wesley on his heels. Xander grabs Dawn and Fred.

Xander: I need your help. They can get him.

Fred: You want us to help find Anya?

Xander: Please. I know you can do the mind projection.

Fred: Some.

Xander: Do you think you can try and use it to talk to Anya?

Fred: I can try.


Riley runs into the stairwell and heads up the stairs. Angel is right behind him. Angel grabs him and they struggle. Angel punches him and slams him into a wall. Riley pushes back and Angel gets pinned against the railing. Riley swings and misses as Angel ducks. Then Riley kicks and Angel lurches backward over the railing. He catches the handrail one story lower and swing back up onto the stairs. The others continue the pursuit. Willow suddenly stops and leans against the wall.

Oz: Will?

Will: Go I am just getting sick again.

Oz: You should not have come.

Will: I will be fine.

Wesley reaches Riley with Buffy right behind. Angel is catching up. Riley turns and shoves Wesley down the stairs. Buffy moves against the wall avoiding being bowled over. Wesley collides in to Angel as he tries to stop the man’s fall. They both crash onto the landing. Angel looks up.

Angel: Buffy!!!!!!! Stop!!!

She head on as he moves to get up. He smells the blood before he even sees the large gash in the back of Wesley’s head.

Angel: Oz!!! Wesley needs help. I got to get to Buffy.

Riley and Buffy reach the roof.

Riley: I guess it is just you and me. I like it.

Buffy: You won’t for long.

Riley: Oh right you’re the slayer. So what is the plan. You going to try and stake me. I know you. You can’t.

Buffy: I wouldn’t be so sure.

Riley: You can’t because I know about the baby. You won’t risk it.

Buffy: I don’t see any risk.

Riley: Come on. You can’t take me on. I can fight as well if not better than you. And I promise I will go for the kill. Starting with that little half breed.

Buffy: She isn’t a half breed.

Riley: Oh is it a girl? I can’t believe I actually went to your house and was going to offer to help you raise the boy. You and me. Imagine my surprise when Willow said you were having another.

Angel stands just inside the stairwell.

Buffy: So what did you do go off to one of your vamp sucking lovers for thrill and got more than you asked for.

Riley: No I went to see what made him so much better. I went to that big old house of his. I can see why my little room at the frat house was a step down. How could I compete with that? But I tell you what though. I destroyed that bed. He won’t be getting anymore cherries in that bed.

Buffy: What are you talking about?

Riley: The bed where you gave yourself to him that first time. It is ready for the garbage man.

Buffy: You think that mansion is why I chose Angel. You are so wrong. When we were together. He was living in a one bedroom basement apartment. He didn’t move to the mansion until after he lost his soul. I chose Angel because he is twice the man you will ever be.

Riley: He ain’t anymore a man than I am. Which one of us is at the bottom of a stairway? He leaves you here to fight the big bad all alone. But I guess you are always alone.

Buffy: I was never more alone than when I was with you.

Riley: I never had a chance did I?

Buffy: No.

Riley: Real honesty. Now that is refreshing.

Buffy: Do you ever think I could ever really love you? I couldn’t even trust you. You lied to me from the beginning.

Riley: You did too. But now I just want to thank you. You made me the man I am today. If you hadn’t pushed me away I would never have become then man I am today. Look what you created.

Buffy: I didn’t turn you.

Riley: No you just made me quit caring. But I care now.

Buffy: You can’t care about anyone. You have no soul.

Riley: But I care. I care about killing as many people as I can. So thank you for turning my life around. I was a loser and now I am something. Something truly powerful.

Buffy: Powerful? You are a walking corpse.

Riley: Hey you married one.

Buffy: Angel is not like you.

Riley: No. He is weak.

Buffy starts to cry.

Riley: You are weak too.

Buffy: I will not take the blame for your death.

Riley: I am more alive than I ever have been.


On the eighth floor

Xander: Fred, try to reach her.

Fred: I am.

Xander: Well?

Fred: Give me a minute. (m) Anya?

Xander stares at Fred as if will help.

Fred: (m) Anya if you can hear me it is Fred. We are outside. Make a noise.

A low thump is heard from inside.

Fred: That is her.

Xander: How do you know?

Fred: I told her to make a noise and she did.

Xander: Oh. So is Harmony in there?

Fred: (m) Is Harmony with you? Yes, one thump, No, two thumps.

One thump is heard.

Fred: One thump, Harmony is in there.

Xander: We need to get her out of there.

Dawn walks up pushing a cleaning cart

Dawn: I got them.

Xander: Don’t you look cute

Dawn: Here Fred.

Fred takes the maid uniform from Dawn and slips it over her dress.

Dawn: Xander make sure she goes after you and Fred and I will get Anya.

Xander: So what happens when she catches me.

Dawn; Just make sure she don’t.

Fred: I think it will work. But we need to get it done, just in case Riley gets free.

Dawn slips on a pair of old glasses. Fred knocks.

Harmony: Go away.

Fred: Gotta clean the room ma’am.

Harmony: We don’t need it cleaned.

Fred: Sorry, but I have me orders.

Harmony opens the door.

Harmony: I give the orders around here.

Xander knocks over a vase and Harmony sees him

Harmony: Xander.

Xander starts running and Harmony takes off after him. Fred and Dawn run in the room before the door closes and find Anya tied to a chair. They quickly cut the ropes and take off. They duck into the elevator and head down. In the meantime, Xander runs up the stairs until he reaches Oz, Willow and Wesley.

Xander: What happened?

Oz: He fell.

Xander: Where are Buffy and Angel?

Oz: On the roof.

Harmony stops below and sees the others.

Harmony: What do we have here?

Xander: Nice of you to come.

Harmony: So where is your leader?

Xander: Buffy? Well she is up on the roof staking you new boy toy.

Harmony: If she hurts him, then your girl dies.

Xander: Sorry, Harm, we have Anya. You lose.

Harmony looks at him for a moment and runs back toward the room,

Oz: You gonna let her get away?

Xander: As long as An is safe, I don’t care.

Willow: We can get her later. How is Wesley?

Wes: I am fine. Just a bit of a headache. Well actually quite a monstrous headache. Starting to see how Cordy must feel after a vision.

Oz: Talking coherently.

Xander: And a lot.

Willow: So Anya is safe with Fred and Dawn?

Xander: She should be. They should be on their way to the apartment.

Wesley’s phone rings. He hands it to Xander.

Xander: Hello.

Fred: Got her. She is fine but she keeps asking for you.

Xander: I am on my way. Tell her I love her.

Fred: I will. Bye.

Xander: Bye.

Hang up.

Xander: She is safe.

He sits on the steps.

Willow: You okay?

Xander: Just got my life back.

Willow: Must feel good.

Xander: It does. I wish you could have yours too.

Willow: Are you leaving?

Xander: Yes.

He stands up.

Oz: Take Willow with you. She needs to lie down.

Willow: I am fine and quit acting like Angel.

Oz: Expectant fathers are a lot alike, I guess.

Willow: Just stop it. Let me go tell them Anya is safe.

She heads up the stairs.

Wes: Fathers?


On the roof

Buffy: You know I can’t let you survive.

Riley: You can‘t do anything. So I can do anything I want in Sunnydale. And you will be dead before the baby comes. Sunnydale is mine. My playground.

Buffy: What about the slayer?

Riley: You are out of commission lover.

Buffy: Not me. The current slayer. You don’t have a chance in Sunnydale.

Riley: You are alive sweet cheeks, so you are the slayer. I know the rules.

Buffy: I have not been the real slayer since I died in ‘97.

Riley: Oh yeah right, the psycho jail bird is. She ain’t dead is she.

Buffy: Alive and kicking and ready to kick you ass too.

Riley: She’s out?

Buffy: Oh and looking for you.

Angel steps out of the stairway.

Angel: She is safe.

Buffy: They got her? And Harmony?

Angel: They left her alone.

Riley: What are you talking about?

Buffy: Oh just a little search and rescue mission. Seems you lost your hostage.

Riley: So this was a keep me busy tactic.

Buffy: No it was a kick your ass to hell tactic. Just taking our time.

Angel: So can I stake him?

Buffy: Be my guess.

Angel heads toward Riley. Riley looks at Angel and then suddenly takes off leaping to the adjoining rooftop and across it. Angel goes to follow.

Buffy: Stop.

Angel turns toward her.

Angel: He is getting away.

Buffy: I know. But I need you.

He turns and catches her as she faints. Willow walks out.

Willow: She okay?

Angel: Does she look okay?

Willow: She fainted. She is not dying.

Angel: She should never have been here. When will I learn?

Willow: This was her choice and she will be fine.

Willow opens the door and Angel carries her down the stairs.

Oz: What happened?

Angel: She fainted. Wes, you okay?

Wes: I am fine, just a bump.

Angel: That is why I am covered in your blood?

Wes: Oh sorry.

Angel: Don’t be sorry, just don’t lie to me.

Wesley: I am fine.

They head out of the stairwell and toward the elevators. Buffy comes to.

Angel: Buffy?

Buffy: Hey handsome.

Angel: Not going to get out of it.

Buffy: Not trying to. Did Riley get away?

Angel: Stop worrying about Riley.

Buffy: I guess that is a yes.

Oz: Can I suggest we head to the apartment?

Angel: Agreed. I think we all need some rest.

Oz: Two ladies especially.

Buffy: Willow, welcome to my life. Oh and Angel, I can walk now.

Angel: You sure?

Buffy: Yes.

He sets her down as they reach the elevator. They take it down to the lobby.

Oz: I will get the car.

Angel: Here are the keys.

The others sit down in the lobby to wait. As they are sitting there Leena walks by and sees Angel.

Leena: My day just gets better and better.

Angel: What do you want?

Leena: I am here to meet someone, are you here to ruin my life some more?

Angel: Hey it was not my fault you got yourself involved in a blackmail scheme.

Wesley: Angel, who is this?

Angel: The girl David got caught with.

Wesley: Ah yes, Madam Dorian’s.

Leena: Yes thanks to your friend here, I lost the best paying gig of my life.

Angel: Not taking the blame here.

Willow: The car is here.

Angel stands up and reaches his hand toward Buffy.

Leena: Hmm. Well this one is at least older, but she could lose a little weight.

Angel: She isn’t fat. She is pregnant.

Buffy: Honey lets go.

She heads for the door.

Leena: So now you are into pregnant women. You are one sick vampire.

Angel: The only pregnant woman I am into is my wife.

Leena: Wife? Next thing you will try and say that it’s your baby.

Angel: It is. Our second child actually. Bye now.

He follows the others


© 2005 Tara