Forever, Always, and Then Some

Chapter 95


Buffy and Angel are walking down a hallway.

Buffy: Not complaining, by why did you pair us together?

Angel: Want a romantic answer or the truth?

Buffy: Truth of course.

Angel: I wanted to be able to keep an eye on you and not worry you were off being the hero.

Buffy: The word is heroine. So what is the romantic answer?

Angel: I can’t stand the idea of being apart from you any more than we have to and the idea of you off somewhere possibly getting in danger is more than I can bear.

Buffy: Your answers are very similar but I like the part about not being apart more than we have to.

Angel: You know I mean that.

Buffy: I do. But our lives are not our own. But I hold onto the hope that they will be someday.

Angel: We both do. Hey hold on. I hear something.

Buffy: Like what?

Angel: Not sure. I sort of bumping and low moan.

Buffy: Anya?

Angel: I don’t know but it coming from that room.


In the same hotel.

Oz: So you told Xander.

Willow: He gave me no choice. He pretty much suspected it.

Oz: So he knows I’m the father?

Willow: Yes. Would you believe he thought it might be Angel?

Oz: Buffy would kill both of you.

Willow: That is what I said.

Oz: So when were you going to tell me about getting sick all the time?

Willow: I wasn’t. It isn’t important.

He reaches for her arm and look into her eyes.

Oz: Anything that affects you, affects me. Plus I am the father, I deserve to know what is going on.

Willow: I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to get all worried when there was nothing that you could do. Bad enough we have Angel acting so overprotective.

Oz: But that is how he should be.

Willow: I hope he is not going to be your role model

Oz: The man is not wrong.


Buffy and Angel

Buffy: Well do we knock or just barge in. I do not want to interrupt someone if they are having fun.

Angel: I think I know the difference between sounds of pleasure and sounds of pain.

Buffy: So are we going to charge in.

Angel: You need to stay out here. Let me do this.

Buffy: And when someone comes running out and knocks me over?

Angel: Then stand against the wall out of the way.

He guides her up against the wall. He reaches out and grabs the door knob and wrenches it open. He walks into the dark room and looks around. There is no one there. He walks toward the bathroom. Buffy peeks in.

Buffy: What did you find?

Angel: Nothing.

Buffy walks in.

Buffy: Is this the wrong rooms?

Angel: No the sound was from in here.

Buffy walks all the way in and the door slams behind her.

Buffy: That is not good.

Angel: Lets get out of here.

As they turn toward the door, the desk chair flies into the door splintering into pieces.

Buffy: Great, a supply of stakes.

Angel: As long as we don’t get stabbed we are okay.

In the hotel lobby

Wesley: So I hear you are coming to stay with us for a few weeks.

Dawn: Yes, as soon as Willow is better.

Wesley: It will be nice. Will you be seeing your dad?

Dawn: He is in France for six months.

Wesley: That’s too bad.

Dawn: Not really, he never has time to do anything anyway.

Wesley: Well we will find some fun things. Not saying you want to hang with us old folks.

Dawn: No, I like you guys. I just want to get out of Sunnydale for awhile. Plus I want to get to know Angel better.

Wesley: Whoa.

He grabs her pulls her behind a slot machine

Dawn: (w) What?

Wesley: (w) There is a blonde coming this way.

Dawn: (w) Harmony?

Wesley: (w) Not sure.

They hide behind the machine as the young blonde walks by.

Dawn: That ain’t her.

Wesley: I know. I guess we keep looking.

Dawn: Sshh.

Wesley: (w) What?


In the room with Buffy and Angel.

Buffy: So do we try again.

Angel: Of course. Just be careful.

They head for the door. The TV flies at them. Angel grabs Buffy and covers her as they hit the ground. The bed slides across the floor and crashes into the door. Buffy and Angel crawl toward the wall opposite the door and sit looking at the door. He wraps his arm around her shoulders.

Angel: You okay?

Buffy: I am fine. But this is not fun.

Angel: Tell me about it. But we need to get out of here.

Buffy: What do we keep trying until it runs out of stuff to throw.

Angel: Just stay here and I will try to get the bed out of the way.

He eases forward and as soon as he touches the bed. The dresser races across the floor and slams into him knocking him to the ground.

Buffy: Angel, are you okay?

Angel: Great. Feels good to be run over by runaway furniture.

Buffy: We need to do this together.

She crawls over to him.

Buffy: If you can grab the bed leg and pull it, I will make run for the door.

Angel: I don’t think it will work.

Buffy: We have to keep trying.

Buffy gets ready to make a dash for it but suddenly she is on her butt and sliding across the room. She crashes into the corner near the exterior wall. The nightstand smashes in her shoulder.

Angel: Buffy?

Buffy: I am fine. I will just have a bruise the size of Texas.

Angel: I think we need to stop and regroup.

Buffy: (m) I think we need to stop voicing our plans outloud.

Angel: (m) Your right. Well I think we need to find another way out.

Buffy: (m) Doesn’t seem to be but the one door.

Angel: (m) But there is the window.

Buffy: (m) Two problems with that plan. One, it is still daylight and two, we are on the tenth floor.

Angel: (m) Well the sunsets in about an hour and I don’t think a 100 foot fall would do me too much harm.

Buffy: (m) But it would kill me.

Angel: (m) Not if I am holding you.


Elsewhere in the hotel.

Fred: So you have been doing this since high school.

Xander: Since the first day I met Buffy.

Fred: So you knew her before she met Angel?

Xander: I guess. We sorta met her at the same time.

Fred: So you never were interested in her?

Xander: Oh I was, but as soon as he walked in, there was no hope.

Fred: He kinda swept her away.

Xander: Yes, like a rip tide.

Fred: You don’t seem to like him too much.

Xander: It is not that I hate him. I guess he is okay but I was there when he went bad last time.

Fred: Was he really that bad? I mean Cordy said he was all evil but he didn’t really kill any you knew.

Xander: He killed Ms Calendar.

Fred: Who was she?

Xander: She was the school computer teacher and Giles’ girlfriend. But he didn’t just kill her. He put her body in his bed and set up a romantic evening. Giles came home and thought he was getting lucky only to find her.

Fred: That is sick.

Xander: That is our boy. Not just a killer but a sadistic monster.

Fred: But that won’t happen again. They know what not to do.

Xander: We can hope. But you know as well as I do Willow has us all prepared just in case.

Fred: I know. I have actually memorized the curse.

Xander: I think we all have.



Willow and Oz

Oz: I think we are wasting our time. This hotel is huge, so unless we get a better lead of happen to trip over one of them, we will be at this for weeks.

Willow: I am inclined to agree. I wish Tara was here.

Oz: Why?

Willow: She could do a locator spell.

Oz: To locate Anya?

Willow: Anyone of them. All we would need is something personal of theirs.

Oz: I know you can’t do it but maybe we can find someone who can.

Willow: What look under the yellow pages for Wicca.

Oz: Maybe not. But you were willing to trust Xander and I to prepare the spell to destroy The Box of Gavrock. Maybe one of us could do it.

Willow: Well Buffy and Angel have both done other spells. I could talk them through it.

Oz: So what all do you need?

Willow: We need to find a magic shop. Now that will be in the yellow pages.


Wesley and Dawn


Wes: (w) What do you hear?

Dawn: Sshh

She listens intently. Then she looks at Wesley.

Dawn: Did you hear that?

Wes: No.

Dawn: Those two bell hops were talking about the strange young couple who refuse to let them bring the deliveries into the room.

Wes: Did you hear what kind of deliveries?

Dawn: They just mentioned deliveries.

Wes: It could mean nothing.

Dawn: Let me just see if one of them recognizes their pictures.

Wes: What are you going to say?

Dawn: That I am looking for my sister who just eloped with her boyfriend.

Wes: Go ahead give it a try.

Dawn walks off. Xander and Fred walk up

Xander: Any luck?

Wes: Dawn is seeing if either those bell boys recognize the photos. They were talking about a strange couple

Dawn walks back up.

Dawn: They acted weird and said they couldn’t tell me anything. It might cost them their job but they know something.

Wes: Well that may confirm we do have the right hotel.

Dawn: Where are the others?

Xander: Willow called me and said her and Oz had a plan and would meet us at the apartment.

Dawn: And Buffy and Angel?

Xander: I don’t know. But they have time.



Angel: (m) Sun is down.

Buffy: (m) You really think you can do this?

Angel: (m) I can. Just do not hold on to me. I will need to let go before we land, but I will catch you again.

Buffy: (m) I trust you with out lives.

Angel: (m) Yours and Caitlin’s.

Buffy: (m) Yes.

Angel: (m) Well be ready as soon as I break out the window.

Buffy: (m) I got that covered. Just move as soon as it goes.

Angel: (m) What are you….

Buffy heaves the nightstand through the window. She and Angel both move at the window and he scoops her into his arms and jumps. Within 15 ft of the ground he releases her and lands and catches her. He sets her down on her feet.

Buffy: You okay.

Angel: Yeah just a little rough on the knees.

They look around at the half a dozen spectators.

Buffy: Well I hope they go that on tape the first time, because I am not doing that stunt again.

Angel: Me either. Lets go/

They run off around the building as the people begin looking around for the cameras. They enter through the front doors of the hotel

Dawn: There they are.

Xander: We were starting to worry.

Buffy: We are fine.

Angel: Speak for your self. My knees will hurt for days.

Wesley: What happened?

Buffy: We kinda got caught by some type of a angry spirit in a room on the tenth floor.

Dawn: A ghost?

Buffy: Maybe. But what ever it was, it was mad. We had to jump out the window to escape. Well Angel did at least.

Xander: Why didn’t you call us?

Buffy looks at Angel and he looks at her.

Wesley: Neither one of you even thought of it.

Angel: Why should we? Leaping out of ten story windows is so much easier.

Buffy: Okay, we never claimed to be perfect.

Dawn: Tell me something I didn’t know.

Buffy: So where is Willow and Oz?

Xander: Meeting us at the apartment.

Buffy: Now for the hard question. Did anyone learn anything?

Xander: Nothing except Dawn heard two bell boys talking about a strange young couple and when she showed then the pictures they got concerned about talking and losing their jobs.

Buffy: Sounds like we are in the right place. Just need to get another lead.

Wes: Well Fred and I are going to get something to eat. We will keep our eyes open.

Xander: Well I am not ready to go back to the apartment either.

Buffy: Do you want one of us to stay with you?

Xander: No thanks. I want to be alone.

Buffy: Nothing crazy.

Xander: Crazy won’t help Anya. So if I learn something I will call. I know how to use a phone.

Buffy: Angel We are not going to live this down.

Angel: Hey we can save their lives a few more time and then we may actually earn some respect.

Xander: That will never happen.








© 2005 Tara