Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 94


Spike is awaken by a high pitch monotonous squeal. He walks upstairs and sees Faith asleep in his arm chair. The TV station has gone off the air and is emitting the aggravating noise.

Spike: Faith?

No answer. He walks over and turns off the set.

Spike: Faith.

She appears to be asleep but he cocks his head and listens to her uneven breathing. He realizes she is awake. He just stares at her for a moment. He watches the gentle rising of her chest and how her shirt clings to her in just the right places.

Spike: Faith.

He looks around and notices her jacket is across the room. Which he knows means she has no stakes on her. He moves toward and reaches out and gently strokes her breast. She does not move. He becomes bolder and undoes two of her buttons allowing his hand to slip inside and fondle her expose nipple. She makes no reaction, so he unbuttons the rest of her blouse. He perches on the arm of the chair as he strokes and caresses her chest. Her breathing becomes accelerated but she continues to feign sleep.

Spike: Faith?

When she still ignores him he moves to unbutton and unzip her jeans. When she makes no move to stop him he is confident in the knowledge she likes what he is doing. He slips his hand deep into her jeans, mentally noting like himself she has no need for underwear. His fingers explore the warm wet regions. He begins to manipulate his fingers in a fast and stimulating movement. He can hear her breathing accelerate and he continues the pleasurable assault until he feel her on the verge of a climax. He removes his hand and walks toward the stairs.

Spike: If you want me to finish, you have to come downstairs.

He walks to his room licking his still wet fingers.




Buffy awakens and reaches toward the body beside her. The opens her eyes.

Buffy: Your not Angel.

Dawn: No I’m not.

Buffy looks past Dawn and sees Willow.

Buffy: What is going on?

Dawn: This apartment has three beds. And with eight people, that means you don’t get Angel.

Buffy: Where is he?

Dawn: He got the sofa.

Buffy: Oh.

She gets up.

Dawn: You going out there?

Buffy: Yes.

Dawn: Lets not have a repeat of the other afternoon. There is more than me here.

Buffy grabs a blanket off the foot of the bed and walks into the living room. Angel is sitting there looking at map.

Buffy: You not sleeping?

Angel: Just about to. What are you doing out here?

Buffy: Came to make sure you are warm enough.

Angel: Planning on sharing your body heat.

Buffy: Actually I brought a blanket but I like your idea even more.

Angel: You think there is room for both?

Buffy: I am not that big yet.

He lies down and she slips in between him and the back of the sofa. There legs intertwine. They pull up the blanket and he softly kisses her.


In Sunnydale

Spike lies in his bed waiting. Faith lands on the floor. He clothes still undone.

Faith: What the hell was that?

Spike: Just giving you a taste of what you are missing.

He climbs out of bed and walks up to her and looks down at her.

Spike: If you want more you need to wiggle out of these jeans.

He grabs her front belt loops and leads her over and pushes her onto the bed. He reaches down and unlaces and removes her boots.

Spike: Now don’t expect this treatment all the time. I am not big on the servant crap.

Faith: I thought you wanted to service me.

Spike reaches down and grabs her jeans and pulls them off. He kneels on the bed over her.

Spike: Tell me what you want first.

Faith: All I want is for you to finish what ever it was you started upstairs.

Spike: Liked it did you?

Faith: It felt good. I’ll give you that.

Spike: Well lets see if we can change that to great.

He slides his hand back into place.


In Las Vegas

10 AM

Wesley and Fred come out of a bedroom. They notice the blanket covered form on the sofa. Two large feet with black socks are peaking out the bottom.

Wes: Looks like he finally went to sleep.

Fred: (mentally) I don’t think he is under there alone and he is not sleeping.

Wes looks again.

Wes: (soundlessly) Oh.

He motions toward a bedroom and Fred nods. Fred walks into the bedroom.

Fred: Hey it is ten, are you two still going to breakfast?

Dawn: I sure am. Willow?

Willow: I’m up.

She looks around.

Willow: Where is Buffy?

Dawn: She went to sleep on the sofa.

Willow: Why did I even ask?

Dawn: Want any crackers?

Willow: No I am fine.

They dress and go into the living room. Wesley comes out of another bedroom.

Fred: Are they coming?

Wes: Just getting dressed.

Dawn: Hey Buffy, I know your mouth is already full, but we are going to breakfast if you want some food.

Buffy pulls back the covers.

Buffy: What is that suppose to mean?

Willow: It means quit kissing Angel and lets go get breakfast.

Buffy: Who said I was kissing him?

Willow: Fine but next time both of you wipe the spit off your lips before making denials.

Angel sits up.

Dawn: If you are going, you need to get dressed.

Buffy: I’m moving. Angel what about you? Can I get you something?

Angel: I picked up something at one of the clubs. I am fine.

Dawn: Yes, everyone avoid the brown bag in the fridge.

Buffy: Dawn.

Dawn: I did not say ew or yuck. I just said stay out of Angel’s dinner.

Xander and Oz walk in.

Willow: Xander did you get any sleep?

Xander: Not really but I laid down and closed my eyes at least.

Buffy: As long as they need her, they won’t kill her.

Xander: Keep telling me that and someday I may believe you.

Buffy: Trust me. You always have.

Xander: I am trying. But one thing when it is my life. Quite another when it is hers.

Buffy looks and Angel and then at Dawn.

Buffy: Believe me I know. Now let me get dressed.

She heads to the bedroom. Angel grabs the blanket and follows.

Dawn: Where are you going?

Angel: To bed. It is daylight.

Dawn: Oh.




Gunn: Cordy, I think Conner needs you.

Cordy: What does he need?

Gunn: He needs some motherly attention.

Cordy: Is that your way of saying he pooped?

Gunn: Maybe.

Cordy: You can slay demons and swim in sewers but you can’t change one stinky diaper.

Gunn: When did I swim in a sewer?

Cordy: Pylea.

Gunn: Oh yeah. Trying to block that one out.

Cordy: One dirty diaper should be a breeze.

Gunn: We need a good breeze. The kid is rank.


In Las Vegas


11 AM

Everyone returns to the apartment.

Wesley: I guess we need to pair back up and start looking for the range rover.

Buffy: Yes, so who is going with who?

Wesley: Well Angel was right about one person in each group that can recognize Riley.

Buffy: Okay that means, me, Dawn, Willow, and Xander. So Fred, Wes and Oz should be with one of us.

Willow: Well we need a fighter in each pair. And that is Wes, Xander, and Oz. Sorry Buffy.

Buffy: Don’t be. Okay what if Willow and Oz pair up, then Xander and Dawn, and I can stick with Wes and Fred. Does that work?

Xander: Works for me.

Wesley: So we just cruise the parking garages and phone each other if we find it. If not meet her in say four hours.

Xander: Lets go.


A few hours later

Back at the Apartment

Buffy: Okay we found it. Now we need to figure out which of the two hotels near there is home.

Xander: I say we knock on each and every damn door until we find her.

Buffy: That would take forever, and who says they would even answer the door. We just need to think about this.

Dawn: Where are Willow and Oz?

Buffy: They will be here as soon as they disable the vehicle.

Dawn: What they going to do, let the air out of the tires?

Buffy: Actually yes.

Angel walks into the living room.

Angel: I heard you in here. I was just about to call you. Kate called.

Buffy: Let me guess dead bodies.

Angel: Of course. Two found in the employee’s locker room.

Buffy: If it is near the Range Rover we found, we may have narrowed our search.

Willow and Oz walk in.

Oz: It won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Willow: I feel just like a kid doing a Halloween prank.

Buffy: But it is more like Memorial Day

Willow: You are too literal sometimes.

Buffy: (looks at Angel) I’ve been told that before.

Angel: So I guess we head to the hotel and see what else we can learn.

Willow: Excuse me.

She runs off.

Buffy: Dawn get the water.

She heads to the bedroom and comes out with a pack of saltines.

Dawn: Hey she did good. It has been three hours and she did all that walking.

Buffy: Improving.

They go into the restroom

Oz: What is going on?

He follows them.

Xander: Willow, sure looked green. I hope she is not coming down with the flu.

Fred: That was no flu. She looked just like my Aunt Gert before my cousin Norman came. Uncle Frank said she couldn’t keep anything down. But no, thinking about it, that can’t be it with the gay thing and all.

Wes: Fred, what are you talking about?

Fred: Nothing.

Buffy walks out.

Angel: She feeling better?

Buffy: Oh yeah. She will be right out and we can get going.

Xander: What is going on?

Oz comes out with Willow.

Xander: Hey Will, you okay?

Willow: I am fine.

Xander walks up closer to her.

Xander: I have known you since we were very little kids, now you going to tell me what is going on?

Willow: This is not the time.

Xander: I have never known you to keep a secret from me.

Willow: You have enough to deal with.

Xander: Will.

Willow pulls him into a bedroom.

Xander: Going to tell me?

Willow: I think you have figured it out.

Xander: Tell me.

Willow: I am pregnant, okay.

Xander: Now since you are not involved with anyone, can I ask who the father is?

Willow: You are not going to do anything insane?

Xander: Do I need to?

Willow: No, this was planned.

Xander: You planned on getting pregnant? Why? This doesn’t have to do with Buffy does it?

Willow: Actually it does in a way.

Xander: Willow, please do not tell me you went out and got pregnant just to not feel left out.

Willow laughs: No way. But it was kinda her plan.

Xander: You are so confusing. Buffy planned for you to get pregnant and you did it.

Willow: Not quite. She just suggested it to me and the father and we took it from there.

Xander: So that goes back to who is it?

Willow: You better not get all mad.

Xander: It better not be Angel.

Willow: What?! Hell no. It ain’t Angel. Buffy would kill us both.

Xander: Well then who?

Willow: No going all wiggy.

Xander: I won’t.

Willow: It’s Oz.

Xander: Oz? You and Oz.? When?

Willow: The morning before the accident.

Xander: Before Tara died?

Willow: Yes, she knew we were thinking about it. She was actually going to help me.

Xander: So this was for you and Tara? Oz is not involved?

Willow: No we were going to do it together. Just Tara and I on a daily basis, but Oz will be his dad.

Xander: So you want a boy?

Willow: I know it is. It is in the prophecy.

Xander: What?

Willow: Xander can we talk about this when we get back to Sunnydale? I am tired and so are you. We need to find Anya. I know you didn’t forget.

Xander: No, I didn’t but this is important. You are important.

Willow: But I am fine. So lets table this until later.

Xander: Are you happy?

Willow: As happy as can be without Tara.

Xander: About the baby?

Willow: I am excited. Very excited



Spike is sleeping when he feels someone come in.

Spike: If you are a demon, I will kick your ass.

Faith: Not a demon.

Spike: I thought you were at work.

Faith: It is after three. I am off.

Spike: So why are you here?

Faith: Just thought I would drop by and see what was going on.

Spike: As you can see I am trying to sleep.

Faith: Is that what you want to do?

Spike: Yes. The sun is up and till it sets I am staying in bed.

Faith: Oh.

Spike: You can join me if you want. Remember, I can’t bite.

© 2005 Tara